



1.早晨好! Good morning.

2.鬧鐘響了嗎? Did the alarm clock go off? *go off是鬧鐘“響”的意思。

3.該起床了! It's time to get up!

4.快點兒起床! Get up soon.

5.你醒了嗎? Are you awake? *get up是動詞,表示“起床”、“起”的動作。awake是形容詞,表示“醒了”、“沒睡”的狀態。

6.你不舒服嗎? Are you feeling sick?

7.睡得好嗎? Did you sleep well?

8.能幫我關掉鬧鐘嗎? Would you turn off the alarm clock? *turn off的原意是“關”,多用於收音機、電視、照明等類的東西。雖然現在有許多東西無需用按鈕開關,但一般也用turn off表示。

9.你終於起來了。 You finally got up.

10.今天是個好天! It's a nice day!

11.昨晚你熬夜了? Did you stay up late last night? *stay up late“睡得晚”、“熬夜”。

12.把被子疊好。 Let's fold up the futon. *fold意為“摺疊”,fold up意為“疊好”、“疊整齊”;futon原本是日文,現在英文中也逐漸使用,意為“被子”。

13.昨天晚上你打呼嚕了。 You were snoring last night. *snore“打呼嚕”。

14.我做了個可怕的夢。 I had a nightmare.

15.你一直沒關燈啊。 You left the light on. *left (leave)是“保持某種樣子”、“保持某種狀態”的意思,表達“電燈一直開著”、“發動機一直開著”、“窗戶一直開著”也可以用這種句型。

16.我得洗臉了。 I have to go wash my face. *go wash是go和wash兩個動詞連用,口語中常用。可以把它看作是go and wash的縮略形式。

17.該吃早飯了。 It's time to eat breakfast.

18.我還困著呢。 I'm still sleepy.

19.我還打哈欠呢。 I'm still yawning.

20.昨天的酒還沒醒呢。 I have a hangover.

21.我是個夜貓子。 I'm a night person. *“早上起不來”的意思。

22.我是用咖啡來提神的。 Coffee wakes me up.

23.刷牙了嗎? Did you brush your teeth?

24.我得梳梳頭了。 I have to comb my hair.

25.穿什麼好呢? What should I wear?

26.快換衣服。 Hurry up and get dressed.

27.把睡衣收好。 Put those pajamas away!

28.我走了,媽媽。 I'm leaving. Bye mom!

29.今天我們逃學吧。 Let's play hooky today! *play hooky為俚語“逃學”。

30.你毛衣穿反了。 You're wearing your sweater inside out.

31.上下顛倒了。 It's upside down.

32.別忘了扔垃圾呀。 Don't forget to take out the garbage.

33.今天該你扔垃圾了。 It's your turn to take out the garbage. *garbage也可以用trash和rubbish替代。

34.今天你幹什麼? What are you doing today?

35.你快點兒,我們該遲到了。 If you don't hurry, we'll be late.

36.快點兒,上學該遲到了。 Hurry or you'll be late for school.

37.你鎖門了嗎? Did you lock the door?

38.沒忘了什麼東西吧? Aren't you forgetting something?

39.都已經8點了! It's already 8:00.

40.我晚了! I'm late!

41.我得趕緊走! I have to rush!

42.你今天會回來得晚嗎? Are you gonna be late today?

43.幾點回來? What time are you coming home?

44.飯盒帶了嗎? Have you got your lunch box?

45.今天好像要下雨。 It might rain today.

46.出門的時候,可別忘了鎖門。 Don't forget to lock the door when you leave.

47.我回來了。 I'm home.

48.你回來了。 Welcome home!

49.今天過得愉快嗎? Did you have a good time?

50.今天怎麼樣? How did it go today?

51.我可以出去玩兒會兒嗎? Can I go out to play?

52.我餓了。 I'm hungry.

53.點心在哪兒? Where are the snacks?

54.我去補習學校了啊。 I'm going to cram school now. *cram意為“填鴨式補習”。

55.能給我點兒零花錢嗎? May I have my allowance?

56.真累啊! I'm tired.

57.晚飯你想吃什麼? What would you like for dinner?

58.你能幫我準備餐具嗎? Would you help me set the table? *set the table 是將刀、叉和杯子在桌子上擺好,準備吃飯的意思。

59.晚飯做什麼好呢? What should I make for dinner?

60.還是家好哇。 It's good to be home.

61.你能不能趕緊去趟商店? Would you run to the store? *不見得是“跑著去”,在這兒是“快點兒去”的意思。

62.洗澡水燒好了。 The bath is ready.

63.我要衝個澡。 I'm taking a shower.

64.晚飯做好了嗎? Is dinner ready?

65.媽媽,今天晚飯吃什麼? Mom, what's for dinner tonight?

