
你問我什麼時候最孤獨 ,我想大概是一個人走路忘帶耳機了吧。

You asked me when I was the loneliest. I think it was probably someone who forgot to wear headphones when he was walking.



Until now, I still feel that I have not fully grown up, or that frustrated children want to go home.



Who is not alone to find the future, who is not alone to learn to be brave.


後來我遇到了一個人,他注重細節,讓我溫柔,教我理智,但更重要的是他在一點一點的修補我曾經破碎的少女心。 ​​​​

Later, I met a person who paid attention to details, made me gentle and taught me reason, but more importantly, he patched my broken girl heart bit by bit.



Later, I heard the old things again, like the wind blowing in my ear. I didn't panic.



The vinegar that does not qualify for eating is the most sour, the person who takes the initiative is the most miserable.


總有一天,我要背一小包零食,帶上相機,穿最喜歡的襯衫和帆布鞋, 選一個最風和日麗的下午, 買一張去外地的票, 隨便去哪裡,離開這就好。

One day, I will carry a small pack of snacks, take a camera, wear my favorite shirt and canvas shoes, choose the most sunny afternoon, buy a ticket to go abroad, go anywhere, and leave it.



I have lost a lot of important things consciously or unconsciously. The road I have traveled, the places I have visited and the songs I have sung are gradually blurred in my mind. When I think about these things, I still feel a little sad, but I know that time can make some things totally different, but at the same time, it can also make other things immovable in life, such as missing, and love.



You secretly learned so many skills, when you really met the heart of the person, all the dumb shell, pulling are not like, like are careful.


