

法裔NBA球星魯迪·戈貝爾(Rudy Gobert)在被確診感染冠狀病毒後,昨天給發了個善意的提醒:

Just to give you guys an update, loss of smell and taste is definitely one of the symptoms, haven’t been able to smell anything for the last 4 days. Anyone experiencing the same thing?


—— update 名詞 [ˌʌp'deɪt] v. 更新;升級 n. 更新

—— loss [lɒs] n. 遺失;喪失;損失

—— smell 名詞 [smel] n. 氣味;嗅覺;嗅 v. 嗅;聞

—— taste [teɪst] n. 味覺;味道;嘗試;品味;愛好 v. 品嚐;有 ... 味道的;體驗

—— definitely 副詞 ['defɪnətli] adv. 肯定地;當然地;明確地

—— symptoms 名詞複數形式 原型:symptom ['sɪmptəm] n. 症狀;徵兆

Anyone experiencing the same thing?


—— experiencing [ɪk'spɪərənsɪŋ] n. 體驗;經歷,動詞experience的現在分詞


Anyone experiencing a sudden loss of smell could be a "hidden carrier" of the coronavirus, even if they have no other symptoms, according to evidence compiled by leading rhinologists in the UK.


—— according to ... 根據,按照,取決於,據…所說;例句:But, these sites are not without risk, according to the report. 但是根據報告,這些網站並不是沒有風險。

—— even if是“即使,縱然”的意思,為連詞,用於引導讓步狀語從句。

—— sudden 形容詞 ['sʌdn] adj. 突然的;出乎意料的 n. 突發之事

—— hidden 原型:hide 動詞過去分詞 [haɪd] v. 藏;隱瞞;遮避

—— carrier 名詞 ['kæriə] n. 運輸工具;帶菌者;運送者

—— coronavirus [kɒrənə'vaɪrəs] n. [微]日冕形病毒;冠狀病毒

【單詞】compiled 原型:compile 動詞過去式 [kəm'paɪl] vt. 編譯;編制;編纂

【專有名詞】UK [ˌjuː'keɪ] abbr. 英國(=United Kingdom)

