02.26 CHINADAILY每日一读(200226)

China issues guideline on public libraries reopening amid virus battle


China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a guideline Tuesday to direct steady efforts made by public libraries and cultural centers for epidemic prevention and control and their reopening.

· Ministry of Culture and Tourism: 文化和旅游部

· Issue: to make sth. known formally,宣布;公布;发出




· <strong>be at issue: to be the most important part of the subject that is being discussed,讨论的焦点

· <strong>take issue with sb. (about/on/over sth.): to start disagreeing or arguing with sb. about sth., 向某人提出异议;与某人争论

· <strong>issue from sth.: to come out of sth 从…中出来

· Epidemic: 传染病;流行病

· Epidemic prevention and control: 疫情防控;传染病防控

There is no "one size for all" policy for site re-openings, of which procedures vary depending on if a site's location is deemed to be a region of high, medium or low epidemic risk, according to the guideline.

· One size for all: 从one size fits all演变而来,意思是"一刀切;放之四海而皆准;万全之策"

· Deem: 相当于consider,意思是"认为;视为;相信"

In high-risk regions, public libraries and cultural centers will remain closed, while in medium- or low-risk regions, opening sites will be decided by local authorities.

· Local authorities: 地方政府

The sites are required to continue to give priority to and make unremitting efforts in epidemic prevention and control.

· Give priority to: 优先考虑;放在首要位置

· Unremitting: 不懈的;坚持不懈的

Venues preparing to reopen should make plans in advance and put in place sound measures, which are subject to timely and dynamic adjustments in accordance with the latest guidance on epidemic prevention and control from local authorities to ensure security, according to the guideline.

· Venue: (音乐厅、体育比赛场馆、会场等的)举办场所

· Put in place: 到位;落实到位;实施

· Sound: 完善的;健全的

· Be subject to: 受支配,从属于

