

What' s your favorite book?






1. 是什麼? 主要包括書名、作家和簡要的內容介紹。特別是鮮有人知的一些書籍,內容簡要介 紹就非常重要啦~

2. 為什麼?你喜歡這本書的原因。原因最好就要覆蓋多個角度,既然是書籍,那麼可能會涉及到以下角度:

  • 內容方面:先進性、教育性。

  • 寫作技巧方面:修辭使用等。

  • 對人的影響,意義等。 e.g. It provides me some enlightenment when I was ...
  • 對作家的喜愛。e.g. ... has enjoyed sustaining reputationfor over ... years.

3. 總結。對這本書評價等。e.g. All in all, I think the book is very illuminating...



話不多說,下面就以《傲慢與偏見》(Pride and Prejudice)為例子,給大家展示答題模板:



My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice, which is written by Jane Austen. The book is a time-honored classic, so I think most of you have heard about it.


The novel mainly centers on the turbulent relationship between Elizabeth, the daughter of a country gentleman, and Darcy, a rich landowner.

By showing the development of their relationship, it reveals the beauty of women both externally and internally as well as their desire for freedom in marriage life.



I found the book inspiring for the following reasons.


First of all, it lends support to people who are facing the dilemma of love and fortune. In the book, it was the pride of rank, self-respect and prejudice against the social status that made the two protagonists sorrowful. So from this book, we can realize the importance of equality, respect, and compromise in love and marriage.


Secondly, it shows the author’s skillful employment of English, which can help us understand how to write in a subtle manner.In the book, the writer use figures of speech dedicatedly, such as contrast and etc. And this unexpected strong contrast and change can create a sense of humor and make the work charming.



All in all, the book has a lot of insightful illuminations for us at present, and I think that is the reason why it has enjoyed sustaining reputation for over two hundred years.


