





二、围绕中心,拟定提纲 (书面表达评分原则有五条):

☆ 1.内容要点;




5.字数达到要求大多为 100 词左右。


☆ 1. 避免使用汉语式英语,尽量使用自己熟悉或已背过的句型。几种句型可交替使用,以


2. 注意语法、句法知识的灵活运用。

☆ (1) 时态要准确无误。(根据书面表达要求而定,多为一般现在时,一般过去时或一般将


☆ (2) 特别注意单数可数名词的使用。如 My hobby is reading book.(误)

☆ (3) 注意冠词用法,例如: He is an honest student.中的 an 不能写成 a。

☆ (4) 动名词做主语。(很多同学喜欢用动作做主语,切记必须用动名词或动词不定式。)

(5) 注意拼写、标点符号和大小写,例如 believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant 等。

(6) 主谓语要一致,主语的人称和数要和谓语一致。

(7) 注意人称代词的宾格形式。尤其是动词和介词之后。




1) 表示并列关系的过渡词:and, as well as, or …

2) 表示转折关系的过渡词:but, yet, however …

☆3) 表示时间关系的过渡词:first, second, third, and then, finally,(特别是在列举理由或原因

或提出建议时还可以用 besides, What's more) after, before, after a few days, at last, in the

past, when, while, then, after that …

4) 表示对照关系的过渡词:but, still, yet, however, on the one hand, on the other hand, even

though …

5) 表示目的的过渡词:for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order that, in order to, …

6) 表示列举的过渡词:for example , such as …

7) 表示总结性的过渡词:in brief, in a word, in general, in all, all in all, generally speaking …










(1) 句型多样化,不要 I(We)……到底,使人觉得乏味。

(2) 适当使用一些并列句或主从复合句。

(3) 进一步描绘人或事物时,适当使用定语从句。

(4) 适当使用分词或分词短语,烘托谓语动词。

(5) 偶尔使用一下倒装句,增加新鲜感。

(6) 适当调换一下状语在句子中的位置,使句子不雷同。



潦草者一般会被降档处理,也就是说扣 2-3 分。 (教师在阅卷时,同一份作文,有时会出

现差距 8-10 分的现象,大都因为书写原因。试想一下,炎热的夏天,50 位教师在同一个机

房,面对散热的电脑,每天阅卷任务 300-500 份,面对潦草的试卷,部分教师极有可能会认






(1) 要点是否有遗漏

(2) 语法是否有误。尤其单数可数名词使用及动名词作主语是否有错。

(3) 拼写有无错误。

(4) 人称是否用错。

(5) 认真抄写到答题纸,书写规范,卷面整洁。首行缩进四个字母距离,句首词大写,句末实心点。




◆连: 连词成句,连句成篇

◆美: 斟词酌句,修改打磨

◆查: 通读文章,查找错误。


英语书面表达 要注意结构(beginning 开头, body 主体, ending 结尾),精彩的结尾,犹



Useful and beautiful sentences(必须记住)

1. All in all, I'm ready to help people who need help.

2. If everyone does something, our world will become more and more beautiful.

3. I think healthy food and different relaxing activities will help us live healthily and happily.

4. It really makes me relaxed and more energetic to concentrate on my work.

5. However, each coin has two sides.

6. We can give away some books to them in order to open up their eyes to the outside world.

7. Not only do I feel good about helping others, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.

8. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.

9. I believe if we do so, we can have a happy life.

10. The more we do, the better our world will be!





1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

2. A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。

4. Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。

5. Each coin has two sides. 事情都有两面。

6. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

7. Health is better than wealth. 健康胜过财富。

8. Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量

9. No pain, no gain.不劳无获。

10. Where there's a will, there's a way. 有志者事竟成。

11. Practice makes perfect .熟能生巧。

12.A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里。

☆书面表达我们会需要用到一些常用句型 ,如提出建议,表达决心,谈论梦想,爱好等。



1. should +v 原型

2. can + v 原型

3. be supposed to do

4. be expected to do `

5. It's best to do

6. It's important to do

7. You'd better do

8. It's a good idea to do

9. advise sb to do

10. I suggest that we should do



1. I think/believe (that)…我认为……。

2. In my opinion, …在我看来……。

3. As I see it.…在我看来……。

4. From my point of view,… 在我看来……。

5. As far as I am concerned,…就我看来……。


1. I decide to do

2. I have made up my mind to do

3. I've make a decision to do

4. I've fixed on doing sth. 【fix on: 决定;确定】

5. I will /am going to do

6. I plan to do

7. I intend to do


1. I had to work on weekends doing endless homework and attending classes in the past. However,

things have changed a lot now. I have more free time.

2. I used to have to work even on weekends doing endless homework and attending classes. Now I

have more free time.

3. In the past, I had to work on weekends doing endless homework and attending classes. But now

I have more free time.

4. It's quite different now. I used to have to work even on weekends doing endless homework and

attending classes, but now I have more free time.

5. It's not like it used to be at all. Now I have more free time.

6. I have more free time than before.


1. I like / love enjoy playing the guitar best.

2. I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps In my spare time,.

3. I'm interested in collecting stamps.

4. I'm really fond of skating in winter.

5. My favorite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.

6. I like nothing better than swimming.

7. I'm crazy about sports.

8. I lose myself in collecting stamps.


1. I'm going to be / become a teacher.

2. My dream is to be a teacher.

3. I dream of becoming a teacher.

4. My goal is to become a teacher.

5. I want to be / become a teacher in the future.

6. I would like to be a teacher in the future.

7. I wish to be / become a teacher in the future.

8. I hope I will become a teacher in the future.

9. I've made up my mind to become a teacher in the future.

10. I'm determined to become a teacher in the future.



1. Something must be done to tackle the problem.

2. It's time to take steps to control the serious pollution.

3. We must take action now to control pollution.

4. We have to take effective measures to solve this problem.

5. We should adopt some measures to fight against pollution.


一.当前,学生的学校生活多姿多彩,业余爱好也丰富多样。下图是我们对某所中学 300



Music 48% Others2% Reading20% Sports 25% collections 5%



3.词数 80~100(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

Many students have hobbies. Here is the result of the survey about what 300 students usually

do in their free time.











