08.28 麥凱恩之死與這個自戀的時代


Death in the Age of Narcissism




Just before and after John McCain’s death on Saturday, I read many tweets, Facebook posts and essays that beautifully captured his importance.

就在約翰·麥凱恩(John McCain)上週六去世前後,我閱讀了許多推文、Facebook帖子和各種文章,它們都很好地說明了麥凱恩的重要性。

I read many that were equally concerned with the importance of their authors:


Here’s how much time I spent around McCain. I’m also close to his daughter Meghan. This is the compliment he once gave me. This is what I said back. I voted for him this many times. I agreed with him on these issues but not those. It’s difficult to describe how pained I am. Here’s a photo of me looking mournful.


Were these hymns to McCain or arias of self-congratulation? The line blurred as the focus swerved from the celebrated to the celebrator.


A measure of this is inevitable and even right. One of the best ways to convey someone’s impact on the world is to demonstrate and universalize his or her effect on us, and our own stories and memories are our inimitable additions to the conversation.


But a little of the first-person singular goes a long way.


Did you hear Donald Trump on the day Aretha Franklin died? In the first sentence out of his mouth, he defined her as “a person I knew well.” In the second, he alluded to a few of her performances in hotels that he owned by saying, “She worked for me.” The remark was classic Trump in its offensiveness. But it also reflected a more widespread conflation of eulogy and personal P.R.

你注意到唐納德·特朗普在阿麗莎·富蘭克林(Aretha Franklin)去世那天說什麼了嗎?從他嘴裡出來的第一句話,把她定義為“一個我很熟悉的人”。在第二句話裡,提到了她在自己的酒店裡的一些表演,說“她為我工作”。這是特朗普一貫的無禮風格,但也反映出悼詞和個人公關之間更為常見的一種融合。

Did you see Madonna at MTV’s Video Music Awards? She stepped up to the microphone, began to memorialize Franklin and mused at great length about the raw ambition, relentless rise and gritty resilience of … Madonna! “So you are probably all wondering why I am telling you this story,” she finally added, stirring from her solipsistic stupor.



麥當娜在MTV音樂錄影帶大獎上談論阿麗莎·富蘭克林,以及她自己。 LUCAS JACKSON/REUTERS

No, we weren’t “wondering why.” We were “appalled that.” As Stuart Heritage of The Guardian wrote, “Madonna took Franklin’s legacy and forced it through a prism so utterly self-regarding that even the jazzed-up kids in the audience looked like they were losing the will to live.” But while her indulgence was extreme, it was also emblematic.

不,我們並不“想知道”。我們對此“感到震驚”。正如《衛報》(The Guardian)的斯圖爾特·赫裡蒂奇(Stuart Heritage)寫的那樣:“麥當娜繼承了富蘭克林的遺產,強行用一個完全以自我為中心的稜鏡加以折射,以至於觀眾中哪怕是那些最興奮的孩子,看上去也像是失去了活下去的盼頭。”雖然她的這種肆意妄為是極端的例子,但也是具有象徵性的。

The rest of us have neither the megaphones nor megalomania of Trump and Madonna, but we have some of the same impulses when weighing in on famous people’s deaths. We find the one point where we intersected with them. We wedge in our own biographies. We flaunt our own résumés.


We assert our character through our grief — or our lack of it. (No shortage of cranks on Twitter deemed this past weekend an appropriate occasion to revel in their distaste for McCain.) It’s classic virtue signaling, gauchely timed and in need of a more specific phrase. Virtue grieving? Obituary opportunism?


To wade through reactions to the losses of McCain, Franklin and other public figures who have died this year is to wallow in anecdotes, information and statements of principle that are obliquely or clumsily attached to the sadness at hand.


I blame social media, which can make some kind of immediate response seem almost compulsory, like a homework assignment. It’s a midwife to bad judgment and a narcissism multiplier, with its promise of likes and shares.


I also blame journalism, which is in a phase that encourages its practitioners to treat big developments as branding opportunities, carve our own niches in others’ narratives and become characters as well as guides. Doing that without preening is tricky business, and so many of us bungle it that I’m not going to single out anyone in this column. For similar reasons, I’m not going to point fingers at the politicians and aides who pivoted so awkwardly from McCain to their own navels.

六年前諾拉·埃芙隆(Nora Ephron)去世時,我一眼注意到了一些充滿自誇的奇怪悼詞。似乎好萊塢、紐約和華盛頓的所有人都認識她。也許確實如此:她精力極為充沛,有聯絡人脈的天分。在我當時寫的東西里,我對自己和她的關係寫得太過清楚了。現在我回頭看它,感到很難堪。

I first noticed a surfeit of oddly boastful eulogies when Nora Ephron died six years ago. It seemed that everyone in Hollywood, New York and Washington knew her. Maybe everyone did: She had tremendous energy and a talent for connection. I made my own connection to her much too clear in something that I wrote then. I look back at it and cringe.


Many of us don’t fully appreciate what we’re doing, and that’s a damned good reason, among plenty of others, to pay closer attention to it. It undermines what should be our goal, which is to put someone else in the spotlight. We can’t do that if we’re crowding the stage.

說到舞臺,“旅程”(Journey)樂隊最近演出時,在他們背後的屏幕播放了富蘭克林的照片作為紀念。一位樂評人在評論中稱讚了這件事。然後,“旅程”的吉他手尼爾·朔恩(Neal Schon)及其公關人員聯繫了他,希望對文章進行修正,用公關的話說,要指出這個致敬並不是樂隊的安排,而是“由尼爾獨自完成的”。

Speaking of stages, a screen behind one on which the band Journey recently performed showed pictures, in memoriam, of Franklin. A music critic made positive note of that in his review. He was then contacted by Journey’s guitarist, Neal Schon, and his publicist, who wanted the review corrected to specify, in the publicist’s words, that the tribute was not arranged by the whole band but “was done solo by Neal himself.”