66.晚飯吃什麼? What's for dinner?

67.今天吃咖哩飯。 Today, we're having curry.

68.還要多久才能做好呀? How soon can you get it ready?

69.我吃了啊。 Let's eat.

70.請先吃吧。 Please go ahead.

71.這把刀真快呀! This knife cuts well, doesn't it?

72.水開啦! The water is boiling!

73.開飯啦! Come and get it! *這句直譯為“來端菜!”it是指“做好了的飯菜”,全句的意思是“飯做好了,來吃吧!”。是母親常說的話。

74.該吃飯啦! It's time to eat.

75.這就來啦! I'm coming.

76.手洗乾淨了嗎? Did you wash your hands well?

77.別弄灑了。 Don't spill it!

78.把碗裡的菜吃光。 Eat all of your vegetables.

79.把飯吃光。 Finish up your plate.

80.我不喜歡吃蘆筍。 I don't like asparagus.

81.謝謝您的款待。 It was very delicious. Thank you.

82.能幫我收拾盤子嗎? Would you clear the table?

83.把盤子洗了。 Do the dishes! *最好就這樣記住。

84.我擦盤子。 I'll dry the dishes. *dry是“使……幹”、“除去水氣”和“擦”的意思。

85.你幹什麼呢? What are you doing? *口語中一般發成“What're you doing?”

86.我看電視呢。 I'm watching TV. *注意在這種情況下,TV前不加the。

87.有什麼好看的節目嗎? Are there any good programs on TV?

88.野茂上電視了。 Nomo is on TV.

89.8頻道演什麼呢? What's on Channel 8?

90.能不能幫我換個臺? Would you change the channel?

91.我還想看電視。 I want to watch more TV.

92.鋪床吧。 Let's spread out the futon. *spread意為“鋪開”。

93.我困了。 I'm sleepy.

94.作業做了嗎? Did you do your homework?

95.好好學習。 Study hard.

96.快點睡覺。 Hurry up and go to sleep.

97.遊戲玩夠了吧。 Enough with your video games.

98.一定要刷牙噢。 Make sure you brush your teeth.

99.明天的東西都準備好了嗎? Are you ready for tomorrow?

100.我去洗個澡。 I'm going to take a bath.

101.該睡覺了。 Time to go to sleep.

102.電視還開著呢。 You left the TV on.

103.別把你的東西都攤在這兒。 Don't leave your stuff here.

104.把鬧鐘定在8點了。 I set the alarm clock for 8:00.

105.明天7點叫醒我。 Wake me up at seven tomorrow.

106.晚安。 Good night.

107.做個好夢。 Sweet dreams! *該句和Good night!一起用於就寢前。一般人均可使用,特別多用於父母對子女。

108.我真想睡個午覺。 I want to take a nap.

109.我去躺一會兒。 I'm going to lie down. *用於稍感疲勞的時候。

110.你在裝睡啊! You're pretending to be asleep.

111.你睡著了嗎? Were you sleeping?

112.沒有,還沒睡呢。 No, I was awake.

113.你能給孩子換塊尿布嗎? Will you change the baby's diaper? *diaper“尿布”。

114.想尿尿嗎? Do you need to pee? *主要對小孩子用。

115.該尿尿了。 It's time to go wee-wee. *主要對小孩子用。

116.蒙一兒。 Peekaboo! *孩子們在玩藏貓遊戲時常用。大人有時也半帶玩樂地使用。

117.胳肢胳肢。 Kuchi-kuchi-koo. *胳肢嬰兒時用。大人有時開玩笑時也用。

118.我們來投球吧。 Let's play catch.

119.漏水了。 The water is leaking.

120.全是灰呀。 It's so dusty. *dusty“到處都是灰塵”、“沾滿塵土”。

121.這間屋子通風真差。 It's stuffy in this room. *stuffy 房間等地方“通風不好”、“憋悶得慌”。

122.這個房間很通風。 It's drafty in this room. *drafty “有穿堂風的”。

123.你能去喂喂狗嗎? Will you feed the dog? *feed “餵食”。

124.你去遛遛狗吧? Will you take the dog for a walk?

125.幫我照看一下弟弟和妹妹啊。 Take care of my brother and sister.

126.請(給植物)澆點水。 Please water the plants. *water在這裡是動詞“澆水,灑水”。

127.啊!怎麼這麼亂呀! What a mess! *母親看到孩子們的房間時常說的一句話。

128.幫幫我吧。 Help me.

129.把你的屋子收拾收拾。 Clean up your room.

130.幫我打掃打掃衛生。 Help me clean up the house.

131.洗滌靈用完了。 We're out of dish detergent. *“洗衣粉”是laundry detergent。

132.你能把衣服晾上嗎? Would you put up the clothes to dry?

