





Eliza Doolittle (E): a poor flower girl who is ambitious to improve herself

伊菜扎·杜利特爾 (伊):窮苦的賣花姑娘,立志要改善自己的生活

Professor Higgins (H): an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person's English decides his/her position in society

希金斯教授 (希):語音學專家,堅信一個人的英語水平決定這個人的社會地位

Colonel Pickering (CP): an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins' who sets him a task

皮克林上校 (皮):陸軍軍官,後來成了希金斯教授的朋友,並給他安排了一項任務


第一幕 決定性的會面

11 :15 pm in London, England in 1914 outside a theatre. It is pouring with rain and cab whistles are blowing in all directions. A man is hiding from the rain listening to people's language and watching their reactions. While watching, he makes notes. Nearby a flower girl wearing dark garments and a woollen scarf is also sheltering from the rain. A gentleman (G) passes and hesitates for a moment.


E: Come over’ere, cap’in, and buy me flowers off a poor girl.


G: I'm sorry but I haven't any change.



E: I can giv’ou change, cap’in.


G: (surprised) For a pound? I'm afraid I've got nothing less.


E: (hopefully) Oah! Oh, do buy a flower off me, Captain. Take this for three pence.(holds up some dead flowers)


G: (uncomfortably) Now don't be troublesome, there's a good girl. (looks in his wallet and sounds more friendly) But, wait, here's some small change. Will that be of any use to you? It's raining heavily now, isn't it? (leaves)

先:(不舒服地) 現在別煩我,好姑娘。(在他的口袋裡找什麼,這時語氣好些了) 等一等,這兒有幾個零錢。這點錢對你有用嗎?雨下大了,不是嗎?(說完就走了)

E: (disappointed at the outcome, but thinking it is better than nothing) Thank you, sir. (sees a man taking notes and feels worried) Hey! I ain’t done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman. I've a right to sell flowers, I have. I ain’t no thief. I'm an honest girl I am! (begins to cry)

伊:(對先生付的錢表現出失望的樣子,但是有總比沒有好) 先生,謝謝了。(看到有人在記什麼,感到擔心) 嗨,我跟那位先生講話,又沒做錯什麼事。我有權賣花吧,我有權嘛!我不是小偷,我是個老實姑娘,老老實實的!(開始哭起來)

H: (kindly) There! There! Who's hurting you, you silly girl? What do you take me for? (gives her a handkerchief)

希:(友善地) 好啦,好啦!誰傷害你了,傻姑娘?你把我當成什麼人了?(遞給她一條手帕)

E: I thought maybe you was a policeman in disguise.


H: Do I look like a policeman?


E: (still worried) Then why did 'ou take down my words for? How do I know whether 'ou took me down right? 'ou just show me what 'ou've wrote about me!

伊:(仍在擔心) 那你為啥要把我說的話記下來呢?我怎麼知道你是不是寫對了呢?那你把你寫的關於我的東西給我看看。

H: Here you are. (hands over the paper covered in writing)


E: What's that? That ain't proper writing. I can't read that. (pushes it back at him)


H: I can. (reads imitating Eliza) "Come over' ere, cap'in, and buy me flowers off a poor girl." (in his own voice) There you are and you were born in Lisson Grove if I'm not mistaken.

希:我懂。(模仿伊的聲音讀) 長官,過這邊來呀,買我這個苦命孩子一束花吧!(改用自己的聲音) 好了吧,你呀,如果我沒有弄錯的話,你出生在裡森格羅佛。

E: (looking confused) What if I was? What's it to you?

伊:(困惑不解的) 如果我是又怎樣呢?跟你有什麼關係呢?

CP: (has been watching the girl and now speaks to Higgins) That's quite brilliant! How did you do that, may I ask?

皮:(本來是一直望著這個姑娘的,這時跟希金斯說話了) 太棒了!請問你是怎麼知道的呢?

H: Simply phonetics studied and classified from people's own speech. That's my profession and also my hobby. You can place a man by just a few remarks. I can place any spoken conversation within six miles, and even within two streets in London sometimes.


CP: Let me congratulate you! But is there an income to be made in that?


H: Yes, indeed. Quite a good one. This is the age of the newly rich. People begin their working life in a poor neighbourhood of London with 80 pounds a year and end in a rich one with 100 thousand. But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths. Now once taught by me, she'd become an upper class lady ...

希:當然有哆,還挺高呢。這是個致富的年代 人們從倫敦的窮人區開始工作,年收入才80英鎊,最後到了富人區工作,年收入就是10萬英鎊了,但是他們一張嘴就會露出馬腳(暴露自己的身份)。如今如果讓我一教,她就會變成一個上層階級的淑女……

CP: Is that so? Extraordinary!


H: (rudely) Look at this girl with her terrible English: the English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. But, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party. Perhaps I could even find her a place as a lady's maid or a shop assistant, which requires better English.

希:(粗魯地) 你瞧這個姑娘,英語說得那樣糟糕,使她註定要在貧民窟裡待上一輩子。不過,先生,(高傲地)要是一旦有人教她把英語說好了,她就可以在三個月以內冒充公爵夫人出席大使主辦的花園晚會了。說不定我還可 以給她找份工作,當一名貴夫人的侍女或商店的店員。這些工作都要求英語說得好呢。

E: What's that you say? A shop assistant? Now that's sommat I want, that is!


H: (ignores her) Can you believe that?

希:(不理睬她) 你相信我說的話嗎?

CP: Of course! I study many Indian dialects myself and ...


H: Do you indeed? Do you know Colonel Pickering?


CP: Indeed I do, for that is me. Who are you?


H: I'm Henry Higgins and I was going to India to meet you.


CP: And I came to England to make your acquaintance!


E: What about me? How'll you help me?


H: Oh, take that. (carelessly throws a handful of money into her basket) We must have a celebration, my dear man. (leave together)

希:啊,拿去吧!(漫不經心地朝她的籃子裡扔去一把錢) 好老兄,我們該美美地慶祝一番了。(一道離去)

E: (looking at the collected money in amazement) Well, I never. A whole pound! A fortune! That'll help me, indeed it will. Tomorrow I'll find you, Henry Higgins. Just you wait and see! All that talk of (imitates him) "authentic English" ... (in her own voice) I'll see whether you can get that for me ... (goes out)

伊:(驚奇地看著收集起來的錢) 啊,我還從來沒有見過!整整一個英鎊呢!一筆財富呀!這的確給我幫大忙了,真的。明天我一定去找你,亨利·希金斯。等著瞧吧!你那口 (模仿他的聲音) “真正的英語”……(用自己的聲音) 我倒要看看你能不能幫我找到……(離去)


