

<code>1.My name is Arvind Gupta, and I'm a toymaker.
2.I've been making toys for the last 30 years.
3.The early '70s, I was in college.
4.It was a very revolutionary time.
5.It was a political ferment, so to say -- students out in the streets of Paris, revolting against authority.
當時政局並不穩定——這麼說吧, 學生們都走上了巴黎街頭 反抗當局
6.America was jolted by the anti-Vietnam movement, the Civil Rights movement.
美國則被 反越南戰爭運動和民權運動搞得措手不及
7.In India, we had the Naxalite movement, the [unclear] movement.
我們在印度則有納薩爾巴里運動 和一些別的運動
8.But you know, when there is a political churning of society, it unleashes a lot of energy.
但你知道,當社會上出現政治騷動時, 也釋放了大量能量
9.The National Movement of India was testimony to that.
印度國民運動 就是一個很好的例子
10.Lots of people resigned from well-paid jobs and jumped into the National Movement.
許多人辭去了高薪工作 轉而投入到國民運動中去。
11.Now in the early '70s, one of the great programs in India was to revitalize primary science in village schools.
就在這七十年代早期 在鄉鎮學校裡 重振初等科學教育 是當時印度的了不起的舉措之一。
12.There was a person, Anil Sadgopal, did a Ph.D. from Caltech and returned back as a molecular biologist in India's cutting-edge research institute, the TIFR.
當時有一個叫Anil Sadgopal的分子生物學家 從加利福尼亞理工學院拿到了博士學位, 並回到了印度前沿科研機構塔塔基礎研究學會TIFR。

13.At 31, he was not able to relate the kind of [unclear] research, which he was doing with the lives of the ordinary people.
31歲的他沒法 將他的研究 與大眾的生命聯繫起來。
14.So he designed and went and started a village science program.
15.Many people were inspired by this.
16.The slogan of the early '70s was "Go to the people.
70年代早期的口號是 “走近百姓,
17.Live with them; love them.
18.Start from what they know. Build on what they have."
19.This was kind of the defining slogan.
20.Well I took one year.
21.I joined Telco, made TATA trucks, pretty close to Pune.
我加入了塔塔汽車Telco, 在浦那Pune附近製造塔塔牌TATA卡車
22.I worked there for two years, and I realized that I was not born to make trucks.
我在那兒工作了兩年 然後意識到我不是生來造卡車的。
23.Often one doesn't know what one wants to do, but it's good enough to know what you don't want to do.
人們經常不知道他們想幹什麼, 但知道自己不想幹什麼就已經夠好了。
24.So I took one year off, and I went to this village science program.
25.And it was a turning point.
26.It was a very small village -- a weekly bazaar where people, just once in a week, they put in all the vats.
那是一個很小的村子 每週有集市 在這一週一次的集市上人們會把東西都放到大染缸裡。

27.So I said, "I'm going to spend a year over here."
28.So I just bought one specimen of everything which was sold on the roadside.
於是路邊賣的所有東西 我都買了一件。
29.And one thing which I found was this black rubber.
其中我就發現了 這個炭黑橡膠
30.This is called a cycle valve tube.
31.When you pump in air in a bicycle, you use a bit of this.
32.And some of these models -- so you take a bit of this cycle valve tube, you can put two matchsticks inside this, and you make a flexible joint.
這些模型也會用到它 所以我們取一點氣門管 把兩個火柴棍放進去,我們就得到了一個靈活的接頭
33.It's a joint of tubes. You start by teaching angles -- an acute angle, a right angle, an obtuse angle, a straight angle.
我們可以開始教學角形了—— 銳角,直角,鈍角,平角。
34.It's like its own little coupling.
35.If you have three of them, and you loop them together, well you make a triangle.
如果我們有這樣的三個,並全都連接起來, 我們就有了三角形
36.With four, you make a square, you make a pentagon, you make a hexagon, you make all these kind of polygons.
4個,就有了方形 五邊形,六邊形, 所有多邊形。
37.And they have some wonderful properties.
38.If you look at the hexagon, for instance, it's like an amoeba, which is constantly changing its own profile.
比如說六邊形, 它像個變形蟲一樣,它可以不停的變化形狀
39.You can just pull this out, this becomes a rectangle.

