【English 名字俚語


萬事大吉/易如反掌,Bob's your uncle

普通平凡人,an average Joe.

轉動旋轉圓盤,turn around the Lazy Susan

分手絕交信, a dear John letter


像個男人樣,be a man

男人中的佼佼者,a man's man

婦女之友/花心男,a ladies' man

幹得漂亮,太棒了!You're the man!

達標,you hit the target

省吃儉用,husband money.

一生一輩子,man and boy


嬰兒肥的,chubby [ˈtʃʌbi]

手臂贅肉,flab on my arms

肚子贅肉,love handles

啤酒肚,a beer belly

骨架大的, big-boned

苗條,You are slim



馬甲線,Firm abs (abdominal muscles 腹肌)

Her body is so well toned健美的,especially her firm abs.

6塊腹肌, six-pack abs

仰臥起坐,Do Sit-ups

俯臥撐,do push-ups

引體向上,do 100 pull-ups


名花/草有主,Be spoken for / taken


Become public

Be in the open

be brought out into the open.

下市啦,沒機會了 Off the market

You'd better quit chasing after her. She's ….


別誤會,Don't get me wrong

消除誤會,Clear the air

說的有道理,He's got a point

管太多/太過分,you're (way) out of line


說話直接,speak straight

性格坦率,a frank man

搞笑的,so funny.

有趣,You are so much fun.

