
今天,为大家分享的是:12 Ways to Improve English Listening Skills(12种方法提高你的英语听力能力,如果觉得有用的话可以关注我和转发)。







I want you to use a wide range of resources and listen to a wide range of accents as well.

You are going to meet people from all over the world with all different accents and you're going to need to understand them.So you need to be able to recognize more or less everything and diversify your English.

Focusing on that word 'variety' again




How much time do you actually dedicate to practicing and improving your listening skills?

Most of the students that I asked say around 1 to 2 hours and even then they might be exaggerating a little bit. Now you've recognized that: You're probably not practicing enough.I want you to start practicing. Honestly, practice makes perfect! You're not going to suddenly wake up and be perfect at listening. It takes time, it takes dedication and it's called a skill for a reason.



Well, I've got lots of recommendations for you which brings me to my next point: “Resources and more importantly variety of resources”

Now the most obvious one is watching TV programs or movies in English. That's good, but you don't want to rely on the subtitles. I want you to learn with your ears and not with your eyes. So what I recommend you do to take your listening to the next level is “Watch each program or movie TWICE!” I recommend that you aim for something that's less than 30 minutes. So, I want you to watch it first with no subtitles, see how much you can understand,and then I want you to watch it again with subtitles, and see what you did pick up and what you didn't pick up and then note it for next time.

Don't be afraid to replay things again and again and again!




Learn the patterns of voice that we use.

If you've got a listening exam or you're going to have a telephone conversation or some sort of interview over the phone, you're not going to be able to read the person's lips which can be really useful.

So, you really ought to practice listening blindly!







So, you really ought to practice listening blindly!

So, one really really good tip that often gets overlooked is use audio books.

Reading is great for building your vocabulary but it doesn't do much for your listening skills, because what a book does not offer you is a pronunciation guide normally. So, I would like you to start listening to audiobooks.

Pick a book that is interesting and relevant to you.





Judge it by your level!

If you're quite a low-level, choose a children's book. For more intermediate maybe go something for teenagers. And if you're advanced obviously go for something that's aimed at adults or maybe has a lot of technical language.



Remember that: If you want to check your understanding you can always buy the book as well listen to a section and then read it, listen to another and then read it.

This is a wonderful way of improving your listening comprehension.

The best website for audiobooks is audible


获取有声图书最好的网站是audile 【 http://www.audible.com/ 】

One resource that often gets overlooked is youtubers.

I'm not talking about us - lovely bunch of online English teachers. That are all over YouTube at the moment. You have an amazing resource full of free videos and listening tools.


我说的就是我们—— 一大群可爱的线上英语老师,现在youtube上面有很多很多。这样你就拥有了一个可以获得丰富的免费视频和听力素材的非常了不起的资源。

Find something that you're interested in.

Maybe you're interested in Gossip, celebrities, science, current affairs.

Search for it in English and start listening to it.


My next point is multitask.

Unlike reading or watching TV, listening is something that you can do whilst you do something else.

So once you've found your ideal resource, start to build a sort of pack of resources on your smart phoneor your computer that you can take with you.

So, if you have a long car journey, on the way to work, on public transport, whilst you're doing something else like cooking, something you don't have to concentrate on.




My next tip is do not translate, do not translate.

When you're speaking to someone in person, I want you to listen for context. Something I always say to my students is “Fluency over accuracy!” It's really important to understand that you don't need it to be perfect, you don't need to understand every single word.



You need to understand context and general meaning.

If you spend too much time analyzing each word, the conversation or monologue will have moved on, by the time you finally understood the word that you are focusing on, so you actually then have to catch up and you lose understanding.

So, instead of listening word-by-word listen to phrases as a whole.







My next tip is learn speech patterns.

Okay, I want you to research into how natives speak. English is not a phonetic language and we don't always follow our own pronunciation rules. So, what research can you do?



Well, you can look at homophones.

For example: These are words which have the exact same pronunciation but different spellings and different meanings. An example of a homophone would be “bear” and “bare” the same, but different spelling and meaning.



You can also look at minimal pairs.

Minimal pairs are words that have the exact same pronunciation apart from a single vowel sound. An example of a minimal pair would be “ship” and “sheep”.

...ship...sheep... So that... and... of the same but the vowel sound is different.


这些单词有着基本相同的发音,除了一个单元音。如:“ship” 和“sheep”,它们的其他因素发音相同,但是元音发音不同。

It's also important that you understand weak forms.

So we have strong forms of words and we also have weak forms. For example: The word “at”, on its own I say 'at,but sometimes if I'm using it in a sentence or in conversation and I'm speaking very quickly I will say at with the schwa sound. I won't say 'at three o'clock, I will say at three o'clock. It's important that you recognize that the schwa sound can represent many vowels.



我们的单词有重读式也有弱读式。例如:单词“at”,按音标标准发音'at,但是有时如果我在说一个句子或者谈话时语速非常快,我就会用非重读央元音声说at。我不会说'at three o'clock,我会说at three o'clock。所以认识到非重读央元音可以代替很多元音的发音很重到。

You also need to look at reductions.

I've got a video all about the reductions ‘wanna’ and ‘gonna’ which is also in the deion box, that will really help you out especially if you want to use those,

I know a lot of you do。

It's a really quick way of making yourself sound more native, and also contractions: I am = I'm; I will =I'll; she would =she'd.

Important that you learn those. I'm also making a video on contractions. So when that's uploaded I will also put that in the deion box.


我有一节课专门讲的缩读‘wanna’ 和 ‘gonna’,在描述框里可以找到,如果你想使用这样的词,那节课可以给你特别的帮助,我知道你们大多数人都想使用。

这是帮助你说英语更像母语者的一个快速的方法,还有就是缩略形式:I am = I'm; I will =I'll; she would =she'd. 学会这些词很重要,我也正在做一个关于缩略形式的课程录像,所以当我上传后也会放在描述框里。

So that's it for my lesson on: How to improve your listening skills?