40.You give it a push, this becomes a parallelogram.
41.But this is very shaky.
42.Look at the pentagon, for instance, pull this out -- it becomes a boat shape trapezium.
再看五邊形 拉出來,它成了梯形
43.Push it and it becomes house shaped.
44.This becomes an isosceles triangle -- again, very shaky.
它可以變成等腰三角形 還是很不穩定
45.This square might look very square and prim.
46.Give it a little push -- this becomes a rhombus.
47.It becomes kite-shaped.
48.But give a child a triangle, he can't do a thing to it.
但如果給孩子一個三角形 他什麼也弄不出來
49.Why use triangles?
50.Because triangles are the only rigid structures.
51.We can't make a bridge with squares because the train would come, it would start doing a jig.
我們不能用方形來造橋 因為當火車開上去的時候,它會開始上下顛簸
52.Ordinary people know about this because if you go to a village in India, they might not have gone to engineering college, but no one makes a roof placed like this.
大部分人都知道這個 因為即使在印度的鄉村 人們可能並沒有上過工程學院 但沒有人會造一個這樣的屋頂
53.Because if they put tiles on top, it's just going to crash.

54.They always make a triangular roof.
55.Now this is people science.
56.And if you were to just poke a hole over here and put a third matchstick, you'll get a T joint.
現在,假使你在這個戳了個洞 然後放了第三根火柴 你就得到了一個T形連接
57.And if I were to poke all the three legs of this in the three vertices of this triangle, I would make a tetrahedron.
而如果我在這個三角形的三個頂點上 插上這個T形連接的三條邊 我就有了一個四面體
58.So you make all these 3D shapes.
59.You make a tetrahedron like this.
60.And once you make these, you make a little house.
一旦有了這些 我們就可以搭一個小房子
61.Put this on top.
62.You can make a joint of four. You can make a joint of six.
63.You just need a ton.
64.Now this was -- you make a joint of six, you make an icosahedron.
這個是,你連接了6個, 得到了一個二十面體
65.You can play around with it.
66.This makes an igloo.
67.Now this is in 1978.
68.I was a 24-year-old young engineer.

69.And I thought this was so much better than making trucks.
70.(Applause) If you, as a matter of fact, put four marbles inside, you simulate the molecular structure of methane, CH4.
(掌聲) 事實上,如果我們放四顆彈子在裡面 我們就模仿了甲烷(CH4)的分子結構
71.Four atoms of hydrogen, the four points of the tetrahedron, which means the little carbon atom.
四面體的四頂點代表四個氫原子 這代表碳原子
72.Well since then, I just thought that I've been really privileged to go to over 2,000 schools in my country -- village schools, government schools,
從這時起, 我就覺得我應當 到我的國家裡2000多所學校去 鄉鎮學校,國立學校
73.municipal schools, Ivy League schools -- I've been invited by most of them.
市立學校,常青藤聯盟學校 我被大部分學校邀請
74.And every time I go to a school, I see a gleam in the eyes of the children.
每次我到一個學校裡 我看見孩子們眼裡閃著光
75.I see hope. I see happiness in their faces.
76.Children want to make things. Children want to do things.
77.Now this, we make lots and lots of pumps.
78.Now this is a little pump with which you could inflate a balloon.
這是一個小型的泵 你可以用它來給氣球打氣
79.It's a real pump. You could actually pop the balloon.
80.And we have a slogan that the best thing a child can do with a toy is to break it.
我們還有一句話叫 小孩對玩具能做的最好的事就是拆了它
81.So all you do is -- it's a very kind of provocative statement -- this old bicycle tube and this old plastic [unclear] This filling cap will go very snugly into an old bicycle tube.
所以這就是我們能做的—— 這聽起來很挑釁—— 老化的自行車內胎和老化的塑料管 這個注水蓋剛好可以插進這個自行車老內胎裡

