适合发说说的干净小句子:知足且坚定 温柔且上进

文案|适合发说说的干净小句子:知足且坚定 温柔且上进

忠於自己 熱愛生活


Don't panic, the moon is also lost somewhere in the sea.

文案|适合发说说的干净小句子:知足且坚定 温柔且上进


After waiting for this candy, I am also the beautiful girl in off the charts who loves to laugh at her luck.

文案|适合发说说的干净小句子:知足且坚定 温柔且上进

我永远屈服于温柔 而你就是温柔本身

I will always yield to gentleness and you are gentleness itself.

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当我披星戴月的奔向你时 星河万顷都将是我给你的见面礼

When I rush to you with Dai Yue, the Milky Way will be my gift to you.

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希望以后的我们再相逢 都是站在最高处

I hope that when we meet again in the future, we will all stand at the top.

文案|适合发说说的干净小句子:知足且坚定 温柔且上进

不管世界怎么糟糕都好 我只希望你可以不要被打扰到 我希望你的路途都繁花似锦 你依旧是那个十几岁快乐无比的姑娘

No matter how bad the world is, it is good. I just hope you can not be disturbed. I hope your journey is full of flowers and you are still the girl who is extremely happy in her teens.


