新概念英語二 Lesson 68 Persistent


新概念英語二 Lesson 68 Persistent


有些動詞後只可以用動名詞作賓語,不能用不定式。這些動詞包括 avoid, admit, deny, fancy, finish, enjoy, mind(在乎,在意),suggest, stand(容忍)等

I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.

avoid meeting him,避免見到他。

came running towards me. 朝我跑過來

come和go之後可以跟與戶外活動相關的動名詞(climbing, driving, fishing, riding, shopping, walking等)表示建議、邀請或敘事

It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him.

It was no use pretending做。。。沒有用


It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do.



him. I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes.

enjoy meeting

從來都不喜歡見到Nigel Dykes

有些結構通常要接動名詞,如 busy, worth, it is no/little use, bored with, interested in, insist on, prevent…from等

No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you.

insists on coming


I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.

prevent sb from doing阻止某人做某事,from可省略

Fancy meeting you here!


fancy doing表示對後邊的動作感到驚奇

You're not busy doing anything, are you?

be busy doing


Would you mind my coming with you? he asked, before I had finished speaking.

mind doing介意做某事 finish doing結束完成做某事

你介意我跟你來嗎?動名詞可以有自己的邏輯主語my coming.句子的主語是you

There's always plenty to read in the waiting room!

waiting room候診室。動名詞做定語。a room for waiting




crossed the street to avoid寧可去穿過馬路也要不想跟他見面。

pretending that I had not seen him假裝看不見已經沒有用了,不情願的waved to him,此處可以想起一個reluctantly。

never enjoy作者神煩他。

never has anything to do作者評價他從來無所事事。

No matter how busy you are, he always insists on不管你多忙啊,他都always的堅持自己

had to think of a way得想個招阻止他一上午這麼纏著我

Fancy meeting you here!打了個招呼,很違心的跟Nigel問好。哇,想不到你也在這呀(內心戲:趕緊滾吧我可不想見到你)

was just wondering how to spend the morning -- until I saw you.正合計怎麼度過這一上午呢,直到看到你(作者聽到這句時,整個人都是要崩潰的)

Would you mind my coming with you?還沒等作者把話說完,Nigel就開始出招了(其實他自己並不知道他在出招),就要開始跟作者形影相隨了。

‘Not at all,' I lied, ‘but I'm going to the dentist.’為避免尷尬,作者撒了個慌:一點也不介意,但是我要去看牙。

‘Then I'll come with you,' he answered.There's always plenty to read in the waiting room!得逞了



Intoxicated by his success, Harry then asked for perfumed mud.

陶醉於自己的勝利,Harry於是要了perfumed mud(作者自己發明的一種並不存在的化妝品的名字)

He expected the assistant to look at him in blank astonishment.


However, it was his turn to be surprised, for the woman's eyes immediately lit up and she fetched several bottles which she placed on the counter for Harry to inspect.


For once, Harry had to admit defeat.


新概念英語二 Lesson 68 Persistent