133.你能幫我把衣服疊起來嗎? Will you help me fold up the clothes? *fold up“疊整齊”。

134.把地掃掃。 Please sweep the floor. *sweep“掃”、“打掃”。

135.把廚房的池子洗乾淨。 Please scrub the sink. *“洗”一般用動詞wash和clean來表示,但是“使勁搓洗”這一動作,用scrub表示最合適。

136.我得用吸塵器吸吸我房間了。 I have to vacuum my room. *vacuum“用吸塵器打掃”。

137.撣撣櫃子上的土。 Please dust the shelves. *dust“撣土”。

138.請拖拖地。 Please mop the floor.

139.你能把那件襯衫熨熨嗎? Will you iron the shirt?

140.我的裙子得熨了。 I have to iron my skirt. *iron不僅是名詞,它還可以用作動詞“熨”。

141.我們去超市買東西吧。 Let's go grocery shopping.

142.公園裡人擠人。 The park was crowded.

143.今晚能幫我照看一下孩子嗎? Can you baby-sit tonight? *baby-sit“父母不在時幫忙照顧孩子”。

144.這是送給你的。 This is for you.

145.這是你的那份。 This is your share. *share“(一個一個分開的)分成的份兒,分開”。

146.過生日想要什麼禮物? What do you want for your birthday?

147.噢,來嘍! Ta-dah! *把禮物等送到別人面前時的一種表達方式。

148.我經常下班以後運動。 I usually work out after work. *work out“訓練,運動”。

149.我開始慢跑鍛鍊。 I've started jogging.

150.我戒菸了。 I quit smoking. *quit“辭職,改變習慣”。

151.你常做夢嗎? Do you dream often?

152.最近我總是丟三落四的。 I've been forgetful lately.

153.什麼時候到期? When is this due? *due“必須支付”、“支付期限到了”。日常生活中常使用帶有due的表達方式。

154.交費日期截止到30號。 It's due on the thirtieth.

155.能幫我換一下零錢嗎? Could you give me change? * change 也有“零錢”的意思。

156.能幫我換開100日元嗎? Do you have change for one hundred yen? *change 除了“交換,兌換”的意思之外,還有“零錢,破開的錢”。

157.我要存5000日元(在我的賬戶上。) I need to deposit five thousand yen (in my savings account). *deposit“在銀行存錢”。

158.我要取5000日元(從我的賬戶上)。 I need to withdraw ¥5,000 (from my savings account). *withdraw“(從存款中)取出,拿出”。

159.我是自己掏的腰包。 I paid out of my own pocket. 直譯是“從自己的口袋裡拿出錢來支付。”是“自己掏腰包”的固定說法。

160.我沒帶現金。 I'm out of cash.

161.我現在沒有多少現金。 I don't have much money on me now.

162.身無分文。 I'm broke.

163.現在我有很多現金。 I have a lot of money on me now.

164.我可沒有時間閒待著。 I can't afford to be lazy. *afford“有錢,有時間,有力量”、“有富餘”。

165.多浪費呀! What a waste! *waste “浪費,荒廢,徒勞”。

166.他因為還不上債而躲了起來。 He didn't pay the debt and disappeared. *debt“借債,負債,有欠債的狀態”。

167.享受餘暇時間 ●邀請友人

168.這個週末你有空嗎? Are you free this weekend? *free“有空,空閒”。

169.我們還可以再見面嗎? Could I see you again?

170.能給我你的電話號碼嗎? Could you give me your phone number?

171.我們在哪兒見面? Where shall we meet?

172.要我開車去接你嗎? Shall I come to pick you up? *pick up“開車去接某人”。

173.你今天下午有安排嗎? Are you doing anything this afternoon?

174.和我一起吃晚飯,好嗎? How about having dinner with me?

175.我們幹嘛不去看棒球比賽呢? Why don't we go to see a baseball game?

176.真對不起,我另有安排。 Sorry, I'm tied up. *be tied up“受(時間的)約束”。

177.實在對不起,恐怕不行。 I'm afraid I can't.

179.另找時間可以嗎? How about a rain check? *rain check指“(比賽、活動等)因雨天改期再賽時作為入場券的原票票根”。由因雨天中止或延期比賽而發給觀眾“rain check”引申為被邀請者因故不能接受邀請,而邀請繼續有效的意思,“以後方便的時間”、“下次還有機會”。

180.我希望你能來。 I hope you can come.

181.你什麼時候方便? When is it convenient for you? *生意場上、朋友之間均可用該句來決定約會的日子和時間。convenient “方便的,合適的”。

182.什麼時候? About what time?

183.什麼時候都行。 Whenever.

184.等你有時間的時候吧。 When you have time.

