



1、主語:如果把句子比作一個人的話,主語其實就是句子的頭。很顯然,主語一般位於句首。(但也有特殊情況,需要倒裝,就好像一個人倒立一樣。例如there be結構,但這些情況不是很重要的,瞭解即可,千萬不可為了學習這些特殊情況絞盡腦汁,而主要的知識卻沒學習好,那就是抓了芝麻丟了西瓜。)例如:


Country music has become more and more popular.(名詞)

We often speak English in class.(代詞)

Two-thirds of the students in this class are boys.(數詞)

To swim in the river is a great pleasure.(不定式)

Smoking does harm to the health.(動名詞)

Whether he will turn up at the meeting has not been clear.(主語從句)

It is necessary to master a foreign language besids your mother tongue




1)簡單謂語: We study for the poor.

2)複合謂語: I can speak a little Chinese. She is reading novels. He has been to Beijing many times.

3、賓語: 賓語表示動作行為的對象,跟在及物動詞之後.


We like fruits.

I like to travel the world.(不定式短語)

I enjoy listening to popular music.(動名詞短語)

I hope(that)he is at his office.(賓語從句)


He gave me some paper.

4、定語: 定語就是在句中修飾名詞或代詞的成分。 He is a new student.



The bike in the room/over there/ is mine.

Guilin is a beautiful city.(形容詞)

China is a developing(發展中) country; America is a developed(發達) country.(分詞)

There are thirty women teachers is our school.(名詞)

His progress(進步)in English made us surprised.(代詞)

Our monitor(班長) is always the first to enter the classroom.(不定式短語)

He is reading an article(文章) about how to learn English.(介詞短語)

5、狀語: 狀語就是修飾動詞,形容詞,副詞以及整個句子的成分。狀語和定語的辨析,是中學英語考試常考的內容,只要把握住“形容詞修飾名詞,副詞修飾動詞,形容詞,副詞”就可以很輕鬆應付了。


He lives in Zhengzhou.

Light travels quickly.(副詞)

He has taughted English in the school for ten years.(介詞短語)

He is sorry to trouble(麻煩) you.(不定式短語)

He stayed up all night writing a paper.(分詞短語)

If you work hard, you will succeed one day. (狀語從句)

6、賓補: 補語一般有兩種,主補和賓補,常見的就是賓語補足語,就是補充說明賓語的。也就是,沒有這個賓補句子意思是不完整的。這些常接賓補的動詞有:find,see,paint,name,hear,make等。


We maked him our monitor.(名詞)

They painted(塗漆) their house yellow(形容詞)

I found him out


I would like you to study science in college.(不定式短語)

I saw him playing football on the playground.(現在分詞)

We found everything in the house in good order.(介詞短語)

7、表語: 位於系動詞(比如be)之後,說明主語身份,特徵,屬性或狀態。系動詞有哪些呢?很多同學比較迷惑,其實也就那麼幾種,主要包括:be動詞,感官動詞(sound聽起來,taste嚐起來等),以及become,get,turn等。


My wife is a nurse.

The weather will turn hot soon.(形容詞)

The movie is moving.(分詞)

Three times eight is twenty one?(數詞)

His job is to teach English.(不定式)

His hobby(愛好)is playing football.(動名詞)

She must be at home now.(介詞短語)

Time is up. The class is over.(副詞)

The truth is that he never loved you.(表語從句)

