not half bad究竟是“好”還是“壞”?

not half bad不是指“不太好”,而是“一點也不壞”、“


used for saying that someone or something is good, especially when they are better than you expected them to be



It’s one of the cheapest printers around, and it isn’t half bad.


英語辨析|not half bad究竟是“好”還是“壞”?

對not half bad的理解

It is a negation of thing being half 'bad', thus it is half-good, and the colloquialism grants that the half-good part quality of the thing is sufficient, interesting, or surprising enough to warrant attention.


When I use Not half bad, I mean that what I'm talking about is so-so, but a little bit better than 50% good, namely, about 51%. Not even pretty good, but good enough in a pinch.

當我用Not half bad時,意思是我說的東西是一般般的,但是比50% good好一點,也就是大約51%。雖然不是很好,但在緊要關頭也足夠好了。

英語辨析|not half bad究竟是“好”還是“壞”?

Saying this is the equivalent of saying, That's pretty good. Most people that use this phrase do not actually stop to weigh out whether or not the subject is actually more good than it is bad. As with most expressions, it is likely that it started with the literal meaning as the only meaning.


英語辨析|not half bad究竟是“好”還是“壞”?

However, time makes language like a game of telephone. One person uses a phrase, and someone that doesn't understand the phrase (or didn't hear it properly) assumes the meaning. When this continues, expressions like, I could care less, are born.

然而,隨著時間的流逝,語言像電話遊戲一樣。有個人用了一個短語,而不理解這個短語的人(或者沒有正確地聽到這個短語)會假定它的意思。當這種情況繼續下去時,像“I could care less(字面意思是我可以在乎得更少,但實際意思和I couldn't care less 壓根就不在乎一樣)”這樣的表達就會出現。

So when you hear this phrase used, just know that the speaker is complementing something and move on.



