

一句話瑜伽,第347期Steph:我一直想把自己的“勢能”轉化成“動能”。l've always been one to try to transform my potential into kinetic energy.


我一直在學習怎麼掌握自己,不斷地要求自己,精進自己。l've always been one to aim for self mastery. I am always trying to raise the bar- to be my personal best.


當我達到一個目標的時候,我會立馬創造一個新的目標——山要更高,水要更深。When I reach one goal I instantly make a new one - always rising, always elevating.


話雖如此,感激當下也是很重要的。當黑暗險阻總會出現在你的人生當中時,你要明白重要地是去不假思索地找到解決的辦法。不管是去健身房,瑜伽,跑步,寫日記,冥想,打掃,煮飯,寫詩,甚至是在家裡胡亂舞蹈一通也行。While this is true it's still important to be grateful for where you are at. and when darkness and obstacles arise through out your journey (because they will) it's so important to acknowledge and without judgement figure out best practices to work through them whether that's going to the gym,flowing, running, journaling, meditating, cleaning, cooking,writing poems, dancing around like a wild woman naked in your apartment - whatever it is .


不要沉溺在黑暗中無法自拔,可惜了自己,糟蹋了自己。Don't ever let the darkness creep back in for too long that it brings you back down into mediocrity and self sabotaging patterns and vices.


總是以掌控自己為目標,我發現我的身體,心靈,精力,精神方面每天都在昇華。Always aim for self mastery. I find that l'm rising everyday in a physical, mental, energetic, and spiritual way.


甚至就在兩年前,我都不敢想我能如今天這般柔韌。我做出這種如恐龍般的瑜伽姿勢,是因為我要以不設限的瑜伽姿勢為己任。Even just 2 years ago I never thought l'd be as flexible as I am today.Yet here I am in this dinosaur ass looking pose because I am on a mission to do all that I am capable of without limitations.


有什麼事情是你一直在爭取的?你是如何掌握住自己的?What's something you've been working towards? How are you aiming towards self mastery?


​是什麼牽制了你?什麼樣的想法或習慣成了你的絆腳石?我想知道,我想和你一起解決。What is holding you back? What patterns or thoughts do you need to release in order to catapult forward into your greatness? Let me know! Let's work through them together.

VIA 福安市遠航教育、小魚兒