185.我今天有空。 I'm free today. *free 有“自由的,免費的”等多種意思,在這句裡是“有空”的意思。

186.明天我會很忙。 I'll be busy tomorrow.

187.你什麼時候有空? When are you free? * 比較隨便的說法。

188.那天我不行。 That's a bad day for me.

189.那天我可以。 That day is fine.

190.我什麼時候去合適? When can I come over? *come over“順便拜訪”。

191.你定時間吧。 You decide when.

192.你定地點吧。 You decide where.

193.你幾點能來? When can you come over?

194.太早了嗎? Is it too early?

195.太晚了嗎? Is it too late?

196.就那個時間吧。 It's a date. *這句用於確認約會的日期和時間。

197.回頭見。 See you then.

198.準備好了嗎? Are you ready?

199.準備好了。 Ready.

200.還沒準備好呢。 I'm not ready.

201.我們什麼時候出發? What time shall we leave? *leave“離開”、“走開”。

202.我們幾點能到? What time do we arrive?

203.那,我們走吧。 Let's get going. *這是常用的句子,最好能記住。

204.你想去看電影嗎? Would you like to go to a movie? *Would you like to...? 表示“你想……嗎?”、“要不要……?”的意思,是比較有禮貌地表示邀請和提議的句型。

205.今天晚上放什麼電影? What's on tonight? *on用來表示“電影、戲劇的上演和活動的舉行”。

206.你想看什麼電影? What movie do you want to see?

207.我想看《××》 I want to see...

208.哪兒演《××》? Where is... playing?

209.《××》演到什麼時候? How long is... playing?

210.這部電影是誰演的? Who is in this movie?

211.演多長時間? How long does it last? *last“持續,繼續”。

212.下一場幾點開演? What time is the next showing?

213.幾點演完? What time will it be over?

214.我買兩張成人票。 Two, please.

215.前邊的人擋著,我看不見。 I can't see because of the person in front of me.

216.我們怎麼坐得這麼靠後呀? We are way in the back, aren't we?

217.我們坐到前面的座位上吧。 Let's sit closer up front.

218.真太有意思了,是不是? That was interesting, wasn't it?

219.這電影真沒勁。 That was boring, wasn't it?

220.太讓人感動了。 I was moved. *move“使……感動”。

221.我買兩張10月3號的票。 I'd like two tickets for October 3rd, please.

222.對不起,賣完了。 Sorry, we're sold out.

223.有什麼時候的票? When do you have tickets?

224.幾點開始? What time does it start?

225.可以預訂嗎? Can I make a reservation?

226.在哪兒買票? Where can I buy a ticket?

227.△Where can I buy a ticket? (在哪兒買票?) ▲At that counter. (在那個櫃檯。)

228.▲At that counter. (在那個櫃檯。) 這位子有人嗎?

229.這位子有人嗎? Is this seat taken?

230.我們這個位子真棒。 We have great seats, don't we?

231.再來一個! Encore!

232.××加油! Go for it,...!

233.我想打高爾夫球。 I'd like to play golf.

234.明天打高爾夫球,好嗎? Would you like to golf tomorrow?

235.願意和我一起打高爾夫球嗎? Do you want to join me?

236.這附近有高爾夫球場地嗎? Are there any golf courses around here?

237.此外還有其它的花費嗎? Are there any extra charges?

238.我可以租用用具嗎? Can I rent the equipment? *equipment 表示“用具,必需品”。

239.請幫我預約高爾夫球。(請別人預約時) Please make a reservation for golf.

240.我想預約高爾夫球。(由自己提出請求時) I'd like to make golf reservations.

241.要什麼時間的? When would you like to play?

242.如果可以的話,請訂這個星期五的。 This Friday, if possible.

243.我們一共4個人。 There are four of us.

244.我們幾點開始? What time are we starting?

245.去喝一杯怎麼樣? How about a drink?

246.我想去喝一杯。 I need a drink.

247.下班以後去喝一杯怎麼樣? Would you like to have a drink after work?

248.有啤酒嗎? Do you have any beer?

249.請來兩瓶啤酒。 Two bottles of beer, please.

250.請來杯摻水的威士忌。 One whiskey with water, please.

251.要什麼下酒菜呢? What kind of snacks should we have?

252.讓我們忘了工作,痛快一會兒吧。 Let's forget about work and have some fun.

253.乾杯! Cheers!

254.喝什麼呢? What are you drinking?

255.我喜歡換酒館喝。 I like to go barhopping. *hop“一蹦一蹦(地)”,在這個句子裡是從一個酒館到另一個酒館的意思。

256.第一口最舒坦了。 The first sip is the best! *喝第一口啤酒時常說的話。

257.這個最好! Nothing beats this! *beat“戰勝”的意思,直譯是“什麼都不能戰勝這個”,即“這個最好。”

258.再來一杯,怎麼樣? Would you like a refill? *refill“再加滿”。

259.再來一瓶啤酒! Another beer, please.

