人教版八上英語Unit1 單元話題滿分作文

人教版八上英語Unit1 單元話題滿分作文

Unit1 單元話題滿分作文


1.(去)度假 go on vacation/spend one's holiday

2.拍相當多的照片 take quite a few photos

3.記日記 keep a diary

4.為某人買某物 buy sth for sb

5.品嚐一些美食 taste some delicious food

6.進行兩天的旅行 have a two-day trip

7.玩得開心 have a great time/enjoy oneself



I went to Beijing on vacation with my parents. /My parents and I went to Beijing to spend our holiday.


We didn't have much fun because of the bad weather.


What a wonderful day!


Beijing is such a beautiful city that I hope to go there again.

請以"My Trip to "為題,根據以下要求與提示,用英語寫一篇短文,記敘你的一次旅行要求:





1. Where did you go?

2. What did you do there?

3. How did you feel about the trip?






人教版八上英語Unit1 單元話題滿分作文

人教版八上英語Unit1 單元話題滿分作文

My Trip to Beijing

I went to Beijing on vacation with my parents this summer.

On the first day, we went to Tiananmen Square and I watched the flag-raising ceremony. How wonderful it was! Then, we visited the Great Wall. Like its name, it is great. The next day we visited the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven. We took lots of/a lot of/many photos. We tasted some delicious food

, like Beijing duck. I also bought some presents for my friends.

I was tired but happy. I hope to visit Beijing again.

人教版八上英語Unit1 單元話題滿分作文

1. 假設今天是十月一日,天氣晴朗,你和家人去北京平谷區金海湖(Jinhai Lake)遊玩。請根據下面表格提示,寫一篇70詞左右的短文,記錄本次活動並簡要表達你的感受。

人教版八上英語Unit1 單元話題滿分作文

Today is National Day. It was fine. I went to Jinhai Lake with my family.

We left early in the morning and got there at nine. First, we went boating on the lake. It was fun. Then, I played beach volleyball with my father. He played better and tried his best to teach me. After that, we went swimming in the lake. The water was so warm that I was relaxed and enjoyed myself in it. We had lunch at 12: 00. I had some different kinds of seafood. It was delicious.

At last, we played games and sang songs. At 5: 00 p. m, we went back home. We had a really great time although we were tired.

2. 假如你是Tom,剛剛度過愉快的暑假。請根據以下提示寫一篇70詞左右的短文,講述一下你的假期經歷。






I am Tom. I had a good time this summer vacation, I went to Hainan with my family. We had fun on the beach. During the vacation, I often went to my favorite bookstore and bought many books there. In the afternoon I usually played soccer with my friends. I think doing sports can keep us healthy. I also spent time studying. I read English every morning from 9: 00 a. m to 11: 00 a. m. And I did all my homework. All in all, I had a good time during my vacation.

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