82.And this is how you make a valve.
83.You put a little sticky tape.
84.This is one-way traffic.
85.Well we make lots and lots of pumps.
86.And this is the other one -- that you just take a straw, and you just put a stick inside and you make two half-cuts.
這是另一個 你只需要一根吸管,然後放一根小棍進去 再對半分
87.Now this is what you do, is you bend both these legs into a triangle, and you just wrap some tape around.
接下來 把這些稜折成三角形 你只需要再纏一些帶子在上面
88.And this is the pump.
89.And now, if you have this pump, it's like a great, great sprinkler.
如果你有了這個泵 它就像一個灑水機一樣
90.It's like a centrifuge.
91.If you spin something, it tends to fly out.
92.(Applause) Well in terms of -- if you were in Andhra Pradesh, you would make this with the palmyra leaf.
(掌聲) 假使你(不清楚) 她會用棕櫚葉來做這個
93.Many of our folk toys have great science principles.
我們民間玩具中有很多 都蘊含著偉大的科學原理
94.If you spin-top something, it tends to fly out.
95.If I do it with both hands, you can see this fun Mr. Flying Man.

97.This is a toy which is made from paper. It's amazing.
98.There are four pictures.
99.You see insects, you see frogs, snakes, eagles, butterflies, frogs, snakes, eagles.
你看見昆蟲 青蛙,蛇,鷹,蝴蝶 青蛙,蛇,鷹
100.Here's a paper which you could [unclear] -- designed by a mathematician at Harvard in 1928, Arthur Stone, documented by Martin Gardner in many of his many books.
這是一張能和你一起跳舞的紙 它由哈佛的數學家阿瑟·斯通 在1928年時發明 馬丁·加德納則在他的很多書中寫到了它
101.But this is great fun for children.
102.They all study about the food chain.
103.The insects are eaten by the frogs; the frogs are eaten by the snakes; the snakes are eaten by the eagles.
昆蟲被青蛙吃,青蛙被蛇吃 蛇被鷹吃
104.And this can be, if you had a whole photocopy paper -- A4 size paper -- you could be in a municipal school, you could be in a government school --
如果你有一張照相紙,或者 A4紙,你就能做它 你可以是在市立學校,或者國立學校
105.a paper, a scale and a pencil -- no glue, no scissors.
106.In three minutes, you just fold this up.
107.And what you could use it for is just limited by your imagination.
108.If you take a smaller paper, you make a smaller flexagon.
109.With a bigger one, you make a bigger one.

110.Now this is a pencil with a few slots over here.
111.And you put a little fan here.
112.And this is a hundred-year-old toy.
113.There have been six major research papers on this.
114.There's some grooves over here, you can see.
115.And if I take a reed -- if I rub this, something very amazing happens.
現在我用一個簧片來刮它 令人驚歎的發生了
116.Six major research papers on this.
117.As a matter of fact, Feynman, as a child, was very fascinated by this.
118.He wrote a paper on this.
119.And you don't need the three billion-dollar Hadron Collider for doing this. (Laughter) (Applause) This is there for every child, and every child can enjoy this.
你不需要一臺三十億美元的強子對撞機 就能做這些 每個孩子都能玩到 每個孩子都玩得很開心
120.If you want to put a colored disk, well all these seven colors coalesce.
如果你想放上一張彩色磁盤 七種顏色合在一起
121.And this is what Newton talked about 400 years back, that white light's made of seven colors, just by spinning this around.
這就是牛頓400年前討論的 白光由七色光組成 僅僅是轉轉它而已
122.This is a straw.

123.What we've done, we've just sealed both the ends with tape, nipped the right corner and the bottom left corner, so there's holes in the opposite corners, there's a little hole over here.
我們已經把兩頭用膠帶封起來 封閉了右上邊和左下角 所以對角有孔,這兒也有一個小孔
124.This is a kind of a blowing straw.
125.I just put this inside this.
126.There's a hole here, and I shut this.
127.And this costs very little money to make -- great fun for children to do.
這幾乎不用錢就能做 而對孩子們來說卻很有趣
128.What we do is make a very simple electric motor.
現在要做的是 做一個非常簡易的電動機
129.Now this is the simplest motor on Earth.
130.The most expensive thing is the battery inside this.
131.If you have a battery, it costs five cents to make it.
132.This is an old bicycle tube, which gives you a broad rubber band, two safety pins.
這是一箇舊自行車管 一根寬寬的橡膠帶,兩枚保險別針
133.This is a permanent magnet.
134.Whenever current flows through the coil, this becomes an electromagnet.
135.It's the interaction of both these magnets which makes this motor spin.
正是這些磁力的相互作用 使這個電動機轉起來
136.We made 30,000.
137.Teachers who have been teaching science for donkey years, they just muck up the definition and they spit it out.