260.這種威士忌挺衝。 This whiskey is strong.

261.日本酒怎麼樣? How do you like sake?

262.酒勁大。 It's strong.

263.我喝醉了。 I'm drunk.

264.我覺得有點兒醉了。 I feel a little tipsy. *tipsy“微醉的”、“踉踉蹌蹌的”。

265.酩酊大醉。 I'm loaded. *loaded“喝醉了”的狀態。

266.喝酒要適可而止。 Drink moderately.

267.我的酒量小。 I get drunk easily. *drunk“喝醉”,“酒後駕車”是drunk driving。

268.我喝得太多了。 I drank too much.

269.我不該喝這麼多的。 I should have drunk less.

270.頭天的酒還沒醒。 I have a hangover. *hangover“宿醉”。

271.我們去唱卡拉OK吧。 Let's go to karaoke. *雖然卡拉OK在美國的大城市比較受歡迎,但是並不普遍。美國人稱卡拉OK為“Carry O.K.”。

272.什麼是卡拉OK? What is karaoke?

273.就是合著錄音帶的音樂一起唱歌。 Singing along with recorded music.

274.你唱歌拿手嗎? Are you good at singing?

275.我想點首歌。 I'd like to request a song.

276.你先唱。 You sing first.

277.大家高興地玩吧! Let's enjoy ourselves.

278.約翰,你來唱一首吧。 How about a song, John?

279.你打算唱什麼歌? What are you going to sing?

280.來個二重唱吧。 Let's sing a duet.

281.現在輪到我了。 Now it's my turn.

282.我不敢在大家面前唱歌。 I don't have the nerve to sing in front of people. *have the nerve to...“敢做……, 有做……膽量”。

283.我跟不上新歌的速度(我不會唱新歌。) I can't keep up with the new songs. *keep up with...“跟上,不落後於……”。

284.我五音不全。 I'm tone-deaf.

285.你唱卡拉OK有什麼拿手的歌嗎? What's your karaoke specialty?

286.我從來沒聽說過那首歌。 I've never heard of that song.

287.你唱得真好! You're a good singer!

288.用叫醫生嗎? Do you need a doctor?

289.請叫救護車。 Please call an ambulance. *ambulance“救護車”。

290.我要看病。 I'd like to see a doctor.

291.我覺得身體不舒服。 I'm not feeling well.

292.你能幫我請位醫生嗎? Could you send me a doctor?

293.你怎麼啦? What's wrong with you?

294.是什麼症狀? What are your symptoms? *symptom“症狀”。

295.量一下體溫吧。 Let me check your temperature. *temperature“體溫”、“溫度”。

296.吃了什麼不對勁的東西沒有? Did you eat something unusual?

297.量一下血壓吧。 Let me check your blood pressure.

298.你常服用什麼藥? Are you taking any medication regularly? *一般把藥稱為medicine,但是醫生問診的時候常用medication。

299.我沒服用任何藥。 I'm not taking any medication. *medication 是醫生的常用語言,意為“藥物”。

300.我哪兒不好? What's wrong with me?

301.嚴重嗎? Is it serious?

302.你不舒服嗎? Are you feeling okay? *見到身體狀況不好的人時的問話。

303.你怎麼了? What's wrong? *wrong “身體不舒服”。

304.你的臉色真不好。 You look pale. *pale“臉色不好的,沒有血色的。”

305.我覺得難受。 I don't feel well.

306.你好像不太舒服。 You don't look well. *look“看上去……”。

307.她昏過去了。 She passed out. *pass out“昏過去,失去知覺”。

308.我覺得難受。 I feel sick.

309.我肚子疼。 I have a stomachache. *stomachache“胃痛,腹痛”。

310.隱隱作痛。 I have a dull pain.

311.鑽心地疼。 I have a sharp pain.

312.一跳一跳地疼。 I have a throbbing pain. *throb“一跳一跳地”、“突突地跳”。

313.我感到巨痛。 I have a piercing pain. *pierce“(痛苦等)刺骨,刻骨”。

314.像針扎似地疼。 I have a stabbing pain. *stab“刺”、“針扎”。

315.我拉肚子了。 I have diarrhea. *diarrhea“拉肚子”。

316.我食物中毒了。 I have food poisoning.

317.血壓高/低。 I have high/low blood pressure. *blood pressure“血壓”。

318.我頭疼。 I have a headache.

319.我牙疼。 I have a toothache.

320.我頭暈目眩。 I feel dizzy.

321.我渾身沒勁。 I feel sluggish.

