《小屁孩日记》双语阅读 6

《小屁孩日记》双语阅读 6


Mr.Underwood singled me out, probably because I'm the lightest kid in the class, and he could toss me around without straining himself. He showed everybody how to do all these things called a "half nelson" and a "reversal" and a "takedown" and stuff like that.


When he was doing this one move called the "fireman's carry," I felt a breeze down below, and I could tell my singlet wasn't doing a good job keeping me covered up.


That's when I thanked my lucky stars the girls were on the other side of the gym.


Mr.Underwood divided us up into weight groups. I was pretty happy about that at first, because it meant I wasn't going go have to wrestle kids like Benny Wells, who can bench-press 250 pounds.


But then I found out who I did have to wrestle, and I would have traded for Benny Wells in a heartbeat.

可是当我知道谁来当我的对手时, 我马上就改变主意了, 我宁可选班尼·威尔斯。

Fregley was the only kid night enough to be in my weight class. And apparently Fregley was paying attention when Mr. Underwood was giving instructions, because he pinned me every which way you could imagine. I spent my seventh period getting way more familiar with Fregley than I ever wanted to be.


