開啟“一帶一路”文化新交流 亞美尼亞國家愛樂中國巡演正式開啟



隨著“一帶一路”建設的深入發展,中國與“一帶一路”國家的文化交流日趨增多。2019年12月26日,在亞美尼亞駐華大使館,亞美尼亞共和國駐華大使謝爾蓋·馬納薩良(Sergey Manassarian)與阿姆斯特朗音樂藝術管理有限公司創始人兼董事長瑞·阿姆斯特朗(Wray Armstrong)聯合宣佈,亞美尼亞國家愛樂樂團將於2019年12月27日至2020年1月9日開始中國巡演。並且希望以此次亞美尼亞國家愛樂樂團來華訪問為契機,在未來共同促進中國亞美尼亞兩國更多的文化項目交流。


開啟“一帶一路”文化新交流 亞美尼亞國家愛樂中國巡演正式開啟

△ 發佈會現場圖 拍攝:劉明

左二起:亞美尼亞共和國駐華大使謝爾蓋·馬納薩良(Sergey Manassarian),阿姆斯特朗音樂藝術管理有限公司董事長瑞·阿姆斯特朗(Wray Armstrong)以及青年單簧管演奏家沈恬逸(Tony Shen)


開啟“一帶一路”文化新交流 亞美尼亞國家愛樂中國巡演正式開啟

△ 亞美尼亞國家愛樂樂團


開啟“一帶一路”文化新交流 亞美尼亞國家愛樂中國巡演正式開啟

△ 藝術總監&首席指揮:愛德華·託布奇安


開啟“一帶一路”文化新交流 亞美尼亞國家愛樂中國巡演正式開啟

△ 發佈會揭幕 馬納薩良大使 & 瑞·阿姆斯特朗 & 沈恬逸 拍攝:劉明


開啟“一帶一路”文化新交流 亞美尼亞國家愛樂中國巡演正式開啟

△ 合影 拍攝:劉明


開啟“一帶一路”文化新交流 亞美尼亞國家愛樂中國巡演正式開啟

China and Armenia Open up “The Belt and Road” Cultural Exchange; Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra Officially Starts China Tour

With the deepening development of "The Belt and Road" construction, the cultural exchange between China and "The Belt and Road" countries are increasing gradually. On December 26, 2019 in the Armenian Embassy in China, the republic of Armenia ambassador to China, Sergey Manassarian, the founder & chairman of Armstrong International Music & Arts Enterprises Ltd., Wray Armstrong jointly announced that Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra would tour in China from December 27, 2019 to January 9, 2020, and hope to take this visit as an opportunity to promote more cultural exchange between China and Armenia in the future.

Armenia is an active advocate of China's "The Belt and Road" initiative. During the five years of “The Belt and Road” construction, the exchange and cooperation between the two countries not only involved investment projects in economy and trade, but also cooperation in energy, security, culture and other fields.

The Armenia Ambassador to China, Sergey Manassarian said in his speech that the concert-tour will have a great success and ANPO will come back to China again and again, expanding the geography of tours, attracting larger audience and establishing stronger bonds. He noticed that historic tour will rise the Armenian-Chinese fruitful cooperation in the field of culture to qualitatively new level - giving an opportunity for the Chinese audience to get to know the Armenian music and high professionalism of the Armenian musicians, to feel the spirit of centuries-old culture and just to enjoy wonderful performances.

“Armstrong Music and Arts have been dedicated to the communication and transmission of 'The Belt and Road' culture. ” said Wray Armstrong, the founder and chairman of Armstrong International Music & Arts Enterprises Ltd., which organized this China Tour. “In recent years, we have organized Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Czech Philharmonic, Russia National Orchestra, Sinfonia Varsovia and other many excellent cultural representative from ‘The Belt and Road’ countries come to China to give performance. For this time, it is the first time that the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra artistic director, Eduard Topchjan led the orchestra to China, which will inevitably become an example for the cultural exchange between the two countries under “The Belt and Road”. Armenia has many great composers including Aram Ilyich Khachaturian and its music culture has a feature of strong national color and Armenian sentiment. We hope we can bring more Armenian culture projects to China together with Armenian Embassy in China, and expect to spread excellent Chinese cultural works to Armenia and other ‘The Belt and Road’ countries.”

According to Arman Padaryan, the general producer of Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra, the programme of this first China Tour is selected very carefully. He said, “The programme specially including the works of Khachaturian who is the famous Armenian composer. We hope that, through our performance with distinctive national features, it can make everybody experience the different interpretation of the music from Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra with century-long history .”

In this tour, the orchestra will cooperate with Chinese youth clarinetist Tianyi Shen to play Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Major in five concerts in Wuxi, Changzhou, Changshu, Lishui and Beijing. The young artist graduated from The Curtis Institute of Music, who has collaborated with maestro and world famous orchestras such as Zubin Mehta, Krzysztof Penderecki, Thomas Sanderling, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Russian National Orchestra, also expressed expectations for the tour. He said, “It is an influential orchestra in eastern Europe with a distinctive style and strong personality. I am very honored to attend the orchestra's first China Tour. I look forward to colliding with them.”

Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra was founded in 1925. For this first tour in China, with the leading of the artistic director and chief conductor Eduard Topchjan, it will make ten concerts in Shanghai Grand Theatre, Shenzhen Concert Hall, Wuxi Grand Theatre, Changshu Grand Theatre, Changzhou Grand Theatre, Lishui Grand Theatre, Xiamen Cangjiang Theatre, Wuhan Qintai Concert Hall and National Centre for the Performing Arts.

開啟“一帶一路”文化新交流 亞美尼亞國家愛樂中國巡演正式開啟

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☞ 官方網站:http://www.armstrongmusic.cc/

