
真外刊精讀 | 保持社交距離的以色列抗議活動

翻譯 | 艾麗娜

Thousands of Israelis protest against Netanyahu, two meters apart


By Oren Liebermann and Michael Schwartz, CNN

@April 20, 2020

真外刊精读 | 保持社交距离的以色列抗议活动

This is what a socially distant protest looks like 01:02


Jerusalem (CNN)The square in the heart of Tel Aviv was measured and carefully marked off. Every two meters, an X designated a spot where someone could stand under Israel's social distancing guidelines. Protest organizers marked 2,800 spots for protesters to stand Sunday evening. In the end, organizers say twice as many people showed up to protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with many people standing on the surrounding streets.

耶路撒冷(CNN)特拉維夫(Tel Aviv)市中心的廣場是經過測量和仔細標記的。根據以色列的社交距離準則,廣場每隔兩米,就有一個X標記的地方,人們可以站在那裡。抗議組織者週日晚間為抗議者安排了2,800個活動場所。組織者說,最終有兩倍多的人參加了反對總理本雅明·內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)的抗議活動,甚至許多人站在周圍的街道上。

The event made for a dramatic picture of a protest in the time of coronavirus. Protesters held up Israeli flags and plain black flags to symbolize what they see as Netanyahu's attacks against the country's democratic systems. Wearing masks under the latest health guidelines, one protester held up a sign that said, "I will not be quiet because my country has changed its face." Spaced out evenly across the open space, the protest made Rabin Square appear full, even though it can hold tens of thousands of people.

這一事件為冠狀病毒時期的抗議活動提供了一幅生動的畫面。抗議者高舉著以色列國旗和普通的黑旗,這象徵著他們眼中的內塔尼亞胡(Netanyahu)對國家民主制度的攻擊。一名抗議者根據最新的健康指南戴著口罩,舉著一塊牌子,上面寫著:“我不會沉默,因為我的國家改變了面貌。”儘管拉賓廣場(Rabin Square)可以容納數萬人,但抗議活動使廣場顯得很擁擠。

This week, Israel began to ease the social restrictions in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus. But even under the strictest limitations, protests were still allowed as long as they abided by the government's regulations.



真外刊精读 | 保持社交距离的以色列抗议活动

Israelis protest at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on Sunday.


"They said that there will be an exponential growth in the number of people with corona(virus)," said organizer Shikma Schwarzmann, "but the only thing you really see growing exponentially is the number of people who are willing to stand up and protect our nation and our democracy."

組織者施瓦茲曼(Shikma Schwarzmann)說:“別人說,感染冠狀病毒的人數將呈指數級增長,但你真正看到的是願意挺身而出保護我們國家和民主的人數呈指數級增長。”

Speaking at the protest, Member of Parliament Yair Lapid criticized Netanyahu and Parliament Speaker Benny Gantz, until recently Lapid's political partner in the Blue and White party. Gantz broke with Lapid nearly a month ago when he agreed to serve under Netanyahu, going back on a promise that had been central to the party's campaign. The move fractured Blue and White, with Lapid taking his faction into the opposition as Gantz pursued a unity government with Netanyahu.

亞伊爾·拉皮德(Yair Lapid)議員在抗議活動中批評內塔尼亞胡和議長本尼·甘茨(Benny Gantz),直到最近,甘茨還是拉皮德在藍白黨(Blue and White party)中的政治夥伴。近一個月前,甘茨與拉皮德決裂,當時他同意在內塔尼亞胡手下工作,違背了藍白黨競選活動的核心承諾。在甘茨尋求與內塔尼亞胡建立聯合政府的過程中,拉皮德把他的派系變成了反對派。

"You don't fight corruption from within. If you're inside, you're part of it," Lapid said, in a not-so-subtle criticism of Gantz. "We are here to say that we will never give in. Too many good people have already surrendered."

你不能從內部打擊腐敗。如果你在裡面,你就是它的一部分。” 拉皮德在對甘茨直白的批評中說道。“我們在這裡訴說,我們永遠不會屈服。太多的好人已經投降了。”

"That's how democracies die in the 21st century. They're not wiped out by tanks overrunning parliament. They die from within because good people were silent and weak people surrendered. From the outside everything looks exactly the same. The parliaments stand in the same place, the police band plays the same anthem, the leader hasn't changed. He looks the same, he sounds the same, but it isn't a democracy anymore."


真外刊精读 | 保持社交距离的以色列抗议活动

People wearing protective face masks take part in Sunday's protest.


Ayman Odeh, the leader of the Joint List of Arab parties, called for an alliance of Jewish and Arab parties to defeat Netanyahu. "We Arab citizens on our own cannot bring fundamental change, but without us, this can never be done," Odeh said, speaking at the protest. "During this crisis, there is a real opportunity to build a democratic camp and a broad Jewish-Arab front for peace and democracy."

以色列左翼政黨“共同名單”(Joint List)主席艾曼·奧德赫(Ayman Odeh)呼籲猶太人和阿拉伯政黨結成聯盟,擊敗內塔尼亞胡。“我們阿拉伯公民自己無法帶來根本性的改變,但沒有我們,一切都永遠不可能實現,”奧德赫在抗議活動中說道。“在這場危機中,我們有真正的機會建立一個民主陣營,建立一個廣泛的猶太-阿拉伯和平與民主陣線。”

So far Gantz and Netanyahu have failed to agree on the terms of a new government. The latest meeting between the two sides ended Monday morning without any apparent breakthrough.


真外刊精读 | 保持社交距离的以色列抗议活动

