



When I was six years old, I received my gifts. My first grade teacher had this brilliant idea. She wanted

us to experience receiving gifts but also learning the virtue of complimenting each other. So she had

all of us come to the front of the classroom, and she bought all of us gifts and stackedthem in the


當我 6 歲的時候,我收到了份禮物。我一年級的老師有一個很棒的主意。她想讓我們在接受禮物的同時還能學


And she said, "Why don't we just stand here and compliment each other? If you hear your name

called, go and pick up your gift and sit down." What a wonderful idea, right? What could go wrong?



Well, there were 40 of us to start with, and every time I heard someone's name called, I would give

out the heartiest cheer. And then there were 20 people left, and 10 people left, and five left ... and

three left. And I was one of them. And the compliments stopped. Well, at that moment, I was crying.

And the teacher was freaking out.我們一共有 40 個孩子,每一次別人被叫到名字,我都會很高興的叫好。

然後剩下 20 個人,然後 10 個人, 5 個人……最後剩下了 3 個人。而我是其中一個。再也沒有表揚了。就在


She was like, "Hey, would anyone say anything nice about these people?""No one? OK, why don't

you go get your gift and sit down. So behave next year — someone might say something nice about




Well, as I'm describing this you, you probably know I remember this really well. But I don't know who

felt worse that day. Was it me or the teacher? She must have realized that she turned a team-building

event into a public roast for three six-year-olds. And without the humor.


意識到自己把一個團隊建設活動變成了 3 個 6 歲孩子的尷尬時刻。而且這種尷尬一點都不好笑。

You know, when you see people get roasted on TV, it was funny. There was nothing funny about that

day. So that was one version of me, and I would die to avoid being in that situation again — to get

rejected in public again. That's one version. Then fast-forward eight years. Bill Gates came to my

hometown — Beijing, China — to speak, and I saw his message.


種事情——在眾目睽睽下被拒絕。這是一個版本。時間快進 8 年。比爾·蓋茨來到我的家鄉——中國北京——


I fell in love with that guy. I thought, wow, I know what I want to do now. That night I wrote a letter

to my family telling them: "By age 25, I will build the biggest company in the world, and that company

will buy Microsoft."

被他深深迷住了。我想,哇,我找到了人生目標。當天晚上我給家人寫了一封信,信上說,“在 25 歲之前,


I totally embraced this idea of conquering the world — domination, right? And I didn't make this up,

I did write that letter. And here it is —You don't have to read this through —This is also bad

handwriting, but I did highlight some key words. You get the idea.



So ... that was another version of me: one who will conquer the world. Well, then two years later, I

was presented with the opportunity to come to the United States. I jumped on it, because that was

where Bill Gates lived, right?



I thought that was the start of my entrepreneur journey. Then, fast-forward another 14 years. I was

30. Nope, I didn't build that company. I didn't even start. I was actually a marketing manager for a

Fortune 500 company. And I felt I was stuck; I was stagnant. Why is that?

當時我覺得這會是我創業生涯的開始。然後,再快進 14 年,我三十歲了。我並沒有成立那家公司。甚至沒有

開始。而是成為了一家 500 強企業裡一個平凡的市場經理。我感覺我卡住了,停滯不前。為什麼呢?

Where is that 14-year-old who wrote that letter? It's not because he didn't try. It's because every time

I had a new idea, every time I wanted to try something new, even at work — I wanted to make a

proposal, I wanted to speak up in front of people in a group — I felt there was this constant battle

between the 14-year-old and the six-year-old.

那個寫信的 14 歲孩子去哪了?不是因為他沒有嘗試。而是因為每次我有了新的主意,每次我想嘗試一些新的

東西,甚至在工作的時候——我想提出一個方案,我想在一群人面前講話——我感覺 6 歲的我和 14 歲的我之


One wanted to conquer the world — make a difference — another was afraid of rejection. And every

time that six-year-old won. And this fear even persisted after I started my own company. I mean, I

started my own company when I was 30 — if you want to be Bill Gates, you've got to start sooner or

later, right?

一個想征服世界,改變現況,另一個卻害怕被拒絕。然而每次那個 6 歲的我都贏了。這個懼怕甚至持續到我開

了自己的公司。我在 30 歲的時候成立了我的公司,如果你想成為比爾·蓋茨,遲早要踏出第一步,對嗎?

When I was an entrepreneur, I was presented with an investment opportunity, and then I was turned

down. And that rejection hurt me. It hurt me so bad that I wanted to quit right there. But then I

thought, hey, would Bill Gates quit after a simple investment rejection? Would any successful

entrepreneur quit like that?



No way. And this is where it clicked for me. OK, I can build a better company. I can build a better

team or better product, but one thing for sure: I've got to be a better leader. I've got to be a better

person. I cannot let that six-year-old keep dictating my life anymore.


