

一. 話題範圍




二. 應試錦囊



三. 看圖評論範例


From the above picture, we can see that three cooks are standing in front of four Chinese famous classic books, examining how to cook these dishes. The artist is trying to reveal a phenomenon that many classics are being adapted in different ways. In those adapted works, some plots are somewhat watered down and even changed. In addition, some familiar characters in the classics have been distorted.

I think there are some reasons for this phenomenon. In the first place, the editors want to show their creativity in every aspect and produce more works. Besides, the improved living standards enable people to pursue and enjoy more choices of entertainments including the adaptation of the classics. All these reasons contribute to the adaptation of the classics.

As a result, the adaptation of the classics may have a negative influence on people in the society. For example, the adaptation of the classics may ruin their charm because the classical literature is the representation of the outstanding art of China. What’s more, those adapted works may twist the history and do harm to the inheritance of history. Therefore, we should respect the original copyright of classics and be responsible for historical legacy.


1. Can you explain the importance of famous classic books?

2. How do we protect our intellectual property?

Sample Answers:

1. Famous classic books have significant implication for a person’s development. A lot of classic books are usually written by well-known authors. Different kinds of books tell us their own special subjects, which teach us how to do our jobs effectively, deal with problems in different ways and achieve success in life.

2. First, measures should be taken to arouse public awareness that intellectual property is protected by the laws. Next, individuals and organizations who enjoy the property must equip themselves with adequate knowledge of related laws and regulations to protect their intellectual property. Last but not least, the government should be responsible for perfecting the system of protection.

四. 看圖評論模板


As is vividly revealed in the picture, (描述圖片內容). The picture reminds us of an old Chinese saying—(用合適的諺語進一步說明圖片的含義). Undoubtedly, the symbolic meaning conveyed in the picture is (揭示圖畫的深刻含義). First, (分析第一條含義). What’s more, (進一步闡述隱含的深刻含義). Therefore, when it comes to (總結主題), the most important thing lies in (總結深刻含義). In a word, (總結全文,提出建議). Only in this way can we (強調主題).


What the drawing vividly depicts is that (圖畫主題). The picture illustrates that (圖畫反映的現象). Those who favor (觀點1) think that (原因). In contrast, people who hold the opposite opinion maintain that (觀點2). They think that (原因). And the cartoon above shows that (舉例1). For another example, (舉例2). As far as I am concerned, (表達自己的觀點). I suggest that (提出解決措施).


It is described in the picture that (圖畫內容). The picture reveals that (圖畫反映的現象). It is the most essential quality that (提出觀點). However, there are a lot of people who (持相反觀點的人). Without (反證句1). Also, without (反證句2). Furthermore, (反證句3). In one word, (總結句). To (目標), we can do many things. To begin with, we should (措施1). What’s more, (措施2). Last but not least, (措施3). All in all, (總結).


As is shown in the pictures, we can see clearly that (存在的問題). In one picture, (圖畫1的內容). On the contrary, (圖畫2的內容). These pictures show us that due attention has to be paid to (現象). If we let this situation go as it is,(現象導致的後果). Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. For one thing, we should (措施1). For another, we should (措施2). Only in this way can we (目標1). Also, I believe that (目標2).


As is illustrated in the drawing, facing (問題), one (態度1), while the other (態度2). Different people may have different attitudes towards even the same terrible situation. When confronted with (問題), some people tend to (態度1). Others, on the contrary, may (態度2). All in all, (個人觀點). So we should (解決方案).

