雙語閱讀:Talking about jealousy

雙語閱讀:Talking about jealousy | 淺談嫉妒

雙語閱讀:Talking about jealousy | 淺談嫉妒

Jealousy bases on competition


It neither forms competition nor be liable to generate jealousy in different professions. Hence, the scholar won't be able to envy the popularity of famous actors, and the actor won't be able to envy the sudden richness of merchant princes. However, if in the bottom heart the scholar is an actor and the actor is a merchant, both of them will envy famous actors and merchant princes and be willing to be pop and wealthy in a night for they are all in the vanity fair focusing in the same area.


In the same field, human isn't easy to be jealous of the ones who are far behind oneself or far better upon self for the gap of ability is so huge. Jealousy must be able to emerge among the persons with equal abilities between whom the argue erupts at most. Therefore, there are few persons of utmost wise and stupid while a large amount of people are crowded in the middle layer, and as a result the grudge is common.


To the success of others, under the very two circumstances we are sure to be tolerable. One is that if the particle of success we own both ability and opportunity to acquire but not mean to, then a sense of superiority emerges as if we are on the top of the sort of success. And the other is that if the particle of success we own neither ability nor opportunity to acquire so that we won't be able to catch, then the sense of indifference emerges as if we stand far from the sort of success.


While we should be alarmed that if the success of others we either own the ability or opportunity incapable of acquiring for, the jealousy will occupy our mind smoothly.


雙語閱讀:Talking about jealousy | 淺談嫉妒

We feel grief when we are short of a material of necessity. We feel ten times more grief when we lack a substance of no necessity but unable to get. We feel a hundred sadder when we can't acquire the things whereas others do it.


According to the torment brought about for us, the jealousy ranks first, the inferior is the desire of occupation, and deficiency is the last.


Jealousy is a sort of strong and depressed feeling of unhappiness for the joy(happiness, rich, success etc.)of others.


Among humans' psychology, maybe there is no stranger emotion than jealousy. On the one hand it's extremely common, almost a shared instinct embodied in everybody. On the other, it seems to be bitterly disrepute so everyone desires to search it as an untold sin to hide. Consequently, it transforms into subconsciousness as a gout of dark fire scalds hotly the heart of the envious man. This sort of bitter and intense torment is enough to drive him to be crazy, commit a crime and even murdering.


When the jealousy is arrested in vain, it erupts hatred, and reversely it turns as slight.


While being hatred, jealousy fearlessly eyes upon his foe. While being contemptuous, jealousy turns its face not to see its target.


Since everyone can't escape from jealousy, maybe we should consider it as a moderate material without treating it either as good or evil simply. Only when it hurts oneself, it's a sick. Only when it hurts others, it's an evil.


If my hatred man is unwilling to go to the hell, let him rise into the heaven so long as he is cleared off in front of me.


My jealousy has neatness as well. I never envy my disgusted persons, even if they enjoy themselves in paradise.


雙語閱讀:Talking about jealousy | 淺談嫉妒