322.我沒有一點兒食慾。 I don't have any appetite. *appetite“食慾”。

323.我有點兒感冒。 I have a slight cold.

324.我渾身發冷。 I feel chilly.

325.我得了重感冒。 I have a bad cold.

326.鼻子堵了。 I have a stuffy nose. *stuffy 用於“鼻子不通氣”的時候。

327.我在流鼻涕。 I have a runny nose. *runny“流鼻涕的”。

328.我有點兒發燒。 I have a bit of a fever.

329.我好像發燒了。 I think I have a fever.

330.我在發高燒。 I have a high temperature.

331.我想吐。 I feel like throwing up.

332.好疼!/好燙! Ouch! *常用於感到突然的鑽心的疼痛和燙手時。

333.癢癢。 It's itchy.

334.啊嚏! Ahchoo!

335.我腿骨折了。 I broke my leg.

336.要打多長時間石膏? How long will the cast be on? *cast“石膏”。

337.我把手給燙了。 I burned my hand.

338.我崴腳了。 I sprained my ankle. *sprain表示踝關節等處的“挫傷、扭傷”,ankle為踝關節。

339.你把感冒傳染給我了。 I caught a cold from you.

340.我必須靜養。 I must stay in bed. *stay in bed 是慣用說法,“靜養休息”。

341.我肩膀痠痛。 I have stiff shoulders. *肩膀“發酸、發緊”時用stiff來表示。

342.我眼睛發酸。 My eyes are tired.

343.有誰受傷了? Is somebody hurt?

344.我退燒了。 My fever has gone down.

345.我咳嗽不止。 I can't stop coughing. *cough“咳嗽”。

346.我嗓子疼。 My throat's sore. *sore“火辣辣地疼”。

347.我流血了。 It's bleeding.

348.我這兒割破了。 I've got a cut here.

349.好疼。 It hurts.

350.我被蜜蜂蜇了。 I got stung by a bee.

351.我需要動手術嗎? Do I need an operation?

352.要花很長時間嗎? Will it take long?

353.我可以洗澡嗎? Can I take a bath?

354.我可以喝酒嗎? Is it okay to drink? *詢問醫生能否喝含有酒精的飲料。

355.我一定要住院嗎? Should I be hospitalized? *hospitalize “讓……住院”。

356.你發燒嗎? Do you have a fever?

357.我覺得好多了。 I feel better.

358.我覺得沒什麼好轉。 I don't feel any better.

359.你的病好了嗎? Are you alright again? *用於詢問別人的病是否康復。

360.他去世了。 He passed away. *比用die要委婉,“去世、嚥氣”。

361.湯姆是個美男子。 Tom is a lady-killer. *lady-killer直譯是“少女殺手”,其實不是殺手,而是指一下子就能迷住女人的男子。

362.湯姆真讓我神魂顛倒。 Tom really turns me on. *turn...on“有性方面的吸引力”、“使人著迷”。

363.克里斯長得真帥。 Chris is really a heartbreaker. *用heartbreaker表示“長得很帥,對異性有吸引力的人”。進一步講,“heartbreaker”是指給異性帶來撕心裂肺的痛苦和失望的人,魅惑他人,讓人沉醉的人。Elvis Presley (愛爾維斯?普里斯利)有一首成名曲“Heartbreak Hotel”,指的就是“(因戀愛而)絕望的人住的飯店”。

364.珍妮特真迷人。 Janet is a knockout. *如同拳擊中的“knock out”一樣,表示極具魅力、使對方暈頭轉向的人,多指女性。

365.他好像看上你了。 I think he has a crush on you. *have a crush on...“看上……”。

366.簡好像喜歡上我了。 Jane seems to like me. *seem“好像,看上去像……”。

367.戴安娜對傑克有意思。 Diana's been coming on to Jack.

368.我不敢打像她那樣的姑娘的主意。 I can't handle a girl like her. * handle 表示“對待,對待(人)”。

369.我非常想見到她。 I'm dying to see her. *dying to“忍耐不住地想做某事”。

370.我想追求她。 I'm trying to make a pass at her. *make a pass at...“(特別是對女性)挑逗,求愛”。

371.你也太狠心了。 You broke my heart. *break...heart在戀愛中“使……十分痛苦”,用於甩掉自己的人。

372.今晚有空嗎? Are you free tonight? *free“空閒的”。

373.今晚你能和我約會嗎? Do you want to go out with me tonight? *go out並不一定就是“約會”,但是如果go out的後面直接跟with me的話,就一定是“約會”了。

374.願意和我一起去看電影嗎? Would you like to go to the movies with me?

375.我們喝點茶什麼的吧。 Let's have tea or something.

