



1. Jack does not want to do ________that.

A. like B. seem C. so D. such

2. Mr black writes neither rapidly________clearly.

A. nor B. or C. and D. not

3. We do that work _________the same way.

A. with B. on C. in D. by

4. None of us __________the answer of the question.

A. knows B. have known C. know D. are know

5. _________ the teacher comes in, we stand up.

A. Once B. So C. But D. Thorgh

6. He has been ________sight, so we can’t see him any more.

A. in B. out C. out of D.by

7. In his _________, he was ever a good hunter.

A. twenty B. wenty ages C. age twenty D. twenties

8. Don’t give rp and your eyes? What _______to you?

A. success B. succed C. successful D. successfully

9. What wrong with your eyes? What __________to you?

A. happening B. is happended C. happened D. happen

10. In this modern society we should resist all kinds of _________.

A. temptation B. tempt C. temptations D. tempting

11. For the cold weather my aunt got a cold, then I have to go to the hospital to call_______her now.

A. in B. off C. at D. up

12. I went to Thailand last year and the ________people have great help.

A. local B. native C. national D. international

13. Mike is the most ________one when he heard the news that they will go to travel.

A. Excited B. exciting C. be excited D. be exciting

14. I like the sea, so tomorrow my father will take me to the _________.

A. boast B. host C. coast D. cliff

15. He said he ________to finish his work tonight.

A. intended B. will intend C. has intended D. is intended

16. All the students look forward to ______the sports meeting.

A. held B. hold C. holding D. helping

17. This month is April. They will hold the wedding in the________month. It is May.

A. following B. hold C. next following D. next followed

18. The woman in a red coat is the ________of this party.

A. hostess B. host C. hostage D. hostel

19.Don’t trouble me. I’m busy ________TV.

A. to watch B. watching C. have watched D. had watched

20. If I forget, please ________me.

A. remind on B. remind C. remind in D. remind about

21. I regret not _______earlier, or I would have caught the train.

A. starting B. having started C. to start D. to have started

22. For my time was limited, I just had a glimpse_________shanghai.

A. at B. on C. of D. in

23. The table was covered__________the homework of all the student.

A. with B. up C. over D. in

24. When teacher asked him about the twins, he said that he can’t _________the difference between them.

A. judge B. know C. tell D. do

25. “_________ a deep breath, Don’t be nervous.” The doctor said to me .

A. Do B. legs C. eyes D. teeth

26. A student is a doctor whose job is all about _______.

A. head B. legs C. eyes D. teeth

27. My classmates suggest that I ______the work on time.

A. finish B. must finish C. should finish D. is to finish

28. You need not pay for the shoes. It means they are ________to you .

A. cheap B. free C. good D. no money

29. The girl ______at what she saw.

A. be astonished B. was astonished C. be astonished D. was astonish

30. These ______furniture are not as solid as those.

A. wood B. wooded C. woolen D. wooden


1.The most _______________(surprise) thing is he failed the exam.

2.Before I went to school yexteday, they________(clean) the classroom.

3.The 5-year-old boy can remember ___________(near) 100 poems.l.

4.When he was young, he used to ____________(climb) the hill.

5.Thoes colorful flowers __________(attraction) many people form other cities.

6.Don’t be_____________(anxiously). It’s easy to pass the English exam.

7.Mr White was ______________(amuse), for he never thought he would win.

8.To be a teacher, you need _____________(train) for 3 months.

9.He rushed to wards a __________(wait ) car. It seemed he was a thief.

10.The earth also be called as a _________(global).

11.The sports meeting will be called as a ___________(immensity) stadium.

12.She’s not _________(music) at all, does not enjoy or understand music.

13.My teacher is a woman with ________(end) patience, so we all like her very much.

14.____________(collection) stamps is his hobby.

15.The ___________(discover) of these new matter has great help to our human being.


16.Because________his illness. He did come.

17.He spoke neither slowly nor____________.

18.We like good painting ____________the same way we like good books.

19.The woman walked __________of the shop___________paying.

20.He once refused a strange request__________a businessman.

21.Hart is going to swim _________the English channel.

22.The school is fire miles _______ _______my home.

