"fasten" "tie" "bind"表示“系,绑”的区别!

Fasten would be used for something like a latch to close/secure. “fasten”用于闩锁之类的东西去关闭/固定

“He fastened the latch on his brief case.““他在公文包上系紧了闩锁。“

“Please fasten your seat belts.”“请系好安全带。”

“She fastened her necklace around her neck.”“她把项链系在脖子上。”

Tie would be use in the case of makeing a knot."tie"通常用于需要打结的情况

or attach with a string to limit a string or something similar holding something together. 或者用一根绳子把一根绳子或类似的东西绑在一起。

“She tied off the main sheet of the jib.““她把三角帆的主帆系上了。“

“Your shoe needs to be tied.”“您的鞋需要系好。”

“Can you tie the red string with the blue string please?” “可以把红色的绳子和蓝色的绳子绑起来吗?”

Bind could be used when talking about things getting stuck together."bind"通常谈论东西粘在一起

e.g:the gears keep binding