One possible version

Many students have hobbies. Here is the result of the survey about what 300 students usually

do in their free time. Nearly half of the students like music, and a quarter of them usually spend

their time playing sports on weekends, twenty percent enjoy reading books. A few students like

collecting things they like, such as stamps, coins and so on. Few students have other hobbies.

As for me, I prefer listening to music. Because it can give me pleasure when I'm unhappy

and make me relaxed after hard study. Sometimes I listen to English songs. I can learn English

words or phrases from them. It really improves my English a lot.


二.假设你喜欢的老师是Mr. Wang 或者Ms. Wang.请根据下面的提示,以My favorite teacher


要求:1. 必须包括①description ②friendship ③the best quality 三个方面的内容,括号




favorite teacher: ①description (appearance, character…)

②friendship (an event between you; the story of becoming friends)

③the best quality (kind; warm-hearted; strict; helpful…)

My favorite teacher

My favorite teacher is















要求:1.字数:80-100 字。开头已给出,不计入总字数。


My middle school life is coming to an end. During the three years, not only did I have

happy time, but I had kinds of problems. My biggest problem was












如今,中学生的学习时间长,压力大。下图是我们对某所中学 300 名同学减压放松的方



Music 47% Others2% Reading25% Sports 20% Traveling 6%

内容必须包括:①调查结果 ②你的压力 ③你减压放松的方式,选择的原因或带来的益处。




Nowadays many students are under too much pressure, but they have their own ways to relax

themselves. Here is the result of the survey about what 300 students usually do to get relaxed.












听音乐、做志愿者、旅游、看电影、还是„„?为什么?请以"How I spend my free time?"


内容包括:1. 三种你的休闲时间的活动。 2. 各陈述至少一个理由。














的暑假计划是什么呢? 为什么?请根据要求写一篇英语短文。

内容包括:1. 你和你的朋友的暑假计划; 2.你和你朋友制定暑假计划的理由。

要求:1. 词数:80-100。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 文中不能出现自己的真实姓名和学校名称。

The summer vacation is coming. My friend












暴,著名作家 Francis Bacon 曾说过:"Reading makes a full man."可见,阅读使人聪明,阅读


自己的观点,以"Reading Makes a Full Man"为题,写一篇短文,表达你对阅读的看法和自己


内容包括:1.你平时读的书籍; 2. 你对阅读的看法; 3. 你未来的阅读计划。



Reading Makes a Full Man

Reading is very important in our life. We can











Reading makes a full man! Let's start reading now.



One possible version1:

Nowadays many students are under too much pressure, but they have their own ways to relax

themselves. Here is the result of the survey about what 300 students usually do to get relaxed.

Nearly half of the students enjoy listening to music to relax themselves, and a quarter of them

usually lower their pressure by reading books. Twenty percent of the students get relaxed by

playing sports. A few students like traveling to make themselves relaxed. Few students have other

ways to relax.

My pressure is from my parents. They expect me to study all the time so that I can get into a

high school and later a good university. They push me so hard. But I have my own way to get

relaxed. I prefer listening to music. Because it can give me pleasure when I'm unhappy. I can learn

English words or phrases from them. It really improves my English a lot.

One possible version2:

Nowadays many students are under too much pressure, but they have their own ways to relax

themselves. Here is the result of the survey about what 300 students usually do to get relaxed.

Nearly half of the students enjoy listening to music to relax themselves, and a quarter of them

usually lower their pressure by reading books. Twenty percent of the students get relaxed by

playing sports. A few students like traveling to make themselves relaxed. Few students have other

ways to relax.

My pressure is from my parents. They expect me to study all the time so that I can get into a

high school and later a good university. They push me so hard. But I have my own way to get

relaxed. I think the best way to relax is through traveling. Because it is healthy for the mind and

the body. What's more, it can open up my eyes to the outside world.


How I spend my free time?

In my free time, I often watch English movies because it can make me feel easy and happy.

Besides, I can also improve my pronunciation, listening and grammar.

Another way to spend my free time is doing some volunteering. I love animals so I often

volunteer at an animal hospital on weekends. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see

the animals get better, and I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.

I like to travel with families in my free time, too. Traveling can make me relaxed and

energetic to concentrate on my study. What's more, and it can open up my eyes to the outside


In a word, I am willing to do something meaningful in my free time.


One possible version:

The summer vacation is coming. My friend Tony and I have our summer plans.

I plan to visit Shanghai with my family. Because it's one of the liveliest cities in China. I

want to open up my eyes. And I'm also going to learn to dance during the vacation. Because I like

dancing and it can keep healthy and make me relaxed.

My friend Tony would like to volunteer in an animal hospital. Because he loves animals and

wants to be a doctor in the future. He can get some experience from volunteering. What's more, he

can do what he loves to do and help others at the same time.

(103 words)



One possible version:

Reading Makes a Full Man

Reading is very important in our life. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only

open our minds but also make us wiser and richer in life. Besides, reading is also one of the most

important ways to learn a foreign language like English.

I like reading newspapers and magazines, from which I get lots of fun and learn about what's

going on around the world. I also read story books and novels which make me relaxed and happy

in my free time.

Summer vacation is coming. I plan to do more reading. I am going to read more classics and

more English books to improve my language skills. I'm sure reading can make a difference to my


Reading makes a full man! Let's start reading now. (112 words)

