02.27 Wutopia Lab

上海北外灘街道委託社區規劃師俞挺及其團隊Wutopia Lab設計的 “最美微庭院——雲院”於2019年國慶節落成。這也是俞挺主持的城市微空間復興計劃的一個示範案例。

The council of Shanghai North Bund commissioned YU TING, the community planner and his team Wutopia Lab to construct a “Cloud in gutter”, the most beautiful micro courtyard, completed on National Day 2019. And the project is also a demonstration case of the “Urban Humble Space Revival Plan” hosted by Yu Ting.

▼庭院鳥瞰,aerial view © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

Unyielding old


The courtyard area is 380 cm²and consists of a large public green space and three small private green spaces. For functional requirements, expect the aisle and plants, we also need to design the residents’ drying racks, fences and flower racks. The courtyard is located in a miniature public space surrounded by residential buildings in Lane 138, Changyang Road, Hongkou District, a historical block. Originally the largest Jewish refugee shelter in Shanghai during World War II, the community has now become an autonomous residential area of Zhoushan neighborhood committee. Despite the efforts of the residents to maintain the decency, the communities of 100 years are still dilapidated and dilapidated. The government hopes to transform the public space through the way of “Urban Humble Space Revival Plan”, as the first step to Improve people’s livelihood, thus improve the quality of life of residents, make the old district rejuvenate.

▼街區環境,neighborhood context © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

▼“舊城裡的白雲”,“Cloud in gutter” © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

Invisible pipes



▼場地原貌,the existing site © Wutopia Lab

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

At the first time at the scene, the architect can feel intense anxiety and uneasinessarchitect of the residents. The public green space was overgrown with weeds and nobody cares. However, the biggest problem is that the underground pipeline was in disrepair and blocked all the year round. The inspection wells accumulate water and return to the stink which envelops the whole community when it rains. At that time, the residents did not care about the ugly, as long as the road can walk, the sewage can discharge, and no smell.

The residents’ anxiety prompted architects to put the first step of work on site design, dredge and replace the underground pipeline, so that the site is no longer stinking. And the second step is to make landscape transformation, thus create a small and beautiful courtyard. And the concealed work is an unplanned work. Considering about the complexity of the underground pipeline, through the discussions between the neighborhood committee and architect, the new pipeline was rebuilt without increasing the budget. After the consent of residents, construction of the project started in May, 2019.

▼更新後的庭院,the courtyard after renovation © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

Readable courtyard: Clouds and Mountains

Wutopia Lab在實踐中嘗試用抽象表達之外的符號表達形成可閱讀的設計。雲院就是一個可以使用更可以閱讀的庭院。


▼軸測圖,axon © Wutopia Lab

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

Wutopia Lab tried to express through the symbols other than abstract in practice, form a readable design. The “Cloud in gutter” is just an available and readable courtyard.

The courtyard can’t be a large “Potted plant”, that’s the mean of available. So we designed the pavilion, the winding path, and planted some ornamental and easy-to-care plants. Make the irrelevant drying racks and fences become part of the landscape. It can gather people to chat and rest, and children can play. It should be an outdoor public living room, to become the center of a deteriorating community, only with the laughter of neighbors.

▼庭院成為社區中的戶外公共客廳, the courtyard becomes an outdoor public living room in the community © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

▼晾衣架,圍欄等等也變成景觀的一部分,the irrelevant drying racks and fences become part of the landscape © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

所謂可閱讀就是要以可以理解的故事性把可用的空間組織起來便於使用者的理解和詮釋。所以在這個設計中,我使用了Wutopia Lab最常用的兩個符號形式白雲和山。白雲這個始於我女兒堂堂四歲詩歌,第一次在古北一號圖書館使用,象徵著飄渺不定但美好事物。這次是將其建築化變成用於公共空間休憩之用的亭子的屋蓋輪廓線。和綠化相得益彰。山,與之聯繫的就是山水,和雲一樣,是中國傳統的基本符號。Wutopia Lab的山的符號經過六合院,5週年微展到嘉裡中心的青綠山水已經形成了基本規制。這次通過對Wutopia Lab的山形符號的調整,統一了圍欄,晾衣架和置物架的形式。一組連綿不斷但厚度和透明度不同的裝置既滿足了功能又實際上變成了一個層層疊疊屏障的隱喻,形成一個可以理解的寓言,新建的公共綠地就是白雲籠罩下的仙山背後的秘境,它是周圍日漸老去社區的一個希望。

