K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2


Started out as a 3D clothes production company for global buyers, BLAXIII has handled global wardrobes through 3D and guided new paths.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2



K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2


Dissecting and putting together two or more items.BLAXIII’s very own deconstruction will offer a new look and combination in jackets, trench, coats, and vests.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2


Inspired by architectural arts, a structural silhouette will be made by details in straight lines and moderated curves. BLAXIII’s architecture will be items that are familiar yet unprecedented.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2


Clothes contain their own character but new look can be brought by wearer’s direction in layers. BLAXIII’s wardrobe will show various structures according to the wearer’s own characteristics and propose numerous ways.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2


Brand leading the new trend every season with our own emotion rather than pursuing other tend.


Cahiers focuses on professional women in their 30~40s. Brand showing the harmony of a beautiful and perfect technology, and fancy but restrained, calm couture art.


The wearable product which used curve in diverse variation with soft and elegant silhouette in feminine and urban emotion is proposed. Also, the products show off design harmonizing moderate practicality, creativity and fancy details that are delicate and couture using ruffle, trimming and appliqué. Also, without colorful technique or printing, it balanced various neutral colors to give a sense of simplicity and elegance.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

無限熱情、著眼實際、大膽創新,品牌設計師Kim A-Young完美平衡多種特質,打造出獨屬Cahiers的靈敏感知。

Designer creating brand sensitivity by balancing the infinite passion and sense with practicality and creativity.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

創意設計品牌C-ZANN E總部位於紐約及首爾,是獨立設計師的女裝品牌,擁有兩個獨立產品線:C-ZANN E系列、CIE-Z E休閒系列。

CZANN is a creative design based in New York and Seoul, Korea and is private designer label woman’s wear brand which presents two separate lines C-ZANN E, collection line, and CIE-Z E, casual line.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

韓國傳統服飾集設計簡潔與線條利落於一體,融合極簡主義,成為C-ZANN E的設計靈感來源。簡約線條,貼合人體結構,隨運動流淌,C-ZANN E理念盡顯於此。

The designer’s concept is inspired by the Minimalism and Korean traditional costume which is beauty of simplicity and clean line. It’s expressed in out designs, which are based on sophisticated yet simple lines that transform with the movements of the wearer.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

於韓國傳統,注入西方文化。Seo Jung Lee曾就讀於紐約時裝學院,創辦其個人品牌前,先後在紐約時尚區和首爾做設計師和創意總監。

Seo Jung Lee mixes a traditional Korean traditional heritage with Western couture. She is educated at FIT in New York and began her career as a fashion designer in New York Fashion District and In Seoul as designer and creative director before launching her own brands

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

J CHOI每件成衣均有其獨享的設計流程及審美哲學,品牌靈感來自多個領域:建築、繪畫、及具有幾何感的其他產品,並加以再創造。通過設計、分析、解構、重建,打造既不過分複雜、也非極度簡約的時裝,從而連接日常與高端。

CHOI rejects standardized trend, and makes each garment through unique design process and philosophy. JCHOI reinterprets inspirations coming from various sources such as architectures, paintings and products with its own geometric insight. We design and make us with analyses, deconstructing and reinterpretation. No excessive and oversimplification, we are standing between everyday life and highend.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

JUNGSU J. CHOI曾花費數年於紐約探索其時尚潛力,投身時尚產業,作品覆蓋成衣、高定、女裝及男裝。2014年,他于波士頓時裝週執導其首個男裝秀,並於2016年回到首爾,創辦首個品牌J. CHOI。

JUNGSU J. CHOI spent several years diversifying himself through his work in the fashion industry ready-to-wear and high-end brands, womenswear and menswear in New York. He directed first JCHOI menswear fashion show in Boston Fashion Week 2014. He launched his first own brand JCHOI came back to Seoul in 2016.


2017.08 第47屆Joongang Design Contest 銀獎

2017.08, 47th Joongang Design Contest -Silver

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

GIWA: The Roof

Inspired from roof tiles of Asian traditional house. Its structure of the shape made for necessity needs because of scientific reasons accumulated for a long time.

