牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Who Is It?



牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Who Is It?

解析:带着孩子一起读出来书名 Who Is It?

Look at the front cover. 指着Floppy问孩子:Who Is It?It is Floppy. Is this real Floppy? It is Floppy's shadow. What is Floppy doing? He is jumping for a ball. How many children can you see? Let's count together. One, Two, Three. There are three children. So how do you think the game they are playing? (回答不出来也没关系)Ok. You can keep this question in your mind. And let's come to the story.

牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Who Is It?

解析:视觉大发现游戏-What can you spy? We can spy a light, two shadows, and four children. Have you ever seen your shadow? Everyone makes a shadow. Can you so the same with the Chip? Raise your right hand and lift your right foot. Wow, it is so funny. How many children can you see? Let's count together. One, Two, Three, Four. Yeah, there are four children here. They are playing the Shadow Game.

牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Who Is It?

解析:分别指着Biff and Chip问孩子:Who is it?(不断重复,带孩子熟悉句型)It's Biff/Chip. 指着Chip的手问孩子:How does it look like? It looks like a dog. These are dog's ears. This is dog's mouth. This is dog's tongue. How can it be? 教孩子比一比狗狗的手影吧。Biff and Chip are playing. Kipper, Wilf and Wildma are watching. What about Dad? He got a little swim ring in his hand.

牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Who Is It?

原文:Mum and Kipper.

解析:BIiff and Chip finished playing. Who's turn to play? 分别着指着Mum and Kipper问孩子 Who is it? It's Mum/Kipper. Mum got a flyswatter to chase the fly away.And Kipper almost fall down. Who are watching Mum and Kipper?分别指着观看的几个人问孩子,Who is it?分别介绍,进一步熟悉句型. Dad got a thick quilt in his hand. In the previous page, Dad got a little swim ring, can you make a proper guess what he wants to do?

牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Who Is It?

原文:Floppy and spaceman.

解析:分别指着Flpoppy和Spaceman问:Who is it?It's Floppy/Spaceman. Wow, a spaceman. But where is Dad? Dad is missing. Can you help them find Dad?

牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Who Is It?

解析:Ho...Ho...Surprise. It is not a real spaceman. It is Dad. Dad is dressed up as a spaceman. How does Dad make himself look like a spaceman? He put a big bowl on his head. A little swim ring on his neck. He wears thick coat. And thick quilts are his pants. He makes himself a spaceman. Everyone loves this spaceman.


What's your favorite part of this shadow game?(根据孩子的阅读情况适当提问讨论复盘内容)


1. 晚上熄灯之后,用一把手电筒跟孩子玩一玩影子游戏。以下提供一些影子手势图片。

2. 用这本书学习的句型:Who is it?It is....

牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Who Is It?

1. Shine the torch onto these hands. What shadow shapes do they make?

2. Hello Fox. How are you on your walk through the woods?

3. Shine your torch again. What shadow shape appears now?

4. Hello, Bird!How are you as you fly through the sky?

5. Who appears when you shine your torch this time?

6. Hello, Dog! How are you as you run around the garden?

7. Point the torch straight at this hand shape.

8. Hello, Crab! How are you as you scuttle sideways to the sea?

9. What kind of shadow shape can we make together?

10. A heartshape. Hello, my darling! Look how much I love you.

