
国际热点 | 美国总统候选人拜登否认性侵指控

整合 | 陈昱 黄子洋







Saudi Arabia stops death penalty for people who committed crimes as minors


@ CNN, April 27, 2020

国际热点 | 美国总统候选人拜登否认性侵指控

Saudi Arabia is abolishing the death penalty for people who committed crimes as minors, the state-backed Human Rights Commission (HRC) said in a statement Sunday.


Anyone who received a death sentence after being convicted of crimes they committed as a minor will receive a prison sentence of no longer than 10 years in a juvenile detention facility, the statement said. It is unclear when this decision is expected to be enacted.


It is also unclear whether public flogging has been fully or partially banned. The English version of the HRC statement indicated that flogging would be completely abolished, but the Arabic version said the practice would only be prohibited in instances where the punishment is at the judge's discretion, and not for crimes where the punishment is dictated by Sharia law.


The royal decree could potentially spare several men from the country's Shia minority, who allegedly committed crimes as minors, from the death penalty. Ali al-Nimr, an imprisoned anti-government protester, is the most prominent of these.


The nephew of the executed firebrand cleric Nimr al-Nimr, Ali was arrested at the age of 17 and was given a death sentence.


Last year, CNN reported on Saudi teen Murtaja Qureiris who faced the death penalty for crimes he allegedly committed at the age of 13. The anti-government protester was spared execution after the report spurred an international outcry.


"These will be nothing more than empty words as long as child defendants remain on death row. Mohammed bin Salman has been promising to 'minimise' the death penalty for years, but the kingdom continues to execute people convicted of attending demonstrations while they were still in school," Reprieve director Maya Foa said in a statement.

“只要儿童被告还在死囚区,这些都只是空话。穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼多年来一直承诺将死刑‘降到最低’,但王国仍在处决那些被判在上学期间参加示威活动的人,” “废除死刑”的领导者玛雅·福阿在一份声明中说。

But there are fears that political prisoners may not benefit from the move. Rights group Reprieve on Monday said it had concerns about potential loopholes in the law and questioned whether it would be retroactively enforced.


The HRC has not stated if the move will apply to prisoners already sentenced to death.


"More reforms will be coming," said Alawwad, who credited the Crown Prince's Vision 2030 program, a drive to reform the kingdom's economy and ultra-conservative social rules, for the move.



Coronavirus treatment hopes fire up Wall Street

@ CNN, April 29, 2020

国际热点 | 美国总统候选人拜登否认性侵指控

US stocks rose sharply Wednesday after Gilead Sciences announced encouraging results for its experimental coronavirus treatment.


Gilead Sciences (GILD) announced it is "aware of positive data" from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases' study of remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19. The company said it understands the trial "met its primary endpoint."


The news sent US stocks soaring because there are currently no treatments approved by the FDA for treating coronavirus. The Dow was up more than 400 points at the open.


Health restrictions imposed to fight the pandemic have caused millions of job losses and led the US economy to contract during the first quarter for the first time since 2014.


In addition to the positive news on the NIAID study, Gilead announced topline results from a Phase 3 trial evaluating remdesivir given to hospitalized patients with severe coronavirus. The company said the study demonstrated patients receiving a 10-day treatment course of the drug "achieved similar improvement in clinical status" compared with those taking a five-day treatment.


This isn't the first time remdisivir has set off a big rally on Wall Street. US stocks soared on April 17 on a report about positive signs for the Gilead drug. Yet analysts warned at the time that remdisivr won't be a silver bullet in the fight against coronavirus.


Yet there was positive news on the vaccine front as well. A German company working with Pfizer (PFE) has begun human trials of a potential coronavirus vaccine that could supply millions by the end of the year.


"Hopefully we'll get more good news from Gilead and other drug companies on therapeutics that could increase the confidence of people to reengage with businesses again," Peter Boockvar, chief investment officer at Bleakley Advisory Group, wrote in a note to clients.



White House-allied conservatives band together to support economic reopening


@ CNN, April 29, 2020

国际热点 | 美国总统候选人拜登否认性侵指控

A group of conservatives, some with close ties to the White House, formally announced a new coalition Monday that will push state officials to reopen for business quickly.


Members of the Save Our Country Task Force include economic commentator Stephen Moore, economist Art Laffer and former South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, all of whom were named earlier this month to President Donald Trump's coronavirus economic council.


The new group debuted just as the White House is turning its attention to highlighting the toll coronavirus closures have taken on the economy.


"We're just ravaging our economy right now, and the longer this goes on, the more human misery it will cause," Moore, a former Trump campaign adviser who was considered last year for a seat on the Federal Reserve board of governors, told CNN on Monday. He said the group will encourage states to reopen for business "on a rolling basis" and push for a federal payroll tax cut to stimulate an economy that has shed more than 26 million jobs in five weeks.


He said the coalition also opposes sending bailout money to cash-strapped states, something Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said last week he opposed but suggested on Monday might be coming in a future relief package.