是必須的:我要成為一個更好的領導者,成為一個更好的人。我不能讓那個 6 歲的我繼續支配我的生活。

I have to put him back in his place. So this is where I went online and looked for help. Google was

my friend. I searched, "How do I overcome the fear of rejection?" I came up with a bunch of

psychology articles about where the fear and pain are coming from.



Then I came up with a bunch of "rah-rah" inspirational articles about "Don't take it personally, just

overcome it." Who doesn't know that? But why was I still so scared? Then I found this website by

luck. It's called rejectiontherapy.com.


然後我意外找到了這個網站,叫做 RejectionTherapy.com(被拒治療法)

"Rejection Therapy" was this game invented by this Canadian entrepreneur. His name is Jason Comely.

And basically the idea is for 30 days you go out and look for rejection, and every day get rejected at

something, and then by the end, you desensitize yourself from the pain. And I loved that idea.

“被拒治療法”是加拿大一個創業者發明的遊戲,他叫傑森·康利。遊戲很簡單,你出門找拒絕,持續 30 天,


I said, "You know what? I'm going to do this. And I'll feel myself getting rejected 100 days." And I

came up with my own rejection ideas, and I made a video blog out of it. And so here's what I did.

This is what the blog looked like. Day One ...

我說:“好吧。我就這麼幹。我要讓自己被拒絕 100 天,而且把情景錄製下來。”我要自己想象出被拒絕的注


Borrow 100 dollars from a stranger. So this is where I went to where I was working. I came downstairs

and I saw this big guy sitting behind a desk. He looked like a security guard. So I just approached

him. And I was just walking and that was the longest walk of my life — hair on the back of my neck

standing up, I was sweating and my heart was pounding.

向一個陌生人借 100 美金。所以我來到公司,我走下樓,看見桌子後面坐著一個壯漢。可能是保安吧。所以我



And I got there and said, "Hey, sir, can I borrow 100 dollars from you?" And he looked up, he's like,

"No." "Why?" And I just said, "No? I'm sorry." Then I turned around, and I just ran.

我走到他面前,說:“先生你好,我能向你借 100 美金嗎?”他抬起頭,說:“不行。 為什麼?” 我說:“不

行嗎?真不好意思。” 然後我轉身就逃了。

I felt so embarrassed. But because I filmed myself — so that night I was watching myself getting

rejected, I just saw how scared I was. I looked like this kid in "The Sixth Sense." I saw dead people.



But then I saw this guy. You know, he wasn't that menacing. He was a chubby, loveable guy, and he

even asked me, "Why?" In fact, he invited me to explain myself. And I could've said many things. I

could've explained, I could've negotiated. I didn't do any of that. All I did was run.



I felt, wow, this is like a microcosm of my life. Every time I felt the slightest rejection, I would just run

as fast as I could. And you know what? The next day, no matter what happens, I'm not going to run.

I'll stay engaged.



Day Two: Request a "burger refill." It's when I went to a burger joint, I finished lunch, and I went to

the cashier and said, "Hi, can I get a burger refill?"



He was all confused, like, "What's a burger refill?" I said, "Well, it's just like a drink refill but with a

burger." And he said, "Sorry, we don't do burger refill, man."



So this is where rejection happened and I could have run, but I stayed. I said, "Well, I love your burgers,

I love your joint, and if you guys do a burger refill, I will love you guys more."



And he said, "Well, OK, I'll tell my manager about it, and maybe we'll do it, but sorry, we can't do this

today." Then I left. And by the way, I don't think they've ever done burger refill.



I think they're still there. But the life and death feeling I was feeling the first time was no longer there,

just because I stayed engaged — because I didn't run. I said, "Wow, great, I'm already learning things.




And then Day Three: Getting Olympic Doughnuts. This is where my life was turned upside down. I

went to a Krispy Kreme. It's a doughnut shop in mainly the Southeastern part of the United States.

I'm sure they have some here, too.



And I went in, I said, "Can you make me doughnuts that look like Olympic symbols? Basically, you

interlink five doughnuts together ... " I mean there's no way they could say yes, right? The doughnut

maker took me so seriously.



So she put out paper, started jotting down the colors and the rings, and is like, "How can I make

this?" And then 15 minutes later, she came out with a box that looked like Olympic rings. And I was

so touched. I just couldn't believe it. And that video got over five million views on Youtube. The world

couldn't believe that either.

她居然拿出一張紙,記下顏色和排列,思考該怎麼製作。15 分鐘後,她拿著一盒奧運五環甜甜圈出來了。我

感動極了,簡直難以置信。這個視頻在 Youtube 上獲得了超過 5 百萬的瀏覽量。看來整個世界也無法相信。

You know, because of that I was in newspapers, in talk shows, in everything. And I became famous.

A lot of people started writing emails to me and saying, "What you're doing is awesome." But you

know, fame and notoriety did not do anything to me. What I really wanted to do was learn, and to

change myself.



