
Dr. Anthony Fauci Says Coronavirus Cure Claims By Netflix’s ‘Pandemic’ Doctor Is “Old Concept”

Anthony Fauci博士說,Netflix的“流行病”醫生聲稱的冠狀病毒治療是“老概念”。

Dominic Patten 多米尼克彭定康

Deadline 的最後期限April 2, 2020, 8:48 AM GMT+82020年4月2日,格林尼治標準時間上午8:48 +8


The man who has become the voice of reason and science from the daily White House coronavirus briefings was positively circumspect today about a declaration from one of the Pandemic physicians of a possible COVID-19 vaccine.


“I don’t know this specific individual, what they’re doing, but I can tell you there’s a lot of activity that is centered around a passive transfer of antibodies in the form of convalescent plasma,” Dr. Anthony Fauci replied to the front row question this afternoon from Fox News’ John Roberts about the widely covered claims by Dr. Jacob Glanville, who seen in the first season of the recently released Netflixseries.

“我不知道這個特定的個人,他們在做什麼,但我可以告訴你有很多活動是圍繞著一個被動轉移的抗體在恢復期的等離子體的形式,”Anthony Fauci博士回答說前排問題今天下午從福克斯新聞(Fox News)的約翰•羅伯茨被雅各布博士Glanville廣泛覆蓋聲稱,他在最近發佈的Netflix系列的第一個賽季。

“This is an old concept,” the long serving director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases added of the Distributed Bio CEO’s efforts to mutate a series of antibodies that were successful in combating the SARS outbreak nearly 20 years ago.


“In fact, immunology was born decades and decades ago with the concept of giving passive transfer of serum to an individual to protect them from infection,” the media savvy Fauci noted as President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence stood behind him on Tuesday in the Executive Mansion. “So, I wouldn’t be surprised if he and a number of other people are pursing this. It’s the right thing to do.”

“事實上,免疫學誕生於幾十年前,當時的概念是將血清被動轉移給個體,以保護他們不受感染,”精通媒體的福奇指出。週二,特朗普總統和副總統邁克·彭斯(Mike Pence)站在他身後,站在總統官邸。“所以,如果他和其他一些人追求這個,我不會感到驚訝。這是正確的做法。”

Certainly it is a timely thing to do as confirmed cases of COVID-19 move closer to 1 million globally and have seen over 40,000 deaths, according to the WHO.


Featured in the six-episode January 22 launching Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak docuseries, Golden State based Glanville told a New Zealand radio show today that “we’ve evolved them in our laboratory, so now they very vigorously block and stop the SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19] virus as well.”

在1月22日播出的六集《發起大流行:如何預防疾病暴發》中,位於金州的格蘭維爾市告訴新西蘭廣播節目,“我們已經在實驗室中對它們進行了進化,所以現在它們也非常有力地阻斷和阻止了SARS-CoV-2 [covid19]病毒。”

Earlier, with the caveat that his fast-acting potential vaccine of sorts will only protect people for 8 to 10 weeks, bioengineer and computational immunologist Dr. Glanville had tweeted out some of the science at play:


Anti-#COVID19 #therapeutic update. After 9 weeks we have generated extremely potent picomolar antibodies that block known #neutralizing #ACE2 #epitopes, blocking the novel #coronavirus from infecting human cells. Read more at https://t.co/Fht9buIZkU. pic.twitter.com/2v7NMk7kyZ

反# COVID19 #治療更新。9周後,我們產生了非常有效的微克抗體,可以阻止已知的中和ACE2抗原決定基,阻止新的冠狀病毒感染人類細胞。更多信息請訪問https://t.co/Fht9buIZkU。pic.twitter.com/2v7NMk7kyZ

— Dr. Jacob Glanville (@CurlyJungleJake) April 1, 2020

-雅各布·格蘭維爾博士(@CurlyJungleJake), 2020年4月1日

Clearly no stranger to the glare of a media spotlight, Dr. Glanville also took to his curlyjunglejake Instagram account to note that Dr. Fauci had addressed him, though not by name:

顯然,格蘭維爾對媒體的關注並不陌生,他還在自己的curlyjunglejake Instagram賬戶上寫道,福奇曾對他說過話,但沒有提到他的名字:

View this post on Instagram


Dr. Fauci is asked about our work and supports the concept of monoclonal antibodies as very well established. Fauci博士被問及我們的工作,並支持單克隆抗體的概念非常確定。

A post shared by Jacob Glanville(@curlyjunglejake) on Apr 1, 2020 at 3:47pm PDT

Jacob Glanville (@curlyjunglejake)於2020年4月1日下午3:47分享了這篇文章

“The ultimate gamechanger in this will be a vaccine,” Fauci said with no small understatement earlier in today’s top brass briefing. “The same way that a vaccine for other diseases that were scourges in the past, that now we don’t even worry about,” he pronounced as the 73-year old POTUS nodded behind him


“The vaccine is on target, we are still in Phase 1,” Dr. Fauci told an America used to instant results. “I think we are right on target for a year, a year and a half.”


There are approximately 186,000 cases of the novel coronavirus in the US and around 3,600 deaths as of today, say the Center for Disease Control.