▼分析圖,diagram © Wutopia Lab

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

Organize the available space with a comprehensible stories, and make it easy to understand and interpret. So in this project, we used the two symbol of “Clouds” and “Mountain”, the most commonly used symbol of Wutopia Lab. The symbol “Clouds” began in my daughter ‘s poems, the first use is in the project “Underground Forest”, which symbolizes the uncertain but beautiful things.And this time, it was built into the roof outline of a pavilion used for public space rest, complement each other with greening. The “Mountain” is relating to the mountains and rivers, like “Clouds”, they are the basic symbols of Chinese tradition. After the practice in“6X Yard”、“Wutopia Lab the 5th Anniversary Exhibition”, “Blue Hill-scape Under the Red Clouds”in Kerry Center, the used of symbol “Mountain” by Wutopia Lab has formed the basic regulations. And this time, through the adjustment of symbol “Mountain” , we unified the form of fences, clothes hangers and shelves. A continuous set of installation with different thicknesses and transparency that not only fulfills the basic function, but becomes a metaphor for layers of barriers, thus formed an comprehensible fable. The new public space is just the mystery behind the fairy mountain covered by white clouds, and it’s a hope for the surrounding aging community.

▼通過對Wutopia Lab的山形符號的調整統一了圍欄,晾衣架和置物架的形式,the form of fences, clothes hangers and shelves were unified through the adjustment of symbol “Mountain” © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

▼花架和座位細部, shelves and seating area © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

Symbol is an attempt not favored by profession



雲院強化了一種獨特記憶,即作為居民的自豪感和優越感,使得居民能夠通過符號確認長陽路138弄是一種讓人們記住自己的存在。在相似性居住中建立一種的新的身份。於是在其他社區居民的豔羨下,居民讚歎道 “雖然我們住的地方小,但我們擁有一個很大很美的花園客廳。”這個客廳在70週年國慶中集合所有138弄居民共度佳節,所以最後是皆大歡喜。

▼雲院強化了居民的自豪感和優越感,the cloud yard reinforces a unique memory of pride and superiority as a resident © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

I used to despise symbols. However, in the reconstruction of the “Urban Humble Space”, I find that abstract architectural expression is easy to be ignored because the residents are confused. The residents in old district of Shanghai have an identity anxiety, they feel like they are outsiders in the deep heart, because they are in the declining old city in the magnificent new city. The expressions that designers liked are irrelevant to them, and even seem to hurt them. Creating a refined and readable symbol system that they can be proud of, for me, it’s a risk that may not be favored by the professional but is worth taking.

Proof of fact, symbol can help us express without words. The construction process is boring and messy. At first the construction was smooth and the residents were delighted to see the reconstruction of the underground waterway. But the residents were constantly obstructing when the foundation is rebuilt, the Pavilion, clothes hangers and the fence started construction, because they haven’t seen a clear look of this transformation yet, and couldn’t stand the mess, they showed no understanding. Some residents thought pavilions cover their windows, some think clothes hangers and fences were in a mess, and some residents who don’t like plants were not allowed to plant trees in front of their own doors. At that time, various complaints came one after another, the architect was accused, and the construction team was struggling. After that, it was negotiated and adjusted by the neighborhood committee, residents, designers and construction teams, hoped to balance the demands and achieve the design effect. Finally, when the courtyard appears in front of the residents, they can easily read the story and the symbolic meaning, and identify with the real dream created by the symbols.

The cloud yard reinforces a unique memory of pride and superiority as a resident, to enable people to confirm NO.138, Changyang Road through the symbols, and establishing a new identity in similar residence. So in the envy of other community residents, they exclaimed, “although we live in a small place, we have a large and beautiful garden living room.” On the 70th anniversary of the National Day, the living room gathered all residents to celebrate the National Day, which turn into a happy ending.

▼節慶中的雲院,the Cloud Yard during National Day © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

Urban Humble Space Revival Plan


“Urban Humble Space Revival Plan” means add up, gradually influence a larger area through case by case, so as to activate the vitality of communities and even the whole city. Revival of the urban humble space is not to create a good-looking scene, but to create a place, solving practical problems and creating narrative space, make it become a vitality point of some small area and loved by people. The value of symbols is to clearly convey that architecture can inspire wisdom and enthusiasm, expose facts and promote ideas.

▼小區中為人所用所愛的活力點,a vitality point loved by people in the area © CreatAR Images

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

▼平面圖,plan © Wutopia Lab

白雲庭院,上海 / Wutopia Lab

項目名稱:長陽路138弄城市微更新設計公司:Wutopia Lab主持建築師:俞挺 閔而尼項目建築師:穆芝霖 施工圖團隊:上海維英建築設計有限公司攝影:CreatAR ImagesLocation:上海Area:380 m2Material:火燒中國黑花崗岩、白色卵石、穿孔鋁板、不鏽鋼、植物Project Year:2019.10

