

一、 前后逻辑是关键:(前后一致性;连贯性)









二、完形填空 (共10小题,每题1.5分,满分15分)

More than 700 years ago,Scotland (苏格兰) was fighting with England . The king of England wanted to 16 Scotland. He had a strong army so it was 17 for the Scots to fight. They lost many times, King Robert of Scotland had to run from the English army.

16. A. leave B. control C. help D. visit

17. A. interesting B. difficult C. important D. necessary

One rainy day, King Robert lay in an old house. He thought that he was not good enough to be king. He was so 18 that he didn’t even see a spider(蜘蛛)near him. He 19 when he saw the spider climbing. It was trying to climb up its web at the top of the house but it fell down.

18. A. surprised B. bored C. worried D. lonely

19. A. looked ahead B. looked out C. looked on D. looked up

“How sad” thought King Robert. “The spider is like me. It’s not 20 enough.”He watched while the spider climbed up again. It fell down a second time.

20. A. old B. strong C. fast D. free

“Be careful, little spider,or you might die,”he said. “Life is so hard. You’ll never get back to your web.”But the spider 21 again and again. King Robert watched while it 22 climbed back to its web. After an hour, the spider got do the web.

21. A. tried B. fell C. practiced D. cheered 

22. A. finally B. easily C. slowly D. suddenly

“You are such a great 23 ,”he said.“If you can keep trying. I can too. I must keep on fighting. I won’t let the English win.” His 24 grew strong and they 25 the English army. Scotland was free.

Nobody knows if this is a true story. Many parents tell it to their children because the want them to keep trying.

23. A. player B. fighter C. soldier D. spider

24. A. army B. feeling C. opinions D. family

25. A. kept B. raised C. stopped D. joined






Before graduating college, Jackie began to look for a job. She aimed at a famous company, but the 16 for such jobs was very strong. The company Jackie chose planned to employ only one person, but more than twenty people applied for the job. 17 , Jackie was one of the three people invited for the final interview. The interview was very 18_ . The interviewer asked just a few questions and it was all over in less than 10 minutes. Then the interviewer said to them, "All of you are very good. Please go home and 19 our response.”

16. A. exam B. work C. competition D. plan

17.A. Thankfully B. Unluckily C. Hopefully D. Immediately

18. A. long B. strict C. interesting D. simple

19. A. pick up B. wait for C. deal with D. think of

Three days later, Jackie received a message saying she would not be 20 the job. She felt deeply disappointed. That evening. however she received another 21 . This time it said that she got the job.

20. A. offered B. returned C. refused D. shown

21. A. letter B. e-mail C. call D. message

Jackie later found out that the first message sent to her phone was part of the interview---a 22 to see if she was suitable for the job. All the three people received the 23 _text, but only Jackie's reply 24 the company Of the three, one did not reply. The other said “goodbye” and Jackie said “thank you”. This reply showed that Jackie was a/an 25 person, so the company offered her the job.

22. A guide B. conversation C. test D. lesson

23. A. same B. other C. second D. whole

24. A. reached B. satisfied C. helped D. surprised

25. A. brave B. clever C. polite D. honest





John suddenly jumped off the swing without even slowing down. He called out nervously, “Mom, where's Charlie? "He had just ___16___he hadn't seen his new puppy for over an hour.()

16. A. decided B. forgotten C. understood D. realized

John looked around the garden, behind the bushes, and under the picnic table. No dog! His mother heard ___17___in his voice as he called her a second time. " Mom, I can't find Charlie!"

17. A. anger B. hope C. fear D. warning

She came outside ___18___. "Let's look around the garden first. Don’t worry. I'm sure he's close by.

18. A. actively B. quickly C. carelessly D. annoyingly

Both son and mother were ___19___now, but still no Charlie. Their calls were not completely wasted, though. Joe, the next-door neighbor, and his two daughters Tania and Julie, immediately agreed to help them ___20___the lost dog.

19. A. shouting B. talking C. fighting D. thinking

20. A. give up B. look for C. run after D. take care of

But even with five people now searching the town's streets, they had no luck. Charlie was still___21___

21. A. missing B. asleep C. take D. quiet

Tania suggested they make posters with Charlie’s ___22___She had done this when her own cat was lost a year earlier, she told John, and the cat was found the next day.

22. A. address B. character C. name D. picture

John agreed. When they got home, he made a poster with a photo of Charlie, Then John heard a___23___ and opened his bedroom door. It was Charlie. John was greeted with a big wet kiss. Charlie had been___24___ in the bedroom this whole time, sleeping. John had never been so ___25___in his life!

23. A. mess B. noise C. voice D. song

24. A. shut B. woke C. tied D. saved

25. A. afraid B. silly C. happy D. proud

