01.28 海洋熱浪與鯨魚糾纏有關


Ocean warming has led to more whales being entangled in fishing gear off the California coast, according to research published yesterday in Nature Communications.


The study found connections among changes in forage species from heat waves, a recovery of whale populations and an increased number of whales being entangled in fishing nets.


And the paper proposes an index for assessing the risks to marine life and fisheries' economic stability.


"Warming of the ocean is impacting the ecosystem shift, and so we've had to come up with a new index to better monitor it," said Jarrod Santora, the study's lead author, an ecosystem oceanographer with NOAA Fisheries and an associate researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

“海洋變暖正在影響生態系統的轉變,所以我們必須想出一個新的指標來更好地監測它,”該研究的主要作者、NOAA漁業的生態系統海洋學家、加州大學聖克魯茲分校(University of California,Santa Cruz)的副研究員賈羅德·桑托拉(Jarrod Santora)說。

Major marine heat waves from 2014 to 2016 reduced offshore krill populations, which left migrating humpback whales hungry and searching for anchovies along the coast near active fisheries.


Additionally, the massive 2019 heat wave, also known as "the blob," delayed the crab season, which exacerbated the issue of whale entanglements.


"That switch from feeding in the oceanic environment in the outer shelf break to the near-shore environment coincided with this amplified co-occurrence between whales and fishing gear," Santora said.


