
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:Rainslw 轉載請註明出處


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:Rainslw 轉載請註明出處
I think you mean the middle/upper-middle class Indian woman in towns and cities, in which case I suspect you may be right. They do have a tendency to be larger than women from other countries who are in the same socio-economic class.
There are several reasons for this -
1. In general, Indians are not very athletic as compared to people in other countries. We don't encourage sports among our children, and more so with girls. Women are not encouraged to be physically active and to enjoy sports.
2. Indian wives are encouraged to put the health of their families first, and others' needs above their own. Who has the time to work out and eat healthy when you have a husband to take care of and a house to keep spick and span? Moreover, who will make hot hot chapatis if she's out taking care of her own health?


Imagine this, in a month, first 15days you are fine, then slowly your metabolism reduces, fatigue kicks in, by the 20th or 22day you have pain in certain parts of your body, 25th day you get your periods. Constant blood flow with severe cramps, body pain, nausea, etc (Remember, they are custom made for each woman). So this period ends on the 29th day. Now after it ends, yes you have your energy level is at its peak but you are mentally so exhausted that you don't want to do anything anymore. This, is just one part of their life, add to that their office work, family, if she has kids then them too. When you add them all, you get a tired woman who has no interest in anything but just sit or lie down.
This is not exclusive to Indian woman, but the problem with Indian woman is that she does not find any kind of support structure. Which makes it difficult for them to deal with it, alone. So, she might not as much focus on physical fitness as you say westerners would do.
Billu Mandal
What you should be asking is, why are they voluptuous.Well women in hot and humid climate tend to be voluptuous. The humider the climate the more voluptuous they are like in Bengal whereas if the climate is dry they'll be thin


Vinati Singh
Are you sure that is the case? America has the highest obesity rate in the world. Is your comparison specific to certain areas/ cities?
Quora User
There are few Indian women who are fat, in comparison to many Indian middle-aged men who are not just fat, but have large pot bellies cause they drink a lot and are bald with bad teeth or no teeth. Have seen a lot of these kind.