So I turned the rest of my 100 days of rejection into this playground — into this research project. I

wanted to see what I could learn. And then I learned a lot of things. I discovered so many secrets.

所以我把“被拒 100 天”剩下的經歷變成了個人遊樂場,變成了研究項目。想看看我能學到什麼。我學到了很


For example, I found if I just don't run, if I got rejected, I could actually turn a "no" into a "yes," and

the magic word is, "why." So one day I went to a stranger's house, I had this flower in my hand,

knocked on the door and said, "Hey, can I plant this flower in your backyard?"



And he said, "No." But before he could leave I said, "Hey, can I know why?" And he said, "Well, I have

this dog that would dig up anything I put in the backyard. I don't want to waste your flower. If you

want to do this, go across the street and talk to Connie. She loves flowers."



So that's what I did. I went across and knocked on Connie's door. And she was so happy to see me.

And then half an hour later, there was this flower in Connie's backyard. I'm sure it looks better now.



But had I left after the initial rejection, I would've thought, well, it's because the guy didn't trust me,

it's because I was crazy, because I didn't dress up well, I didn't look good. It was none of those. It was

because what I offered did not fit what he wanted.



And he trusted me enough to offer me a referral, using a sales term. I converted a referral. Then one

day — and I also learned that I can actually say certain things and maximize my chance to get a yes.



So for example, one day I went to a Starbucks, and asked the manager, "Hey, can I be a Starbucks

greeter?" He was like, "What's a Starbucks greeter?" I said, "Do you know those Walmart greeters?

You know, those people who say 'hi' to you before you walk in the store, and make sure you don't

steal stuff, basically?



I want to give a Walmart experience to Starbucks customers." Well, I'm not sure that's a good thing,

actually — Actually, I'm pretty sure it's a bad thing. And he was like, "Oh" — yeah, this is how he

looked, his name is Eric — and he was like, "I'm not sure." This is how he was hearing me. "Not sure."



Then I ask him, "Is that weird?" He's like, "Yeah, it's really weird, man." But as soon as he said that, his

whole demeanor changed. It's as if he's putting all the doubt on the floor. And he said, "Yeah, you

can do this, just don't get too weird."



So for the next hour I was the Starbucks greeter. I said "hi" to every customer that walked in, and

gave them holiday cheers. By the way, I don't know what your career trajectory is, don't be a greeter.



It was really boring. But then I found I could do this because I mentioned, "Is that weird?" I mentioned

the doubt that he was having. And because I mentioned, "Is that weird?", that means I wasn't weird.

That means I was actually thinking just like him, seeing this as a weird thing.



And again, and again, I learned that if I mention some doubt people might have before I ask the

question, I gained their trust. People were more likely to say yes to me.



And then I learned I could fulfill my life dream ... by asking. You know, I came from four generations

of teachers, and my grandma has always told me, "Hey Jia, you can do anything you want, but it'd

be great if you became a teacher."



But I wanted to be an entrepreneur, so I didn't. But it has always been my dream to actually teach

something. So I said, "What if I just ask and teach a college class?" I lived in Austin at the time, so I

went to University of Texas at Austin and knocked on professors' doors and said, "Can I teach your




I didn't get anywhere the first couple of times. But because I didn't run — I kept doing it — and on

the third try the professor was very impressed. He was like, "No one has done this before." And I

came in prepared with powerpoints and my lesson. He said, "Wow, I can use this. Why don't you

come back in two months? I'll fit you in my curriculum."

開始幾次我沒有成功,但我沒有逃,不停去嘗試,到了第 3 次,教授被打動了。他說:“從沒有人做過這事。”



And two months later I was teaching a class. This is me — you probably can't see, this is a bad picture.

You know, sometimes you get rejected by lighting, you know?


But wow — when I finished teaching that class, I walked out crying, because I thought I could fulfill

my life dream just by simply asking. I used to think I have to accomplish all these things — have to

be a great entrepreneur, or get a PhD to teach — but no, I just asked, and I could teach.




And in that picture, which you can't see, I quoted Martin Luther King, Jr. Why? Because in my research

I found that people who really change the world, who change the way we live and the way we think,

are the people who were met with initial and often violent rejections. People like Martin Luther King,

Jr., like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, or even Jesus Christ.




These people did not let rejection define them. They let their own reaction after rejection define

themselves. And they embraced rejection. And we don't have to be those people to learn about

rejection, and in my case, rejection was my curse, was my boogeyman.



It has bothered me my whole life because I was running away from it. Then I started embracing it. I

turned that into the biggest gift in my life. I started teaching people how to turn rejections into

opportunities. I use my blog, I use my talk, I use the book I just published, and I'm even building

technology to help people overcome their fear of rejection.




When you get rejected in life, when you are facing the next obstacle or next failure, consider the

possibilities. Don't run. If you just embrace them, they might become your gifts as well. Thank you.




