瑪丹娜確診新冠!巴黎巡演 同臺表演者全感染



▼瑪丹娜出關後與攝影師好友同歡。(圖/翻攝自史蒂文卡萊恩 IG)

Some things stay around for an eternity......... and then some = masterpieces + friendships @Madonna #2020 #zoom #masterpieces #bday #quarantine #madonnafamilyandfriends #quarantinelife #zoom #dsquared2 #dsquared #mcqueen

Steven Klein(@stevenkleinstudio)分享的貼文 於

身為流行樂壇天后,瑪丹娜可以說是說到做到,美國時間2日的時候,真的外出參加攝影師好友史蒂文卡萊恩(Steven Klein)的55歲生日派對,完全無視社交禁令,除了透過直播與其他好友連線,邀請他們一同前來派對外,還多次與壽星親密擁抱,讓人直呼不可思議。

▼瑪丹娜今透露患有新冠肺炎,且同臺表演者全感染。(圖/翻攝自 瑪丹娜IG)

Im Grateful that I can be a part of supporting Research to Find the cure for Covid -19!! And just to clear things up for people who would rather believe sensationalist headlines than do their own research about the nature of this virus— I am not currently sick. When you test positive for anti-bodies it means you HAD the virus which I. clearly did as I was sick at the end of my tour in Paris over 7 weeks ago along with many other artists in my show but at the time We all thought we had a very bad flu. Thank God we are all healthy and well now. Hope that clears things up for the band wagon jumpers!! Knowledge is Power! #covid19

Madonna(@madonna)分享的貼文 於


