
2020中考英語閱讀理解材料(附練習答案)——“京張高鐵”它來了!Beijing - Zhangjiakouhigh-speed train

2020中考英語閱讀理解材料(附練習答案)——“京張高鐵”它來了!Beijing - Zhangjiakouhigh-speed train

words:207 time:3΄

Beijing - Zhangjiakou high-speed train


Now, around 30 high-speed trains serve from Beijing to Zhangjiakou. Operating from 6:05 to 20:48, these trains leave from Beijing North Railway Station or Qinghe Railway Station to Zhangjiakou Railway Station. Although not very long, this railway travels from inside the Great Wall to outside the wall. Therefore the scenery changes a lot, from the farming area to grassland. Along the way, the scenery, including lakes, mountains, flowers and the Great Wall, is definitely a feast for the eyes!

feast /fiːst/ n. 盛宴;宴會;節日

eg. The king promised to hold a great feast for all his people.

拓展:a feast for the eyes 大飽眼福

Basic facts

  • Running distance: 174 km
  • Running speed: 120 km/h - 350 km/h
  • Duration: about 45m - 1h 20m
  • Wi-Fi is available on board.
  • Stations along the main line:
2020中考英語閱讀理解材料(附練習答案)——“京張高鐵”它來了!Beijing - Zhangjiakouhigh-speed train

Beijing to Zhangjiakou high-speed train schedule (列車時刻表):

2020中考英語閱讀理解材料(附練習答案)——“京張高鐵”它來了!Beijing - Zhangjiakouhigh-speed train

Zhangjiakou to Beijing high-speed train schedule:

2020中考英語閱讀理解材料(附練習答案)——“京張高鐵”它來了!Beijing - Zhangjiakouhigh-speed train


( ) 1. When can you take the high-speed train from beijing?

A. At 6:00.

B. At 7:35.

C. At 20:50.

D. At 21:00.

( ) 2. From Beijing North Station to the Great Wall, how many stops will the train make on the way?

A. Three stops.

B. Four stops.

C. Five stops.

D. Six stops.

( ) 3. Mr. Smith plans to see his old friends in Zhangjiakou before noon. Which is the best choice?

A. Taking G2507.

B. Taking G2415.

C. Taking G2506.

D. Taking G2510.


1-3 BBA

內容選自《環球閱讀》(2019~2020)九年級 21期


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