The leaders of the new coalition include conservatives who have offered support to demonstrators who have protested stay-at-home orders around the country in recent weeks. For instance, officials with FreedomWorks, a Washington group with ties to the Tea Party movement, helped provide technical support and promote some of the protests, Brandon, the group's president, told CNN on Monday.


Trump has voiced skepticism about the state aid, tweeting Monday: "Why should the people and taxpayers of America be bailing out poorly run states (like Illinois, as example) and cities, in all cases Democrat run and managed, when most of the other states are not looking for bailout help?"


30-day delay in Roger Stone beginning prison sentence due to COVID-19


@ ABC NEWS, May 1, 2020

国际热点 | 美国总统候选人拜登否认性侵指控

Sources with direct knowledge tell ABC News that the Federal Bureau of Prisons late Wednesday advised Roger Stone’s team that they plan to delay his surrender date to begin his prison sentence by at least 30 days because of COVID-19.


Two weeks ago, and months after Stone's sentencing to more than three years in prison on Feb. 20, Judge Amy Berman Jackson denied the veteran GOP political operative’s bid for a new trial based on alleged juror misconduct, writing in her decision that "the conviction is final, and that Stone failed to "supply any reason to believe that there has been 'a serious miscarriage of justice'."

两周前,在斯通于2月20日被判处三年以上徒刑数月之后,法官艾米·伯曼·杰克逊否认了这位资深共和党政治特工基于所谓的陪审员不当行为而要求进行新审判的决定,并在判决书中写道:“定罪”是最终裁决,而斯通未能“ 提供任何理由相信发生了‘严重的误判’。”

Stone’s bid for a new trial came just days before Judge Jackson sentenced him to 40 months in prison amid speculation about a possible pardon from Stone's longtime friend, President Donald Trump.


Lawyers for Stone filed their notice of appeal late Thursday -- the last day for them to do so. Attorneys representing Stone on appeal, David Schoen and Ginsberg, wrote that Stone is appealing Judge Jackson's judgement in his criminal case imposing his sentencing, and the judge's recent order denying Stone's bid for a new trial.


In November 2019, Stone, 67, was convicted of misleading congressional investigators on several key elements of their probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, including communications he had with the Trump campaign about the WikiLeaks dissemination of damaging documents stolen from Democrats.


Biden denies sexual assault allegation, in his first comments on Tara Reade's claims


@ FOX NEWS, May 1, 2020

国际热点 | 美国总统候选人拜登否认性侵指控

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Friday denied allegations of sexual assault leveled against him by former staffer Tara Reade, personally addressing the claims for the first time more than a month after she went public with the accusations.


"They aren’t true. This never happened," Biden said in a written statement put out by his campaign.


"While the details of these allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault are complicated, two things are not complicated. One is that women deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and when they step forward they should be heard, not silenced. The second is that their stories should be subject to appropriate inquiry and scrutiny."


Further, Biden called for the secretary of the Senate to ask the National Archives to "identify any record of the complaint she alleges she filed and make available to the press any such document.”


"If there was ever any such complaint, the record will be there," he said, while stressing that Senate staffers she complained to have said they have no knowledge of this. Biden also said the Archives are the relevant entity, and not the University of Delaware, which has many of his Senate papers but does not have "personnel files."



PSG declared French league champion as season ends early


@ ABC NEWS, April 30, 2020

国际热点 | 美国总统候选人拜登否认性侵指控

Paris Saint-Germain was declared champion of the French soccer league on Thursday after the season ended early because of the coronavirus pandemic.The announcement from the league followed the French government's decision on Tuesday to call off the soccer and rugby seasons in the country and end plans to resume.


“We have (acknowledged) the end of the 2019-20 season and we have awarded the league title to PSG,” league president Nathalie Boy de la Tour said.PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi dedicated the title to the “healthcare staff and to all the everyday heroes on the front line whose commitment and self-sacrifice over many weeks have earned our deepest admiration.”

联赛主席纳塔莉·博伊德拉·图尔说:“我们已经(确认)2019-20赛季的结束,并且已经将联赛冠军授予了巴黎圣日耳曼。” 巴黎圣日耳曼主席纳赛尔·阿尔赫莱菲将冠军头衔献给了“医疗人员和第一线的所有日常英雄,他们在多周的奉献精神和自我牺牲赢得了我们最深切的钦佩。”

The top two divisions in French soccer had 10 rounds of matches left to play. PSG led second-place Marseille by 12 points having played one game less.We understand, respect and support the decisions taken by the French government to end the championship," Al-Khelaifi said. "Health, as the government has always said, must be everyone’s priority.”


Lyon president Jean-Michel Aulas argued for a three-week long playoff system to complete the league season— but with PSG already declared champion. His team finished in seventh place and missed out on the Champions League.


Seven-time champion Lyon said in a statement that it reserves the possibility to appeal the league's decision and to claim damages, estimating the club's losses to be “several tens of millions” of euros.


国际热点 | 美国总统候选人拜登否认性侵指控