23.This year Mr. Peter planned to spend holidays_________.

24.__________despair, he gave up the plan.

25.He ran _________the forest within fire minutes.

26.The baby was ________naughty that Mr. Peter got angry _________the end.

27.The plane successfully flew________the south pole_________the first time.

28.After searching _______the teach, the doctor pulled it__________.

29.The wallet was wrapped _________in a piece of newspaper.

30.___________he was arrested, the men admitted everything.



Every Saturday, Henry went to the market to buy food and other things. He put them in a big basket, but he was old and weak so he always paid another man to carry the basket home for him. But one Saturday, while he was walking home in front of the man with the basket, the man ran away with it.

The next Saturday, when Henry went to the market again a friend of his said ,“Look, there he is, that man stole your things last week!”

Henry at once hid behind a shop, and stayed there until the man left the market. His friend was very surprised. “Why did you do that ?” he asked. “Well,” said Henry, “that man was carrying my basket when he left me a week ago. He will want me to pay him for seven days work, and that will cost me more than a basket full things!”

1.When did Henry usually go to the market to buy his things?

A. On Sunday B. On Saturday C. On Friday D. On Monday

2.Why did he always pay another man to help him carry the basket?

A.He was too old to carry it .

B.The man liked helping him.]

C.He was a rich man and he had enough money to pay for it.

D.He thought it was a pleased thing.

3.Where did Henry hide when he saw the man taking his basket?

A.In the market B. Bihind his friend. C. Beside a house. D. Behind another shop.

4.How ling did Henry find the man taking his basket?

A. Two days later B. A month later C. A week later. D. An hour later.

5.Which of following sentence is right?

A.Henry usually walked home behind the man with the basket.

B.Henry didn’t come out until the man went away.

C.Henry was going to pay the man for seven days work.

D.The man asked for seven days work.


For ten years the Greek soldiers wanted to take the city of Troy, but they could not, because the walls of the city were strong and the people of Troy were strong. Then the Greeks built a great horse made of wood . They

hid soldiers inside it . Then all the other soldiers went away. The people of Troy saw the horse. They said,“what is that wooden horse? We will bring it into the city. We can open the gate of the city now. Because the Greek soldiers have gone away. We must see what that wooden horse it.”

So they opened the gate of Troy and went out and brought the wooden horse into the city. At night the men came out from the horse and open the gate. The other Greek soldiers came back and went to the city.

6.The Greek soldiers couldn’t take the city of Troy because_________.

A.the walls of the city were very high and strong.

B.they were so many strong people in the city.

C.The people of city were strong, the walls of city were strong.

D.The Greek soldiers were not brave.

7.The Greeks________inside which hid some soldiers.

A. built a horse B. made a great wooden C. brought a horse D. built a horse

8.When the people of Troy saw the wooden horse, they wondered________.

A.what was the wooden horse

B.what was inside the wooden horse

C.what the wooden horse was

D.if there were some Greek soldiers inside the wooden horse

9.The people ot Troy brought the wooden horse into city. They thought that Greek soldiers___________.

A. were not strong B. had already gone away C. couldn’t hide insde the wooden horse D. were clever enough to make the wooden horse

10.At night ________.

A. the Greek soldiers came out from the wooden horse and opened the gate of the city B. the other Greek soldiers came back and went into the city

C. the Troy people burned the wooden horse D. A and B





在“非典”時期,我們更要按醫生說的去做, 確保身體健康。

Health is very 1 , it 2 everything, so we should look after ourselves well.

But one day Mrs.Brown met a problem, she 3 4 weak 5 tired. When she worked in her garden, she 6 7 sit down and rest every minutes. She was 8 9 her health, so she went to 10 a doctor. After 11 her 12 , the doctor said there was ____13____ 14 15 with her, she was only too fat. If she wanted to be healthier and 16 , she ‘d better take enough 17 , eat 18 and have more vegetables, move fruits, 19 meat.

During the SARS, we should do 20 doctors told us and make sure to keep healthy.

1.________ 2..________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________

6.________ 7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10.________

11.________ 12.________ 13.________ 14.________ 15.________

16._________ 17.________ 18._________ 19.________ 20.________

