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• the Wise Pawnshop 槍械店名

• toss sth off: (written) to drink something quickly

• dish-towel: a cloth used for drying dishes

• (公路)避車道 turnout (n) a place at the side of a narrow road where cars can wait to let others pass

• Kools 香菸牌子

• 石膏模型(以作為偵查案件證據之用) a moulage

tread-and-wear pattern 胎面和磨損情況


In the living room of Quentin's bungalow, four dishtowels had been found lying on the sofa. There were bullet-holes through them and powder-burns on them. The detective theorized (over the agonized objections

of Andy's lawyer) that the murderer had wrapped the towels around the muzzle of the murder-weapon to muffle the sound of the gunshots.


Andy Dufresne took the stand in his own defense and told his story calmly, coolly, and dispassionately. He said he had begun to hear distressing rumors about his wife and Glenn Quentin as early as the last week in July. In August he had become distressed enough to investigate a bit. On an evening when Linda was supposed to have gone shopping in Portland after her tennis lesson, Andy had followed her and Quentin to Quentin's one-story rented house (inevitably dubbed 'the love-nest' by the papers). He had parked in the turnout until Quentin drove her back to the country club where her car was parked, about three hours later.

• take the stand (v) (v) give testimony in a court of law

• love-nest 愛巢


'Do you mean to tell this court that your wife did not recognize your brand-new Plymouth sedan behind Quentin's car?' the DA asked him on cross- examination.'I swapped cars for the evening with a friend,' Andy said, and this cool admission of how well-planned his investigation had been did him no good at all in the eyes of the jury.After returning the friend's car and picking up his own, he had gone home. Linda had been in bed, reading a book. He asked her how her trip to Portland had been. She replied that it had been fun, but she hadn't seen anything she liked well enough to buy. That's when I knew for sure,' Andy told the breathless spectators. He spoke in the same calm, remote voice in which he delivered almost all of his testimony.'What was your frame of mind in the seventeen days between then and the night your wife was murdered?' Andy's lawyer asked him.

• state/frame of mind: the way someone is thinking and feeling at a particular time





'I was in great distress,' Andy said calmly, coldly. Like a man reciting a shopping list he said that he had considered suicide, and had even gone so far as to purchase a gun in Lewiston on 8 September.His lawyer then invited him to tell the jury what had happened after his wife left to meet Glenn Quentin on the night of the murders. Andy told them ... and the impression he made was the worst possible.I knew him for close to thirty years, and I can tell you he was the most

self- possessed man I've ever known. What was right with him he'd only give you a little at a time. What was wrong with him he kept bottled up inside. If he ever had a dark night of the soul, as some writer or other has called it, you would never know. He was the type of man who, if he had decided to commit suicide, would do it without leaving a note but not until his affairs had been put neatly in order. If he had cried on the witness stand, or if his voice had thickened and grown hesitant, even if he had gotten yelling at that Washington-bound District Attorney, I don't believe he would have gotten the life sentence he w ound up with. Even if he had've he would have been out on parole by 1954. But he told his story like a recording machine, seeming to say to the jury: this is it. Take it or leave it. They left it.

• 鎮定沉著的 self-possessed (adj) calm, confident, and in control of your feelings, even in difficult or unexpected situations - used to show approval

• bottle sth up (inside sb) (v) to hold one's feelings within; to keep from saying something that one feels strongly about.

• put in order (v) to make something tidy. 如果他決定自殺的話,他會等到所有事情都處 理得乾淨俐落,連字條都不留。

• bound (adj) heading for; travelling towards a particular place or in a particular direction

bound for London = London-bound

homeward-bound (=travelling towards home) commuters

• Washington-bound (adj) It means that the person is on his way to Washington, either running for election to a position or a political appointment.

• a recording machine 錄音機

• take it or leave it: 要就答應,要不就拉倒(take 拿; leave 是留下)表達自己強勢的意見




He said he was drunk that night, that he'd been more or less drunk since 24

August, and that he was a man who didn't handle his liquor very well.









