
在通過下流手段構陷我國的孫楊後,世界反興奮劑組織(WADA)近期又對俄羅斯下手了,打算以測試數據異常的理由禁止俄羅斯參與或舉辦大型運動會。這個名為反興奮劑的組織,一方面“寬宏大量地”豁免西方運動員“因各種聞所未聞的疾病”合法服用禁藥,很多世界知名的歐美田徑、游泳、網球、籃球運動員都身患怪疾、身殘志堅奮鬥在賽場上爭金奪銀(豁免清單上卻幾乎見不到中國人,孫楊此前就是因為該組織突然變更禁藥清單導致誤服被禁賽,至今汙名難除),一方面盯著中俄死咬不放,配合西方媒體給中俄潑髒水。這個組織究竟是維護體育比賽純潔性的監督者,還是嚴重雙標、西方的看門狗和專業打手? 下面一起來欣賞知名媒體BBC是如何配合WADA來報道俄羅斯“篡改及銷燬”反興奮劑實驗室數據的吧。

Russian doping scandal: Russia faces ban from all major sports events – Wada


Russia could face a ban from all major sports events over "discrepancies" in a lab database, the World Anti-Doping Agency has warned.

世界反興奮劑組織WADA警告因為實驗室數據 “異常”,俄羅斯可能會被禁止參加所有大型運動賽事。


The country has been given three weeks to explain "inconsistencies" or risk being excluded from the Olympics and world championships. Russia also faces being barred from hosting major events.


"There's evidence this data has been deleted," chairman of Wada's compliance panel, Jonathan Taylor, told BBC Sport.

"We need to understand from the Russian authorities what their explanation is."


What's the background? 事件背景?

Russia handed over data from its Moscow laboratory in January as a condition of its reintegration back into the sporting fold after a three-year suspension for a state-sponsored doping programme.

But on Monday Wada said its executive committee had been informed that a formal compliance procedure had been opened over the discovery of "inconsistencies".


"This is hypothetical at the moment, but if the experts maintain their current view, then the compliance review committee will make a recommendation to send a notice to Rusada asserting 'you're non-compliant' and proposing consequences," said Taylor.


"In a case with a 'critical non-compliance', there is now a starting point for the sanctions that can go up and down, and they do include sanctions against Rusada and options include no events hosted in Russia, and they do include no participation of Russian athletes in world championships and up to the Olympics."


Taylor emphasised that under a new set of rules, Wada now has the power to apply such punishments, but also explained that if Russia were to appeal, the case would ultimately be decided by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (Cas).


"Everyone has agreed they will enforce what Cas agrees," he said.

"We've got to be very careful. Procedure has got to be followed. We can't prejudge the outcome."


Athletes are 'furious' 運動員很憤怒

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) rejected Wada's recommendation to ban Russia from the 2016 Olympics in Rio following the doping scandal, but suspended the team from the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, with athletes forced to compete as neutrals.


On Monday the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) confirmed its decision to uphold a ban on Russia just four days before the start of the World Championships in Doha after hearing a report from its task force overseeing the country's reinstatement efforts.


But Russia now faces the prospect of being excluded from many other events, including next year's Olympics in Tokyo and football's 2022 World Cup.


Taylor said Wada's new sanctioning powers justified the highly controversial decision to reinstate Rusada in January before the data could be analysed.


But Rob Koehler of Global Athlete, a group that has been critical of Wada's handling of the crisis, said his members were "furious".

"The time has come to demand resignations from Wada's leadership because they have shown they are not fit for purpose.

"I hope I, along with the athlete community, am proven wrong, but this entire ordeal will play out in favour of Russia as it has done all along with no meaningful consequences."


“現在是時候要求反興奮劑組織領導層辭職了,因為事實證明他們無法勝任職位要求。 我和運動員群體一直都希望我們是錯的,但恐怕最終的結果會有利於俄羅斯,雖然他們違反了很多規定,但未受到實質性處罰。”

'This is a test for the new system' 這是對新系統的測試

Taylor said he had "no concerns" that 47 disciplinary cases already referred to international sports federations would be undermined by the database discrepancies, but others may be affected.


"There will be cases where it looks like the data has irretrievably gone, and in those then potentially a cheat is going to escape. But then the job is for Wada to respond to that action. If the experts say it was deliberate deletion of data…


"The problem will be if Wada and its stakeholders don't pursue and don't get proper sanctions, but this is a test for the new system.

"Obviously if the experts say the Russians have deliberately tampered with this evidence, of course it's disappointing. But the question now is how is Wada and its stakeholders going to respond?

“可能出現的問題是反興奮劑組織及其利益相關者不會繼續追查或實施相應的處罰,但這相當於是對新系統的一次考驗了。 若專家組說俄羅斯故意毀滅證據,這當然很令人失望,但問題是反興奮劑組織會作何反應?”

"If they are able to respond in a way that sends a clear message that this kind of conduct carries severe sanctions, that's all you can do.

"You can't stop cheating. You can only make sure you've got a system that allows you to respond to it."


In comments reported by the Russian news agency Tass, the country's sports minister Pavel Kolobkov said: "What exactly are these discrepancies and what are they related to?

"Experts in digital technology from both sides are already in collaboration. For our part, we continue to provide all possible assistance."

俄羅斯塔斯社的報道說,該國體育部長Kolobkov質問“到底是什麼數據異常,它們與什麼有關? 雙方的數據專家已經在合作調查了,從我們的角度而言,我們會繼續提供一切所需的協助。”

Russia had missed deadlines to hand over the data before finally granting Wada access to the Moscow anti-doping laboratory in January.


