

People are always indebted to each other and tolerant to each other. It is not clear who is right or wrong, but they always feel that they are wronged.


Tangled people like to write with pencils, because writing can be regretful and everything can be saved.

我想和你玩一局狼人殺,然後抽中預言家,當上帝說“天黑請閉眼 預言家請睜眼”的時候,睜開眼睛吻你,不管你是狼人平民或是其他,我都會保護著你,大家都閉著眼,只有上帝還有你和我知道我有多喜歡你。

I want to play a game of werewolf killing with you, and then draw the prophet. When God says, "please close your eyes in the dark, please open your eyes, and kiss you. Whether you are a werewolf civilian or other, I will protect you. Everyone will close their eyes. Only God and you and I know how much I like you.


To me, you are always fresh, the cherry just Qin on the dew, the plum is slightly yellow, the days repeat, but you are always bright. Later, the cherries are red and the plum is wine. But when I look up at you, the whole world will be behind me, and it will return to the appearance of spring just blooming.


Because of you, I am attracted to the world.

生活總是讓我們遍體鱗傷,但到後來,那些受傷的地方一定會變成我們最強壯的地方 。

Life always makes us bruised, but in the future, those hurt places will become our strongest places.


When I was seventy years old, I sat on the little stool at the gate of the yard and watched the little wild flowers at my feet. When the sun was setting, the afterglow came into the yard, and the wind was warm. Everything was very gentle. The most gentle thing was that the person sitting beside me who enjoyed the flowers and the afterglow of the setting sun was the one who knew to love my whole life when I was seventeen years old.





"How long do you think it will last?"

"Four years."


"Because he said he would love me all his life."


I watched him change from a boy to a man, fade the green astringency of his body, and turn it into a hot and tender love. In this changeable world, I want to see forever with you.