376.能陪陪我嗎? Please keep me company for a while. *keep me company“和我在一起”、“交往”、“親近”。

377.我想請你去看演出。 I'd like to invite you to a show.

378.我能和你約會嗎? May I ask you out? *ask out“約會”。

379.你是想和我約會嗎? (你想勾引我嗎?) Are you trying to pick me up? *pick up“勾引(男人/女人),欺騙”。

380.在哪兒見面? Where do you want to meet?

381.我們幾點見面? What time should we meet?

382.我有話要對你說。 I want to talk to you.

383.你現在有朋友嗎? Are you seeing anyone now? *see 除了表示“看見”之外,還可表示“與……交往”。

384.你覺得我怎麼樣? What do you think of me?

385.我愛你。 I love you.

386.你是我見到過的最美的女人。 You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

387.你使我發瘋。 I'm crazy for you.

388.別裝腔作勢。 Don't play hard to get. *play hard to get一般多用在男女之間。特別是指女性為了吸引男性而使對方著急、故弄玄虛的行為。

389.我還不想太認真。 I don't want to get serious yet.

390.我是一見鍾情。 It was love at first sight. *at first sight“第一眼”、“見到的第一面”。

391.我真希望我從來都沒遇到過你。 I wish I had never met you. *這句是虛擬語氣的一種,表示與過去事實相反或者不可能實現的事情,用“had+過去分詞”的形式。本句緊接在“I wish”的後面,表示“要是……就好了,可……”。

392.你是我喜歡的那種類型。 You're my type. *也可以用於女性對男性。

393.你使我感到幸福。 You make me happy.

394.能認識你我非常幸福。 I'm happy to have known you.

395.你的眼睛真美。 You have beautiful eyes.

396.你真好。 You're sweet.

397.你真性感。 You're sexy.

398.我們拉著手走吧。 Let's walk hand in hand. *hand in hand指“手拉著手”、“手牽著手”。

399.我可以牽你的手嗎? May I hold your hand?

400.你真漂亮。 You're beautiful. *只用於男性對女性。

401.我想知道你的一切。 I want to know all about you.

402.我想要你。 I want you. *男女都可以使用。

403.我需要你。 I need you.

404.你是我的一切。 You're everything to me.

405.你是我的。 You're mine.

406.我是你的。 I'm yours.

407.沒有你我無法活下去。 I can't live without you.

408.再靠近我些。 Come closer.

409.你想什麼呢? What's on your mind?

410.我時時刻刻都想著你。 I think of you night and day.*night and day“無論是睡著還是醒著,不分晝夜”,此句直譯為“我無論是白天還是黑夜都想著你。”

411.你是這個世界上獨一無二的人。 There will never be another you.

412.你的連衣裙真漂亮。 I like your dress.

413.為你我在所不惜。 Nothing is too good for you.

414.你在引誘我嗎? Are you seducing me? *seduce 特指引誘年輕的女性。

415.抱緊我。 Hold me tight.

416.別離開我。 Don't go away. *比較隨便的說法。表示“呆在這兒”、“別離開。”

417.我無法不愛你。 I can't help falling in love with you.

418.我從來沒有過這種感覺。 I've never felt like this before.

419.你是我的惟一。 You're the one for me.

420.我永遠愛你。 I'll love you forever.

421.我一直都說的是真心話。 I always speak my mind.

422.既然那樣,那你也要愛屋及烏噢。 Love me, love my dog.*這是一句有名的諺語,意思是在愛一個人的同時,也要去愛他的朋友,去接受他的缺點和毛病。“愛屋及烏”。

423.請溫柔些。 Be gentle.

424.再多愛我一些。 Love me more.

425.看著我! Look at me!

426.我愛上了羅絲。 I fell in love with Rose. *fall in love“墜入愛河”、“談戀愛”、“迷戀”。

427.我深深地愛著羅絲。 I'm deeply in love with Rose.

428.唧! Smooch! *表示男女接吻時發出的聲響。

429.願意和我結婚嗎? Will you marry me? *用於求愛時,男女都可以用。

430.我還不想訂婚。 I don't want to get engaged yet.

431.我還不想結婚。 I don't want to get married yet.

432.結婚,我還沒想過呢。 I haven't thought about marriage yet. *當對方問到When are you going to get married? (你打算什麼時候結婚)時的回答。

433.我愛你,可是不能和你結婚。 I love you but I can't marry you.

434.我還下不了決心和她結婚。 I hesitate to marry her. * hesitate“躊躇”、“沒心思”、“猶豫”。

435.他剛剛結婚。 He's a newlywed. *newlywed“新婚的人”。

436.婚後生活怎麼樣? How's (your) married life?

437.我們倆都感到很幸福。 We're happy together now.

438.我很愛我的妻子。 I love my wife.

