在Shopify賣口罩被封店? 別慌,我來教你一步步申訴。

經歷了Facebook封殺防疫物資廣告,也直面谷歌廣告禁止投放相關口罩產品, 現如今,Shopify也對相關產品店鋪進行了大清洗,很多小夥伴都遭遇到了封店,有的甚至連個提醒郵件都沒有,讓很多跨境從業者人心惶惶。

六哥也不例外,2天前店鋪也是被封,在經歷層層磨難解封, 所有,我也把整個過程分享出來,希望能對受到影響的有所幫助,賺取目前的一波紅利,同時還能為處於水深火熱的外國人,雪中送炭。


好了,先說第一個問題,沒有收到店鋪suspended郵件的,不要猶豫,打電話給客服,六哥當時把香港的,美國的,英國的,新加坡的……都打過, 只有美國能打通,平均等待時間在15分鐘左右。

這裡有個經驗分享給大家, 一定要去pin.shopify.com 拿到驗證碼,能極大增加打通幾率。 還有,儘量打美國客服: +1 855 816-3857,平均等待時間相對短一些,也比較專業。

看見那個英國+44了嘛, 25分鐘,愣是沒打通

在Shopify賣口罩被封店? 別慌,我來教你一步步申訴。

Ok, 如果收到了Suspended 郵件,那一般是這樣子的模板:

“Please be aware that we have temporarily suspended your account. Your store, **http://xxx.myshopify.com** has been flagged for listing face masks, hand sanitizer or other high demand items related to the coronavirus pandemic at excessive prices. Shopify considers price gouging to be a violation of its Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) subject to account termination.

If you feel your account has been flagged incorrectly, **please reply directly to this email** with evidence demonstrating you are selling the applicable products at fair retail prices. For example, evidence of the manufacturer's suggested retail price.

You can access our Acceptable Use Policy here and our Terms of Service here.”

好了,有機會上訴了,關注重點“fair retail prices” 趕緊回覆一封,這是我寫的,供大家參考:


We believe this is flagged incorrectly.

First of all, what we are offering is free shipping for better service.

Second, we updated and launched new medical mask which is different from the original one.

Averagely, the price for one piece is $xxx, which is reasonable.

So please review one more time. or tell us what we can do to re-open the store.


簡單說了一下,因為包郵,價格會偏高, 並列明自己的單價, 並且委曲求全,讓其告知如何去做才能重開店鋪。



Mark here from the Risk Operations Team at Shopify. Thank you for your response. Access has now been restored to your admin. In order for our team to review your request to lift the suspension on your account, please respond to this email with at least one of the following:

A. Evidence that the pricing of any products related to the current coronavirus pandemic (face masks, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, etc) are priced fairly. We suggest a link to a major national retailer’s pricing of the same or similar item.

B. Confirmation that you have removed or modified the pricing of the applicable product(s). If you have included shipping costs in your product price, we recommend you instead set up shipping rates and modify your product price to ensure it reflects fair pricing for the item.

C. A request to re-review as your products have been misidentified and are not medical supplies or products related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Once we have received this information, we will manually review your store and inform you whether or not the suspension has been lifted. Thank you for your cooperation.


非常清晰, 告知現在可以重新登陸後臺,進行操作, 提供證據, 建議提供其他商家對比價格, 將郵費和單價分開,或者證明自己產品跟病毒無關等等, 只要滿足一條, 就有機會,那還等啥,趕緊修改, 改完後,六哥立馬回覆:

“Hello, Mark

Thanks for helping out.

Per your requirements.

1, We’ve updated the price and separate the shipping fee, by the standard of DHL.

For comparison, to prove we are not pricing gouging, this is one seller on AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/50PCS-Disposable-Mouth-Cover%EF%BC%8C3-Ply-Cover/dp/B085QK1NV8/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2UEOROGXH9MN&dchild=1&keywords=face+mask+disposable&qid=1584579386&sprefix=face+mask+dis%2Caps%2C411&sr=8-2

2, As the original manufacturer, I attached the permission and certificates in this email as well, in case it will help for your review.

So, please help us to review our store one more time and looking forward to your news. ”

我安排運營趕緊把單價和郵費分開, 附上了公司的資質,並且,按照要求,提供了對比,沒錯,從亞馬遜找了個價格較高的類似產品進行對比,然後,也因為從亞馬遜找的,被駁回了, Mark回覆如下:

“Thank you for your response. I appreciate you sending in the certificates and reports.

That said, we will require more information. Please provide a price comparison from a major national retailer as Amazon is a marketplace and does not meet the requirement for a major national retailer.

Thank you for your cooperation.”

真讓人火大啊,沒辦法,開始不斷搜索國外在網上銷售的零售商,提供價格對比, 終於,找到了兩家,發了過去,回覆如下:

“Hello, Mark

Right now, the price information is just hard to find, but anyway, I have this information from “xxx”

And also “xxx” (此處涉及隱私就省略廠家鏈接了,如有需求的小夥伴,可以私信我)

please check and compare.

Thank you and best regards.”



Mark here from the Risk Operations Team at Shopify.

Thank you for your response. We have reviewed your account and confirmed that your listed products do not violate our Acceptable Use Policy. The suspension on your account has been lifted effective immediately.

We are working quickly to prevent price-gouging in relation to this pandemic and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Thank you for your cooperation.



不說了,感激涕零啊, Shopify封店風波,總算解決了, 前前後後折騰了2天2夜, 這裡可真要感謝一下Mark同學,及時的在回覆和提供解決方案, 相信看到這裡,小夥伴們也應該有信心和方向去解決封店問題了,好了,還有不懂的,就私信給我吧。


