02.26 Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦

這一對狹長的維多利亞時代的倉庫建築修建於1850-60年代,是Lewis Cubitt為倫敦中央的國王十字街區制定的規劃方案的一部分,曾經用於儲存和中轉由英格蘭北部鐵路運送過來的煤塊。在國王十字發展協會的委託下,Heatherwick Studio將這片場地改造為了全新的購物中心。隨著煤礦業的衰落,這兩座雙層建築已經失去了昔日的輝煌。覆蓋著斜脊屋頂、由鑄鐵和磚塊砌築而成的華麗體量部分已被廢棄,在1990年代之前曾被用作輕工業工廠、倉庫和夜店等。項目團隊希望能夠強調出工業建築所擁有的獨特肌理和歷史,同時打造一個統一而現代的公共空間和購物目的地。

Originally part of Lewis Cubitt’s plan for King’s Cross in central London, this pair of elongated Victorian warehouses was built between the 1850s and 60s to store and transfer coal across London, delivered by rail from northern England. The studio was commissioned by the King’s Cross Development Partnership to revitalise the site into a retail quarter. The grandeur of the two-storey coal drops had faded with the demise of coal production. Crowned with slate hipped roofs, their ornate cast-iron and brick structures had become partially derelict, serving light industry, warehousing and nightclubs before partial abandonment in the 1990s. We wanted to celebrate the unique texture and history of the industrial buildings while also creating a unified new public space and retail destination.

▼購物中心是由兩棟用於卸煤的倉庫建築改造而來,the original pair of Victorian warehouses was built between the 1850s and 60s to store and transfer coal across London ©Luke Hayes

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio


Our challenge was to transform the dilapidated buildings and long, linear site into a lively retail precinct where people could gather and circulate with ease . To develop the concept, we drew on knowledge gained from designing Hong Kong’s Pacific Place shopping mall. We proposed to extend the inner gabled roofs of the warehouses, which would link the two viaducts and define the yard, as well as creating fluid patterns of circulation. Rather than adding another rectangular element between them that would have collided with their geometry, the existing roofs rise and stretch towards each other until they touch above the public courtyard. This intervention forms a new upper storey and gives the project a central focus.

▼兩座建築的人字形屋頂從內側擴展並相交,the inner gabled roofs of the warehouses were extended to link the two viaducts and define the yard ©Luke Hayes

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼兩座屋頂的交匯形成一個公共庭院,the existing roofs rise and stretch towards each other until they touch above the public courtyard ©Luke Hayes

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio


From the elevated vantage point, visitors can survey views south to King’s Cross and the Crick Institute, or north to Cubitt Square. Beneath, the new roof creates a sheltered twenty-metre-high space for people to linger in as well as providing a venue large enough to host concerts or performances.

▼20米高的遮蔽空間,a sheltered twenty-metre-high space ©Luke Hayes

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼兩座建築在空中彼此輕輕“觸碰”,two buildings lightly “touch” in mid air ©Hufton+Crow

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio


An amalgam of old and new, the roof form and patina is specific to the site. The new 35-metre-wide extension was designed to flow seamlessly from the original gables and create the illusion of two buildings lightly touching in mid air. This required a complex structural solution. To create a self-supporting intervention that also preserved the integrity of heritage elements, 52 new steel columns were threaded through the existing buildings, concealed behind aged brick and iron, and shored up by concrete walls and cores.

▼擴建部分從原先的三角形屋頂上順暢地延伸出來,the new 35-metre-wide extension was designed to flow seamlessly from the original gables ©Hufton+Crow

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼新增的頂層空間,interior view of the new added storeys ©Hufton+Crow ©Hufton+Crow

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼室內細部,detailed view

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio


Each of the curving new roof ribbons is formed of 20 steel sections bolted onto four trusses and tied back to the columns. Framing the top floor’s panoramic outlook are 64 panels of full-height structural glass arranged in a staggered, serrated pattern. The cladding of the new roof includes over 80,000 tiles and the roof slates are drawn from the same Welsh quarry as the original Victorian building to give a consistent blue-grey hue.

▼64塊承重玻璃板呈鋸齒狀排列,形成通高的幕牆,64 panels of full-height structural glass are arranged in a staggered, serrated pattern ©Luke Hayes

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio


Alongside the primary design adaptation of the roof is the wider restoration of historical structures.The studio sought to enhance and adapt existing buildings as much as possible. Adopting a light touch, where necessary, new additions drew on the palette of aged ironwork, soot-stained brick, slate, timber boards and the cobbled yard of stone setts. Together with more recent signage and graffiti, these rich textures are retained, preserving the Coal Drops’ distinct character.

▼商場後方的街道,street view ©Luke Hayes

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼建築師致力於維護和強調既有建築的樣貌,the studio sought to enhance and adapt existing buildings as much as possible ©Hufton+Crow

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼室內細部,detailed view ©Luke Hayes

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio


Giving 100,000 square feet in total for shopping, dining and events, the retail quarter is conceived of as a series of streets linked horizontally and vertically. In contrast to the homogenous experience of a shopping mall, the 55 units vary in size and accommodate a range of retailers – from fledgling pop-up stores to large-scale units for established brands. Entrances at both ends of the viaducts and multiple connections into the yard via bridges and stairs create an accessible space that encourages people to pass through and around the project naturally.

▼商場外觀,exterior view ©Heatherwick Studio

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

©Luke Hayes

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼屋頂視角,rooftop ©Luke Hayes

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼整體鳥瞰,aerial view ©Luke Hayes

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼施工照片,construction site ©Hufton+Crow

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼場地平面圖,site plan

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼東立面圖(外側),east elevation (ECD)

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼西立面圖(外側),west elevation (ECD)

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼東立面圖(內側),east elevation (WCD)

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼西立面圖(內側),east elevation (WCD)

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼北立面圖,north elevation

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

▼南立面圖,south elevation

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio


Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

Coal Drops Yard購物中心,倫敦 / Heatherwick Studio

