
Jiangmen: a home town of overseas Chinese along the Maritime Silk Road


Also called “Wuyi”, Jiangmen is located where West River meets with its tributary Peng River in Guangdong. Above the two rivers, Yandun Mountain and Penglai Mountain stand facing each other to form a shape of gate, hence the name Jiangmen (gate of rivers).


江門赤坎古鎮 Chikan Ancient Town in Jiangmen


In 2010, the film Let the Bullets Fly brought watchtowers in Kaiping, Jiangmen under spotlight. Since the Ming Dynasty, people in Kaiping built watchtowers to defend against bandits, floods, and other disasters. Those watchtowers played a significant role in guarding against bandits and floods. During the Republic of China, many overseas Chinese returned their hometown with drawings of foreign designers to build new watchtowers. In the heyday, as many as 3,000-plus watchtowers can be found here, which constituted a complex featuring Chinese, ancient Grecian and Roman style. Today, nearly 2,000 have survived.


Entering the watchtowers, you can read the history of Jiangmen on the stones.


風格各異的碉樓群 Building complexes of different styles


In Jiangmen, a shining pearl along the coast of South China Sea, the 328.7km-long winding coastline is dotted with 96 islands of various sizes. The special geographical location has enabled a booming scene in Jiangmen. Boasting many fine harbors for ships, Jiangmen was a key link along the ancient Maritime Silk Road. Shangchuan Island, Xiachuan Island, Wuzhu Island, and other offshore islands in Taishan had been passages for China-West maritime trade. Early in the Northern Song Dynasty, Jiangmen was a port for ships bound for overseas destinations and a harbor for foreign tribute ships. At the turn of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, marketplaces appeared here and later evolved into a new trade center in the Pearl River Delta. In the Ming Dynasty, Dazhou Bay of Shangchuan Island became a link for Chinese porcelain exported to other countries, and played an important role in early trade and cultural exchanges between China and Portugal. In 1904 (the 30th Guangxu Year of the Qing Dynasty), Beijie Customs was established in Jiangmen for foreign trade, which was among eight customs in Guangdong. Trade exchanges enabled the collision and integration of Chinese and Western culture, and the first economic take-off in Jiangmen. Hordes of Jiangmen people went overseas to make a living via the Maritime Silk Road, adding to the cultural scene of Jiangmen as a hometown of overseas Chinese.




Since the reform and opening up, Hong Kong and Macao compatriots and overseas Chinese from Jiangmen have donated some HKD 5.7 billion for public welfare in their hometown, laying a foundation for the fast economic development in Jiangmen.




Today, standing at a key juncture connecting the west and east of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Jiangmen is embracing its own development opportunities and will write a new chapter as a land of overseas Chinese.








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