04.23 “嘮嗑兒”怎麼樣用英語表達才最地道?不妨一起來學習一下吧!


熊爸老師想到一個習語叫chew the fat,它可不是“嚼肥肉”,但確實起源於“嚼肥肉”,沒事嘴裡嚼著一塊鹹醃肉,與三五知己談天說地,因此跟漢語中的“嘮嗑兒”很貼切。


rain check 改天吧!

dog-tired 累成狗

black eyes 黑眼圈

crow’s feet 魚尾紋

grey hair 白頭髮

blond/sandy hair 黃頭髮

quick temper 急性子

ketchup 番茄醬

mashed potato 土豆泥

sugar-free 無糖

a narrow vision 目光短淺

bossy president 霸道總裁

smoke-free area 禁菸區

talk back 頂嘴

stand sb. up 放某人鴿子

green-eyed 眼紅

let sb. off 放某人一馬

have money to burn 有錢任性

get rid of your spare tire 甩掉肚腩

face the music 承擔後果,面對現實

spend money like water 花錢如流水

Please accept my knees. 大寫的服!(請接受我的膝蓋。)

You have got me. 你說服我了。/你難住我了。

Have cat got your tongue? 你怎麼不說話了?

I will never become a scapegoat for him. 我絕不會替他背鍋。

What’s your sign? 你是什麼星座?

I’m a typical Virgo. 我是一個典型的處女座。

Watch your mouth! 注意你的言辭!

Don’t go into too many details. 不要斤斤計較。

Even water gets stuck in your teeth. 喝涼水都塞牙。

Everybody wants a six-pack / V line abs. 人人都想要六塊腹肌/馬甲線。

Don’t buy his words. You will fall into his trap. 別相信他的話,都是套路。

Stop picking on me. 別再挑剔我了。

You are really something. 你真有辦法。

