第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套(收於2019年)第三套人民幣是知識和藝術的結晶。票幅圖案中蘊涵著人文、歷史、地理、民族、文字、書法、美術等方面豐富的文化內涵,展示著我國優秀美術大師羅工柳、周令釗、侯一民、陳若菊、鄧澍等的藝術才華,凸顯出吳彭越、鞠文俊、林文藝、劉國棟等老一輩雕刻家的藝術功底。其中五角券"紡織車間"圖、一元券"女拖拉機手"圖、二元券"車床工人"圖都是經典作品,五元券"鍊鋼工人"圖被國際錢幣界譽為世界優秀作品。The third set of RMB is the crystallization of knowledge and art. The ticket pattern contains rich cultural connotations in humanities, history, geography, nationality, characters, calligraphy, fine arts, etc. it shows the artistic talents of the outstanding art masters of our country, such as Luo Gongliu, Zhou Lingzhao, Hou Yimin, Chen ruoju, Deng Shu, etc., and highlights the artistic skills of the older generation of sculptors, such as Wu Pengyue, Ju Wenjun, Lin Wenyi, Liu Guodong, etc. Among them, the pictures of "textile workshop", "female tractor driver" and "lathe worker" are all classic works. The pictures of "steel worker" are praised as world excellent works by the international monetary circle.

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

第三套人民幣各面值紙幣全套The third set of RMB notes

