
Black people in NYC twice as likely to die from COVID as white people: Data


The startling data was released by the city's Health Department Friday.


Black residents in New York City are dying from the novel coronavirus more than any other racial group, according to data released Friday by the city's Health Department.


There have been 1,999 deaths known to be of COVID-19 among black or African American people in the five boroughs, according to the data.


Black people are twice as likely as white people to die from the novel coronavirus and more than twice as likely as white people to have a non-fatal hospitalization, the data shows.


Fatalities among Hispanic or Latino people were the second-highest in the city, with at least 1,696 deaths, according to the data. At least 1,861 white people have died, making them the third-most affected group in terms of fatalities. Deaths of Asian people were lowest, at 463.



People wait on line outside of TD Bank, on April 16, 2020, in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. 2020年4月16日,在紐約哈萊姆區,人們在道明銀行外排隊。

People wait on line outside of TD Bank, on April 16, 2020, in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City.2020年4月16日,在紐約哈萊姆區,人們在道明銀行外排隊。

David Dee Delgado/Getty Images 戴維·迪·德爾加多/蓋蒂圖片社

The disparity reflected what Mayor Bill de Blasio has called "clear inequalities" as to how the virus is affecting the city.

這種差異反映了市長比爾德布拉西奧(Bill de Blasio)所說的,在病毒如何影響這座城市方面存在“明顯的不平等”。

New York City has recorded at least 11,477 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. That is more deaths in the U.S. than all of the states and more than most countries.

根據約翰霍普金斯大學(Johns Hopkins University)彙編的數據,紐約市已經記錄了至少11,477人死亡。這比美國所有的州和大多數國家的死亡人數都要多。

The city has ramped up its testing efforts to better serve neighborhoods that have been particularly hard hit, especially among minority communities.


The first three of five city-run, walk-in testing sites opened Friday in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Island. Two other testing sites, one in Manhattan and one in Queens, opened Monday.


