2020中高考英语阅读材料:To heroes in harm’s way 致敬最美“逆行者”!

2020中高考英语阅读材料:To heroes in harm’s way 致敬最美“逆行者”!

2020中高考英语阅读材料:To heroes in harm’s way 致敬最美“逆行者”!

words: 265 time: 3'

选自《环球阅读》GlobalReading (2019~2020)第22期

2020中高考英语阅读材料:To heroes in harm’s way 致敬最美“逆行者”!

To heroes in harm’s way

According to Guo Yanhong from the National Health Commission (国家卫生健康委员会), over 30,000 medical workers have been sent to Hubei Province, especially Wuhan, to help fight against the novel coronavirus. They are just ordinary people, but they are all heroes.

After seeing the frontline registration (登记) notice from her hospital, nurse Su Lili from Henan Province called her husband and told him she wanted to go to Wuhan. He agreed. “On the way to the airport, he keeps telling me to eat well, sleep well and protect myself well. I thank him for his support,” Su said.

Before leaving for Wuhan, Liu Lu, a nurse from Jiangxi Province, had her long hair cut. “Looking pretty is no longer important at this moment. I must be responsible

for the safety of my patients and myself,” said the 30-year-old.

Actually, many of the medical workers fighting on the frontline were born after 1995. As the young generation in China, they were often described as immature (不成熟的) and self-centered. But their fight against the virus makes society see their bravery. Sun Qin is a 21-year-old nurse from Jiangsu Province. She said, “This is my first year of being a nurse. I was frightened at the beginning and was worried about being infected, but I was not afraid any more when seeing how my partners cheered and encouraged each other.”

These medical heroes risk their lives on the frontline of the disaster. They have once again proven what Henry Kissinger wrote in his book On China: China is always well protected by the bravest of them.



ordinary /'ɔːdənrɪ/ adj. 普通的;平常的

eg. This is not an ordinary cat. It can use the toilet itself.

responsible /rɪ'spɔnsəbl/ adj. 负责的;有责任的

拓展:be responsible for … 对……负责

eg. You should be responsible for your actions.


Sb./Sth. has once again proven (that)


eg. China has once again proven it’s a responsible country.


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