美國新冠病毒感染超55萬例 ,福奇:若白宮早點採取措施,可挽救更多生命

美國新冠病毒感染超55萬例 ,福奇:若白宮早點採取措施,可挽救更多生命


The United States has now surpassed Italy as having the world's most novel coronavirus fatalities, as well as the most confirmed cases in the world.

All U.S. states are under disaster declaration because of the coronavirus pandemic, not to mention Washington D.C. and the four U.S. territories - Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Stay-home orders have also been implemented in most states.



Fauci: Earlier COVID-19 action would have saved more American lives


Anthony Fauci, one of the leading health experts on the U.S. coronavirus task force, said on Sunday that earlier COVID-19 mitigation efforts would have saved more American lives.

"If we had, right from the beginning, shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different," said Fauci in a televised interview with CNN on April 12.

However, he added that making that decision was complicated, saying there was a lot of "pushback" about shutting things down back then.

On March 16, the Trump administration issued social distancing guidelines, about three weeks after the nation's top health experts recommended they be put in place.

在福奇側面證實特朗普耽誤抗“疫”時機後,美國共和黨前眾議員參選人羅琳(DeAnna Lorraine)發推表示,“是時候解僱福奇了......”


In reaction to Fauci's statement, former Republican congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine tweeted on Sunday: "Fauci was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US at large" – with a hashtag "Time to #FireFauci" in the end.

美國新冠病毒感染超55萬例 ,福奇:若白宮早點採取措施,可挽救更多生命

President Trump reposted her twitter message soon after, adding that "Sorry Fake News, it's all on tape. I banned China long before people spoke up."

美國新冠病毒感染超55萬例 ,福奇:若白宮早點採取措施,可挽救更多生命


U.S. COVID-19 cases top 550,000

美國新冠病毒感染超55萬例 ,福奇:若白宮早點採取措施,可挽救更多生命


The number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. topped 550,000 on Sunday afternoon, according to the data released by Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. now has 21,994 deaths, making it the hardest-hit country.


The state of New York has recorded 189,020 cases, the most in the country, with a death toll of 9,385. And there are now more than 100,000 confirmed cases in New York City.


According to The Associated Press, more than 3,300 deaths nationwide have been linked to coronavirus outbreaks in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

The latest number is up from about 450 deaths just 10 days ago, according to the report.


Experts have warned that the true toll is likely to be even much higher because most state counts don't include those who died without being tested for COVID-19, according to AP reports.

There are around one million people, mostly frail and elderly, living in such facilities in the country.


Trump administration hopeful

about reopening in May

美國新冠病毒感染超55萬例 ,福奇:若白宮早點採取措施,可挽救更多生命



The Trump administration views May 1 as a target date for relaxing stay-at-home restrictions and reopening the economy across the United States.

However, this initiative has received doubts from some U.S. health experts and governors.

美國食品和藥品管理局局長斯蒂芬·哈恩12日在接受美國廣播公司(ABC)採訪時表示, 5月1日只是一個目標日期,現在討論能否實現這個目標為時尚早。




"We see light at the end of the tunnel," Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn told ABC. However, there were many factors to take into account in finally determining when it would be safe to lift restrictions, he said. "I think it's too early to be able to tell that."

New Jersey's governor and Democrat Phil Murphy said that an economic recovery depended on a "full health-care recovery." "If we start to get back on our feet too soon, I fear, based on the data we're looking at, we could be throwing gasoline on the fire," Murphy said.

Besides, Larry Hogan, governor of Maryland, told ABC News on Sunday that "you can't just pick up a date and flip a switch," and then stressed the importance of widespread testing before making a decision.



According to the Washington Post, Christopher Murray, the creator of one of the most widely cited coronavirus models, warned that lifting all the restrictions on May 1 might lead to a second wave of cases in the U.S.

When asked about whether it is realistic to reopen the U.S. economy on May 1, Fauci said that "it is so difficult to make those kinds of predictions" and "it is not going to be a light switch." He suggested a "rolling reentry" into normalcy according to the conditions in different regions.

