

But that's not why I didn't come to work. I didn't come to work because I had... 但那不是我沒來上班的原因 我是因為…

Stomach flu. 腸胃炎

Listen, it's a free country. 聽著,這雖然是一個自由的國家

But this little thing of yours on the Internet, I do not want to show up in it. Okay? 但是關於你的小博客 我不想因此而使公司蒙羞

And if you don't feel like coming in to work, let me know. 如果你不想來上班了 請告訴我

Somebody will want this job. We’re trying to do something here. 有人想要這份工作 我們在這是做事的

I'm sorry. 對不起

Anyone else would fire you. 換成別人就會解僱你

A Republican would fire you. 共和黨的人會解僱你

I'm not a schmuck. 別把我當傻子

I'm in shock. I can't believe it. 我很震驚,難以置信

You're like "The Ones." If you and Eric can't make it work, who can? 你們兩個就像命中註定的一對 如果你跟Eric都不能在一起,就沒人能在一起了

All sorts of people can. Just not me because I am a bitch. 好多人在一起啊 只是我不能,因為我是個潑婦

I am, Sarah. I'm a bitch. barab,我就是個潑婦

I know. I know you are. 我知道,我知道

By the way, Garth and I broke up. 還有,我和Garth也分手了

Oh, God, I didn't even ask. I am a one-way street, just like Eric says. 哦,天吶,我都沒過問過你 Eric說的對,我是個自私的人

It's okay. I wasn't in love with him. 沒事,反正我也不愛他

Do you really think I'm a bitch? 你真的覺得我是個潑婦嗎?

- Well, yeah. - I know. - 額,是的 - 我就知道

But who isn't? 誰不是潑婦呢?

Julia. Julia不是

I've been thinking about me and Julia. 我一直在把自己和Julia對比來看

She was a secretary for a government agency and I am, too. 她是一個在政府工作的秘書,我也是

A really nice guy married her. A really nice guy married me. 我們都嫁給了一個非常好的男人

Both of us were lost 我們都曾迷失自我

and both of us were saved by food in some way or other. 又都因為食物 重新點燃了生活的希望

So major overlaps1. But let's face it, I am not Julia Child. 我們有不少相同的地方 但是我並不是Julia Child

Julia Child never lost her temper just because something boiled over, Julia Child永遠不會因為燒沸了東西

or collapsed2 in the oven, or just plain fell through. 做壞了飯或是打碎了盤子就發脾氣

And she was never horrible to her husband, I'm sure. 而且她絕對不會這麼兇暴地對她的老公

And she never behaved like, "Who has time to be married?" 她也絕不會像我一樣 “誰結婚了還有時間?”

Which is how I behave sometimes, I'm sorry to say. 我為我的行為而感到慚愧

I wish I were more like her. She deserved her husband and I don't. 我希望我能更像她 她值得她的丈夫的疼愛,而我卻不配

That's the truth. 這就是事實

Well, anyway, that's the truth for now. 至少現在是

Yogurt for dinner. 晚餐喝的酸奶

Hi, you've reached Eric Powell at Archaeology3 magazine. Leave a message. 嗨,這裡是考古雜誌的eric Powell 請留言

I hated sleeping without you last night. 昨晚沒有你,我徹夜難眠

Where are you? 你在哪兒?

I miss you. 我想你

- Hello? - Honey, is something wrong? - 喂 - 親愛的,怎麼了?

No. 沒什麼

Are you and Eric having some kind of problem? 你跟Eric沒吵架吧

Why would you think that? 你怎麼會這麼想?

Of course not. 當然沒有

[03:35.34]- Is he there and you can't talk? - He's not here. - 是不是他在場,你不好意思說啊? - 他不在這兒

I just read your blog, and it was strange and uncharacteristically thoughtful. 剛讀了你的日誌,覺得很奇怪 很不尋常的想法啊

- Where is he? - Out. - 他去哪兒了? - 出去了

Have you stopped cooking? 你不做飯了嗎?

He went out to get pizza. 去買比薩去了

Just temporarily. Just taking a little break from cooking. 只是暫時的 間隙休息一下

Well, get back to it. 接著做飯吧

It's gonna be good for you to finish something for once in your life. 一生至少做成一件事對你一生來說很好

- Julia didn't give up. - Who says I'm giving up? - Julia就沒放棄 - 誰說我放棄了?

Well, I'm just saying don't. 我只是說別放棄

Hey. 嘿

Are you back? 你回來了?

Please be back. 回來吧