老師們教科學已經很長時間了 他們把定義們弄混並生硬地講出來
138.When teachers make it, children make it.
139.You can see a gleam in their eye.
140.They get a thrill of what science is all about.
他們感到興奮 想知道科學到底都是些什麼
141.And this science is not a rich man's game.
142.In a democratic country, science must reach to our most oppressed, to the most marginalized children.
在一個民主國家 科學必須為我們廣大群眾所瞭解 為廣大邊緣兒童所瞭解
143.This program started with 16 schools and spread to 1,500 government schools.
這個項目從16所學校開始 發展到1500所國立學校
144.Over 100,000 children learn science this way.
145.And we're just trying to see possibilities.
146.Look, this is the tetrapak -- awful materials from the point of view of the environment.
看,這是個利樂包 所有材料都是環保的
147.There are six layers -- three layers of plastic, aluminum -- which are are sealed together.
他們有六層——三層塑料三層鋁—— 都封在一起了
148.They are fused together, so you can't separate them.
149.Now you can just make a little network like this and fold them and stick them together and make an icosahedron.
現在我們可以就像這樣製作一些小的連接體 摺疊並把它們粘起來 就做成了一個二十面體

150.So something which is trash, which is choking all the seabirds, you could just recycle this into a very, very joyous -- all the platonic solids can be made with things like this.
所以這些垃圾 這些把海鳥們噎住的廢物 可以被很愉快的循環利用起來 科學裡的很多東西都可以做成像這樣的玩具
151.This is a little straw, and what you do is you just nip two corners here, and this becomes like a baby crocodile's mouth.
這是一個小吸管 然後你把兩個角捏住 它變得像小鱷魚的嘴巴
152.You put this in your mouth, and you blow.
153.(Honk) It's children's delight, a teacher's envy, as they say.
(聲音) 他們說,這讓孩子們高興,讓老師嫉妒
154.You're not able to see how the sound is produced, because the thing which is vibrating goes inside my mouth.
你沒法看見這個聲音是如何產生的 因為振動的東西正在你的嘴裡
155.I'm going to keep this outside, to blow out. I'm going to suck in air.
156.(Honk) So no one actually needs to muck up the production of sound with wire vibrations.
(聲音) 所以事實上沒有人需要把聲音產生的原理用線振動 解釋得一團糟
157.The other is that you keep blowing at it, keep making the sound, and you keep cutting it.
另外,你可以一直吹氣 一直髮出聲音 然後一直剪短它
158.And something very, very nice happens.
159.(Honk) (Applause) And when you get a very small one -- (Honk) This is what the kids teach you. You can also do this.
(聲音) (掌聲) 當你剩很小的一截時 (聲音) 這是孩子們教的,你也能這麼做
160.Well before I go any further, this is something worth sharing.
在我講後面的故事之前, 有個東西必需要和你們分享
161.This is a touching slate meant for blind children.

162.This is strips of Velcro, this is my drawing slate, and this is my drawing pen, which is basically a film box.
這是尼龍線,這是畫圖板 這是我的畫筆 基本上要有一個膠片盒
163.It's basically like a fisherman's line, a fishing line.
還要有像釣魚人的線一樣的東西, 釣魚線
164.And this is wool over here.
165.If I crank the handle, all the wool goes inside.
166.And what a blind child can do is to just draw this.
167.Wool sticks on Velcro.
168.There are 12 million blind children in our country -- (Applause) who live in a world of darkness.
我們的國家有一千兩百萬盲童 (掌聲) 他們活在黑暗之中
169.And this has come as a great boon to them.
170.There's a factory out there making our children blind, not able to provide them with food, not able to provide them with vitamin A.
也許在那裡有一個工廠使我們的孩子們失明 沒法給他們提供食物 沒法給他們維生素A
171.But this has come as a great boon for them.
172.There are no patents. Anyone can make it.
173.This is very, very simple.
174.You can see, this is the generator. It's a crank generator.
175.These are two magnets.

