
The WHO said only 2 to 3% of people tested have COVID-19 antibodies, suggesting that 'immunity passports' may not be an effective policy


[email protected] (Sinéad Baker)辛妮[email protected](貝克)

April 21, 2020, 10:52 PM GMT+8

2020年4月21日晚10:52 GMT+8


antibody test


A health worker extracts blood to perform an antibody test for COVID-19 at Dworska Hospital, in Krakow, Poland, on April 9, 2020.


Omar Marques/Getty Images


  • The WHO director-general on Monday said that data suggests no more than 2 to 3% of the population have the antibodies to show they were infected by the coronavirus.
  • 世衛組織總幹事週一表示,數據顯示,不超過2%至3%的人口擁有表明自己感染了冠狀病毒的抗體。
  • These antibodies are needed to have immunity to the coronavirus before a vaccine is developed.
  • 在研製疫苗之前,這些抗體需要對冠狀病毒具有免疫力。
  • A second WHO expert said the figure is less than expected, and undermines plans to create "immunity passports" as a route back to normal life.
  • 世衛組織的另一位專家說,這一數字低於預期,破壞了建立“豁免護照”以恢復正常生活的計劃。
  • The WHO has also warned there's no evidence the coronavirus antibodies offer long-term immunity and that not all people who recover have the antibodies.
  • 世界衛生組織還警告說,沒有證據表明冠狀病毒抗體能提供長期免疫,而且並不是所有康復的人都有這種抗體。

What Could Be the Fastest Way to End the Coronavirus Crisis?



What could be the fastest way to end the coronavirus crisis?


A COVID-19 vaccine could be produced in record time, but that still won't be fast enough to to solve our current pandemic. What could: treatments. Developers all over the world are working on repurposing old drugs and creating new ones to treat COVID-19, and some could be ready by April this year. The reason treatments might be available so much sooner than a vaccine has to do with safety. We spoke with a couple researchers — one developing a treatment and one developing a vaccine — about their timelines.


The head of the World Health Organization on Monday said that likely no more than 2 to 3% of the global population have developed antibodies for COVID-19.

世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)總幹事週一說,全球人口中可能不超過2%至3%的人產生了針對COVID-19的抗體。

That is a problem for countries hoping to issue "immunity passports" as a way to get back to normal, even before a coronavirus vaccine has been developed.


A second WHO expert said the data does not yet support such a strategy, not least because it is not clear whether those who recover from COVID-19 are in fact immune.


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO's director-general, gave the 2 to 3% ballpark at a press conference on Monday, citing studies from around the world that the WHO has supported. He did not give details.

世界衛生組織總幹事泰德羅斯•阿德哈諾姆•蓋佈雷耶蘇斯(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)在週一的新聞發佈會上援引世界衛生組織支持的來自世界各地的研究,給出了2%至3%的大致估計。他沒有透露細節。


World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

世界衛生組織(世衛組織)總幹事Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus。

Fabrice COFFRINI/Getty Images

法布里斯COFFRINI /蓋蒂圖片社

Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO's technical lead on COVID-19, said that the figure was lower than expected, according to the Guardian.

據《衛報》報道,世界衛生組織covid19的技術負責人Maria Van Kerkhove表示,這一數字低於預期。

She also cast doubt on countries where officials are exploring ideas of offering "immunity passports" to those who are carrying antibodies. These countries include the US, UK, Germany, and Italy.


Chile has already endorsed the idea and said this week it would issue them to some recovered people.


Of that idea, Van Kerkhove said: "Right now, we have no evidence that the use of a serological test can show that an individual has immunity or is protected from reinfection." Serological tests are those which test the blood for antibodies.

關於這個想法,Van Kerkhove說:“目前,我們沒有證據表明使用血清學檢測可以表明一個人有免疫力或免於再次感染。”血清學檢測是指檢測血液中的抗體。

The presence of antibodies typically makes a person immune to reinfection for at least a while. But it is not yet clear what kind of protection is afforded by COVID-19 antibodies.


Some are optimistic. Anthony Fauci, the top US infectious-disease expert, has previously said he was "willing to bet anything that people who recover are really protected against reinfection."

有些人樂觀。美國頂級傳染病專家安東尼•福奇(Anthony Fauci)此前曾表示,他“願意賭上一切,賭那些康復的人真的不會再感染。”


France coronavirus



LUDOVIC MARIN/法新社蓋蒂圖片社報道

Some experts also hope antibodies from recovered patients could help treat other people with COVID-19.


Tedros did not dismiss antibody tests entirely, but said they should be part of a broader response to the pandemic, alongside the more widespread tests to see whether a person was actively infected.


He said the WHO still welcomed the rollout of antibody tests, which he said would help scientists "understand the extent of infection in the population."