439.我們夫妻倆性格相似。 We're two of a kind. *two of a kind“性格相似的人”。

440.我們倆很般配。 We're a well-matched couple.

441.我是個顧家的人。 I'm a family-centered person.

442.她想要個孩子。 She wants to start a family.

443.我懷孕了。 I'm pregnant.

444.懷的是男孩還是女孩? What did she have?

445.問題總會解決的。 We can work it out.

446.我首先想到的是我妻子。 I think of my wife first.

447.我們夫妻從不吵架。 We (as a husband and a wife) don't have any fights.

448.拖家帶口的人。 Family man.

449.我們經常吵架。 We fight a lot.

450.我不再愛我的妻子了。 I don't love my wife any more.

451.我老婆有外遇。 My wife's cheating on me. *cheat on...“在男女關係上表現的不忠”。

452.我們感情不和。 We had a falling-out. *falling-out“感情不和”、“失和”。

453.我已經改變心意了。 I've changed my mind.

454.你變了。 You have changed.

455.你現在是不是和誰交往呢? Are you seeing someone now?

456.我和妻子沒什麼共同語言。 I don't see eye to eye with my wife. *see eye to eye with...“和……意見一致”。

457.我們倆合不來了。 We just don't get along.

458.我想我很瞭解你。 I thought I knew you.

459.我和我的秘書有了婚外情。 I had an affair with my secretary.

460.和你在一起沒意思。 I don't enjoy being with you.

461.我們離婚吧。 Let's get divorced. *divorce“離婚”。

462.現在我和我妻子分居了。 I'm separated from my wife. *separate“夫妻分居”。

463.我不能失去你。 I can't get over losing you. *get over“(從疾病、痛苦中)恢復,重新站起”。

464.和你分手是我最大的痛苦。 Breaking up is hard to do. *break up“朋友、夫妻間的分手”。

465.請不要傷我的心。 Don't break my heart. *break one's heart“使……萬分痛苦,讓對方因失戀而痛苦”。

466.我們爭論了好幾個小時。 We argued for hours. *argue“是用理論來說服對方”或“各自堅持自己的主張而爭論不休“。

467.趕上了! I made it! *可以用於上班、上學和坐車時的情況。

468.要嚴格遵守時間。 Be punctual!

469.你又遲到了。 You are late again.

470.我只遲到了5分鐘。 I was only late by five minutes.

471.打出勤卡了嗎? Did you punch in? *上班時。

472.讓我看看我的日程安排。 Let me check my schedule.

473.我有好多事要幹。 I've got so much to do.

474.我的時間安排很緊。 I'm pressed for time.

475.我是個普通的公司職員。 I'm an ordinary office worker. *ordinary“平凡,普通”。“男職員”、“女職員”均用an office worker表示。

476.這工作不太費事。 The work doesn't need much effort.

477.幹活別偷懶。 Don't neglect your duties! *neglect“不認真對待工作,不履行義務,馬馬虎虎的態度”。Duty“義務”。

478.西區由我負責。 I'm in charge of the west side.

479.我已經結束那項工作了。 I'm done with the work.

480.我還能工作好長時間呢。 I can still work for a long time.

481.我們的上司被解僱了。 Our boss has been fired. *fire“撤職,解僱”。

482.請把這個訂在一起。 Please staple these together. *stapler 是名詞,“訂書器”。 staple為動詞,“訂在一起”。

483.能幫我複印一下這份材料嗎? Would you copy these papers?

484.複印機有毛病了。 This copy machine doesn't work.

485.我想複印機是沒紙了。 I think it ran out of paper. *run out“用完”。

486.付款截止到什麼時候? When is this due? *due“已到付款截止日期”。

487.付款日期截止到30號。 It's due on the thirtieth.

488.我們休息一會兒吧。 Let's take a break.

489.能幫我倒杯咖啡嗎? Get me a cup of coffee, will you? *用於上級對下級。

490.您想喝杯咖啡嗎? Would you like some coffee?

491.那真是太好了。 That would be great. *用於回答別人的邀請和建議。

492.快到午飯時間了。 It's almost lunchtime.

493.我們有1小時的午休時間。 We took an hour lunch break.

494.我們開始吧。 Let's get started.

495.現在我不能放下這個工作。 I can't leave this job at the moment.

496.我太忙了,顧不上那麼瑣碎的事。 I'm too busy to bother with such details. *detail“細小的,零碎的”。

497.我忙得四腳朝天。 I'm so busy, I'd really appreciate any help I could get.

498.別偷懶! Don't slack off! *slack“懶惰”、“馬馬虎慮”、“鬆散”,slack off 表示“做事鬆鬆散散”、“偷工減料”。

499.盡你的全力! Do your best!

500.悠著點兒。 Don't work too hard.









