03.07 科學家剛剛揭示了存在於126個維度中的分子的電子結構


Well, those crazy chemistry cats have done it.


Nearly 200 years after the molecule was discovered by Michael Faraday, researchers have finally revealed the complex electronic structure of benzene.

在邁克爾·法拉第(Michael Faraday)發現該分子近200年後,研究人員終於揭示了苯的複雜電子結構。

This not only settles a debate that has been raging since the 1930s, this step has important implications for the future development of opto-electronic materials, many of which are built on benzenes.


The atomic structure of benzene is pretty well understood.


It's a ring consisting of six carbon atoms, and six hydrogen atoms, one attached to each of the carbon atoms.


Where it gets extremely tricky is when we consider the molecule's 42 electrons.


"The mathematical function that describes benzene's electrons is 126-dimensional," chemist Timothy Schmidt of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science and UNSW Sydney in Australia told ScienceAlert.

“描述苯電子的數學函數是126維的,”ARC激子科學卓越中心和澳大利亞悉尼新南威爾士大學的化學家Timothy Schmidt告訴ScienceAlert。

"That means it is a function of 126 coordinates, three for each of the 42 electrons. The electrons are not independent, so we cannot break this down into 42 independent three-dimensional functions.


The answer computed by a machine is not easy to interpret by a human, and we had to invent a way to get at the answer.


So, that means mathematically describing the electronic structure of benzene needs to take 126 dimensions into account.


As you can imagine, this is not exactly a simple thing to do.


In fact, this complexity is why revealing the structure has remained a problem for so long, leading to debates about how benzene's electrons even behave.


There are two schools of thought: that benzene follows valence bond theory, with localised electrons; or molecular orbital theory, with delocalised electrons.


The problem is, neither really seems to quite fit.