176.This is a large pulley made by sandwiching rubber between two old CDs.
177.Small pulley and two strong magnets.
178.And this fiber turns a wire attached to an LED.
179.If I spin this pulley, the small one's going to spin much faster.
180.There will be a spinning magnetic field.
181.Lines, of course, would be cut, the force will be generated.
182.And you can see, this LED is going to glow.
183.So this is a small crank generator.
184.Well, this is, again, it's just a ring, a steel ring with steel nuts.
再來看這個, 這只是個環,有鋼螺母的鋼圈
185.And what you can do is just, if you give it a twirl, well they just keep going on.
你可以做的是, 如果你旋轉它 那麼它們就會一直轉
186.And imagine a bunch of kids standing in a circle and just waiting for the steel ring to be passed on.
想象有一群孩子 站成一個圈 都在等著傳這個鋼圈
187.And they'd be absolutely joyous playing with this.
188.Well in the end, what we can also do: we use a lot of old newspapers to make caps.
最後,我們還可以做的是, 我們用舊報紙 來做帽子
189.This is worthy of Sachin Tendulkar.
190.It's a great cricket cap. (Laughter) (Applause) When first you see Nehru and Gandhi, this is the Nehru cap -- just half a newspaper.
這是個很棒的板球帽 首先你看到尼赫魯和甘地 這是尼赫魯帽——只是半張報紙而已

191.We make lots of toys with newspapers, and this is one of them.
我們能用報紙做很多玩具 這是其中之一
192.And this is -- you can see -- this is a flapping bird.
你看這個 這個是一隻正拍著翅膀的鳥
193.All of our old newspapers, we cut them into little squares.
194.And if you have one of these birds -- children in Japan have been making this bird for many, many years.
如果你有這麼一隻鳥 日本小孩折這個鳥已經好多年了
195.And you can see, this is a little fantail bird.
像你看到的一樣, 這是一隻小扇尾鳥
196.Well in the end, I'll just end with a story.
197.This is called "The Captain's Hat Story."
198.The captain was a captain of a sea-going ship.
199.It goes very slowly.
200.And there were lots of passengers on the ship, and they were getting bored, so the captain invited them on the deck.
船上有很多乘客 大家感到很無聊,於是船長邀請他們到甲板去
201."Wear all your colorful clothes and sing and dance, and I'll provide you with good food and drinks."
“穿上你們所有鮮豔的衣服,唱歌跳舞吧, 我會給你們美食美酒。”
202.And the captain would wear a cap everyday and join in the regalia.
船長每天都帶著一頂帽子 穿著船長服
203.The first day, it was a huge umbrella cap, like a captain's cap.
第一天是很大的傘帽 就像船長帽一樣
204.That night, when the passengers would be sleeping, he would give it one more fold, and the second day, he would be wearing a fireman's cap --
那天晚上,當乘客們睡覺的時候 他折了一下帽子 於是第二天成了消防員帽

205.with a little shoot just like a designer cap, because it protects the spinal cord.
後面還有一個小尖角,像是一頂設計師帽 因為這可以保護脊髓
206.And the second night, he would take the same cap and give it another fold.
然後第二晚,他把這個帽子 又折了一下
207.And the third day, it would be a Shikari cap -- just like an adventurer's cap.
於是第三天成了獵裝帽 就像是冒險家帽
208.And the third night, he would give it two more folds -- and this is a very, very famous cap.
第三晚,他又折了兩下 這次成了一頂很有名的帽子
209.If you've seen any of our Bollywood films, this is what the policeman wears, it's called a zapalu cap.
如果你看過任何我們寶萊塢電影的話 這是警察戴的帽子 它叫Zapalu帽
210.It's been catapulted to international glory.
211.And we must not forget that he was the captain of the ship.
212.So that's a ship.
213.And now the end: everyone was enjoying the journey very much.
現在結局來了 大家都享受這次旅程
214.They were singing and dancing.
215.Suddenly there was a storm and huge waves.
216.And all the ship can do is to dance and pitch along with the waves.
217.A huge wave comes and slaps the front and knocks it down.
一個巨浪打中船頭 並把它打了下來
218.And another one comes and slaps the aft and knocks it down.
219.And there's a third one over here.

220.This swallows the bridge and knocks it down.
221.And the ship sinks, and the captain has lost everything, but for a life jacket.
於是船沉了 船長什麼都沒了 只剩下救生衣
222.Thank you so much.