However, we can find various interesting shapes,

when we see the roof, we can define it with a few words, layering, vertical, repletion, protection and etc.

Through the process of combining and recombining them, our designs were able to derive.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2


LIE is a modern women’s lifestyle brand that celebrates playful take on masculine-feminine duality. Combining signature tailoring with fabric combinations, LIE introduce elevated silhouettes that bridges bold colors and soft features in a dynamic yet romantic collection.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

2013年,設計師Chungchung Lee發佈了個人品牌LIE。他多次參與全球時尚活動,如Tranoi Paris, Coterie New York, Premium Berlin,目前已在美國,加拿大,日本,中國,香港,新加坡,迪拜等地擁有眾多專賣店和百貨商廈門店。

Chungchung Lee launched his own brand,‘LIE’ in 2013. Chungchung continuously participated in diverse global tradeshows and events such as Tranoi Paris, Coterie New York, and Premium Berlin and more.

Through active global events participating, the designer established international businesses with numerous select-shops and department stores within US, Canada, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai and more.

紐約時裝週、倫敦時裝週、巴黎時裝週韓國設計師展示、英韓文化中心展、中國時尚活動,頻繁亮相使Chungchung Lee為大眾所知。

他還一直在與Red Velvet Irene,Chupa Chups,施華洛世奇,Designers Hotel,Miffy,BMW MINI等品牌合作。主要媒體如ELLE, Vogue, W, Allure, Bazzar, Madame Figuaro 均對LIE的全球之旅多加關注。

Furthermore, Chungchung is increasing international public attention by participating global events such as NYFW Fashion Show, London Fashion Week Showroom, Korean Designer Spotlight event via Leclaireur and Tranoi during Paris Fashion Week, British Korean Culture Centre’s Exhibition and China fashion show events.

Also, In order to expand publicity, he is continuously working on collaboration with Red Velvet Irene, Chupa Chups, Swarovski, Designers Hotel, Miffy, BMW MINI and more.

LIE’s global journey is highlighted within major press lines such as ELLE, Vogue, W, Allure, Bazzar, Madame Figuaro, and more.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

由首爾市、首爾產業振興院(SBA)和HISEOUL SHOWROOM聯合創建的韓流時裝行業新流通平臺 HISEOUL SHOWROOM,以振興首爾市時裝產業和東大門時裝市場,幫助有前途的設計師開拓市場為己任。

HISEOUL SHOWROOM is a brand-new platform for Hallyu fashion co-organized by Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul Business Agency, and HISEOUL SHOWROOM to foster Seoul’s fashion industry, to promote Dongdaemun fashion district, and to provide new market for promising designers.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

從時裝企劃到設計開發、產品生產、產品展覽、產品匹配、產品銷售、產品洽談、提供新產品信息、產品訂貨、銷售結算等,作為幫助買手實現最大業務效率的系統,HISEOUL SHOWROOM為韓國有前途的設計師、時裝中小企業擴大銷售渠道提供了實質性幫助。

Our system provides the optimal business environment: from planning to design, production, exhibition, matching, sales, consulting, information on new products, obtaining and signing of contracts, we practically assist promising designers and small to medium-sized fashion enterprises in the actual sales process.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

HISEOUL SHOWROOM還在中國、東南亞、歐美地區舉辦展覽會或PT秀,在海外知名百貨店開設快閃店等,積極開展挖掘當地營業點事業,推介和銷售韓流設計師品牌。

HISEOUL SHOWROOM is proactively developing local footholds abroad, by holding presentations in China, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and opening pop-up stores in popular overseas department stores.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

在海外市場,HISEOUL SHOWROOM通過知名人士和意見領袖開展促銷活動和SNS宣傳活動,及通過當地網上平臺開展O2O服務、特別促銷活動等,為當地量身打造的營銷活動,使得“韓國製造”時裝獲得更廣範圍的關注。

We maximize awareness for fashion “made in Korea” through customized marketing strategies such as promotion by famous celebrities and influencers, social media marketing, O2O service at local online platforms, and special events.

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

K-Fashion Presented by HISEOUL SHOWROOM-Part 2

