看美劇學口語:A major player was about to be tagged out.

1.The next morning, before Parker Scavo’s Little League game had even begun..."

第二天上午,在Parker Scavo的小小聯賽開始之前..

.league: 聯盟

2. "Okay!"

3. (to herself): "I’m not the one who forgot my mitt."

嗨! 又不是我忘了帶棒球手套。

4."...a major player was about to be tagged out."


major: 主要的 tag out: 觸殺出局



5."Hi. I thought you guys were at practice."

我, 嗯...我以為你們在訓練

6."Oh, Parker, um, forgot his catcher’s mitt."

哦, Parker, 嗯, 忘帶他的棒球手套。

7. "Uh, Lynette, this is Lois McDaniel. She’s one of my major suppliers in the area. She’s a paper products manufacturer."

Lynette, 這位是Lois McDaniel, 她是我這一區域的主要供應商之一,她紙製品製造商

supplier: 供應商 product: 產品,製品 manufacturer: 製造商

-Lynette: "Oh."

8. "Uh, it’s nice to meet you."


9. "It’s nice to meet you, too.

You have a lovely home."

我也是, 你的家很漂亮。lovely: [口語]可愛的,令人愉快的;美好的

"Thank you."


10."Just working out, uh, some of these new contracts.Hammering out some of the little things, the minor details, overhead, shipping costs."

我們正制定新合同, 敲定一些細節方面的事:管理費和運費。

contract: 協議,合同hammer: 錘擊,敲打 minor: 較小的 detail: 細節,詳情 overhead: 經常開銷,普通用費

11."Mommy, look what I found!"

媽媽, 看我找到了什麼?

12. "I’m sorry. These are mine. Thank you. They must have

fallen out of my purse."

不好意思. 呵呵. 這是我的。謝謝!肯定是我的錢包裡掉出來的。

13. "Well, um, we don’t want to be late for the game. Nice to meet you!"

嗯, 我們不想比賽遲到,很高興見到你!

